View Full Version : Swollen Neck Feeling

24-05-18, 17:29
I thought I would ask here to get some knowledgeable feedback, I do NOT want to google this.

Can allergies with the change of seasons make it feel like your lymph nodes are swollen? Right under the back of my jaw it feels like it's swollen. Everything looks normal, feels normal to the touch, nothing is tender. Just a general feeling of being swollen. Has been this way for almost two weeks. I have allergies and chronic stuffy nose/nasal drip and my right ear is plugged up when I wake up most mornings and I'm jaw clencher. I have a general yearly physical next week and I will bring this up with my doctor but I just wanted to come on here to quell my anxieties, if possible.

24-05-18, 18:47
I've got the same on one side only and also the feeling that something is stuck in my throat. I have all the same issues as you - allergies, post nasal drip, plugged ears, neck and shoulder tension and nocturnal jaw clenching, however I've had all these for years and never had this before the past couple of weeks. I'm seeing a doctor next week about it.

24-05-18, 20:18
I've had this feeling before, just doesn't last as long. I'm hoping this is something that I feel because I'm dwelling on it and constantly touching that area.

24-05-18, 22:41
I thought I would ask here to get some knowledgeable feedback, I do NOT want to google this.

Can allergies with the change of seasons make it feel like your lymph nodes are swollen? Right under the back of my jaw it feels like it's swollen. Everything looks normal, feels normal to the touch, nothing is tender. Just a general feeling of being swollen. Has been this way for almost two weeks. I have allergies and chronic stuffy nose/nasal drip and my right ear is plugged up when I wake up most mornings and I'm jaw clencher. I have a general yearly physical next week and I will bring this up with my doctor but I just wanted to come on here to quell my anxieties, if possible.

I hear you. I have chronic hay fever and congestion usually clogs my sinuses. When that happens, everything feels swolen - neck, jaw, face...you name it. I had sinusitis caused by hay fever this April (have had it pretty much every spring since I was a small child) - for a week I felt like there was a brick permanently attached to my head and neck. However, unpleasant as it is, it is nothing serious and no cause for worry. Do bring this with your doctor though because he can help you with congestion that is probably the culprit here.

25-05-18, 19:06
Thanks for the feedback. I do appreciate and it has helped. It's just hard to not dwell on when you can feel something, whether its real or psychosomatic.