View Full Version : Stagefright before a big show

24-05-18, 08:24
I'm a singer-songwriter and music graduate who never ever performs, only once in a blue moon with my friends in a band every now and then (as a backup singer). But as I am keen to go into songwriting (for local ads or national or for record labels) I sent off my songs to the local BBC with my singing (I CAN sing, I choose not to follow it through due to my anxiety) and have been asked to perform at a festival this Saturday alongside 3 others to showcase local "upcoming artists". We each have 15 minutes to showcase a few songs and I'm aware the opportunity is the best I've ever had but I performed two nights ago at a local bar to test out my set and though I got through it, I was shaking and hyperventilating. I'm petrified, but as I have done 3 years music performance I do know some calming techniques but I'm really scared I'll start shaking as I did a few nights ago. Any tips?

24-05-18, 13:20
I'll try to help as I've been performing publicly for over 40 years. While I've had stage "jitters", I'm not a sufferer and have never had actual stage fright. I believe it's natural to get the adrenaline flowing before a performance. It's actually a good thing and the performance benefits from the extra energy.

What I suggest is exactly what you've already done. Despite your fear, you pushed through and obviously "can" do it. For me at this point it's just 2nd nature. I know my material forward, backward and sideways. Take the time and practice. When you think you've practiced enough, practice some more. When the music part is like muscle memory, it allows your performance to come from the heart. If you have to retreat into yourself while performing, do it. This is what you've worked so hard for so don't allow a little natural stage fright to hold you back. the more you do it, the easier it will become.

Break a leg and let us know how you make out!

Positive thoughts

24-05-18, 20:39
I have acted on stage and on tv before.
I am know where near as talented as you are though and i get stage frieght.
But you just have to continue doing what you are doing with the calming techniques.
I wish you luck or as we say in acting break a leg.
Keep us informed.

25-05-18, 08:39
I am a guitar player and we gigg with our band on regular basis.

I always get ectopics or extra heartbeats before going on stage. In the beginning I played a lot of mistakes because I was focused on my body and not on the music.

Performing alot makes it easier in the long run. You get more used to it.

I get them less now and somethimes not.
If i get them I ignore them and go on.

So I kinda know what you feel.

Don't give up music, it will get better.
And if you succeed to be in the music while performing you will not feel anything anymore except love for your music [emoji6].

It is actually better than drugs.
Drugs is for pussy's, music for the elites, like you are!

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28-05-18, 08:31
Guys thanks SO much for the kind replies!
You all had good tips and advice etc and it helped me calm down but I spent the entire day with butterflies so I was SO unbelievably worried UNTIL I got onstage and somehow the nerves eased off and I apparently performed the best I ever have - I had an interview too which I didn't stutter on so THANK YOU ALL.
The anxiety still haunts me though and I only ate a quarter of a sandwich yesterday which was dangerous (I was scared of feeling sick so the anxiety won there).. also struggling to eat today BUT I'm pleased to say I am not gonna let this get in the way of my dream. I hope you guys also never let the irrational but consistent power of our anxiety stop you from doing what your heart desires.