View Full Version : Really weird but extreme symptoms

24-05-18, 10:48
About a week ago I developed a cough and inflammation type feeling in my lungs. I was coughing up thick mucus and went to the doctors who said it was just a virus. It then moved from my lungs and upwards towards my trachea briefly until now its like I have a swollen gland inside my throat on the right side, its painful to swallow and I feel like its half covering my vocal cords.

I have barely any cough, my right ear hurt a little and up the side of my neck. I didn't feel severely virusy or fluey. Only slightly.

The weird stuff thats started is that I have severe pin pointed pain in approx ten places all over my chest and stomach. Like gland type pain. I'm worried its my lymph nodes. I feel it mostly on the left side of my chest deep inside. Out of 10 I'd say this pain is 8.

I have burning watery eyes and I've developed sores around my mouth even though I don't get cold sores.

I've been googling all morning and its coming up with lymphoma, sarcoidosis and other horrible diseases.

I feel like I'm pestering doctors as it is. God forbid I tell them I have 'something else' wrong with me on my never ending list.

24-05-18, 15:31
Hey there

I know what you're saying. I've been constantly at my doctors these past few months. I always feel pretty awkward when I ask about the next thing wrong with me.. Never ending, indeed.

I've have watery eyes, mouth sores and a dry throat at the moment. As well as some rib and knee aches. I've got enlarged lymph nodes on either side of the groin which have gotten larger.

My doctor has got me booked for an ultrasound/biopsy due to them getting bigger and more immovable.

Hopefully it's all nothing, but the best thing anyone can do is speak to their doctor about it. It is their job after all. Better safe than sorry I say. I understand that there's a line of worry and excess, but I'd much rather feel I'm looking after myself than worry about anything else.

Get it checked out. I'm sure it'll be okay :)

24-05-18, 15:45
Sounds like a cold

24-05-18, 16:03
Yes it does sound like a cold virus. It’s just the way you’re typing it - and therefore FEELING it, that makes it sound worse.
Viruses can be horrible, but it’ll pass soon. Keep hydrated, rest and stop googling.

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