View Full Version : Would a blood test show Lymphoma or other blood cancers (other illness worries also

25-05-18, 01:01
I was just wondering, I had a bloods done in both October and February. Each time they came back good. In the ones I got done in October my iron levels and vitamin b12 were low but they had gone up in my February ones.

I was at the Doctor a few weeks ago to discus a issues with my collarbone. She gave me some physical exams like moving eyebrows and a few others. She also had a good feel around. She gave me some cream and said she didn't feel anything. Yet I feel like the pain in my collarbone is mostly gone but it's a issue with my neck now and behind my ear. I feel like there's lumps and it's hard lump behind my ear. I have a lot of pain in my neck but I know this can be from tension but it's worse than anything I've ever felt before. I was sick with a cold/virus a few weeks back because there was one going around college. I also had a lot of tension headaches and head pressure which is kinda on and off now but returns every now and again.

I also feel like my body takes ages to heal and gets more badly bruised then ever. I also feel so exhausted a lot of the time. I know a lot of people post about these fear but I've tried everything to stop worrying yet I can't. My chest has started to hurt and my breathing a issues but I think that's to do with my anxiety.

I've been worrying about something being missed non-stop. I can't discus anything with my family or friends because they are already at their wits end with me. I did have another post on this but I was kinda having a melt down so I did delete it. Which I know isn't right and I thank every one who did reply but it was hard for me to look back at myself in such a break down and I was worried it would set things off even worse again.

Thank you for reading and for any reply

25-05-18, 01:54
You deleted your other thread because as you said, "Worried about mental state when reviewing it" yet you immediately started another one. If you're concerned about your mental state, wouldn't it be prudent to look into getting help with that? :shrug:

Positive thoughts

25-05-18, 01:58
A blood test would have shown something. My father in law had leukemia and it was glaringly obvious in his blood work

25-05-18, 02:02
You deleted your other thread because as you said, "Worried about mental state when reviewing it" yet you immediately started another one. If you're concerned about your mental state, wouldn't it be prudent to look into getting help with that? :shrug:

Positive thoughts

Well, I have been going to therapy for about a year now. I had some under lining issues with my mental health issue I had to deal with. I've tried discussing health anxiety more in my last few session. As I found this issue is staring to over-take my life more than the issues I originally went for. I tried to make a sooner appointment to see my therapist today but she's away on holidays until 11th of June! I know it isn't healthy coping reasons and I am ashamed of that.

---------- Post added at 02:02 ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 ----------

A blood test would have shown something. My father in law had leukemia and it was glaringly obvious in his blood work

I'm very sorry to hear that about your father in law, thank you taking the time to reply!

25-05-18, 02:05
I know it isn't healthy coping reasons and I am ashamed of that.

If you know this isn't healthy for you (and it isn't), what strategies that you learned in therapy that last year could you employ to help you cope better until your next appointment?

Positive thoughts

25-05-18, 05:14
Blood tests don’t always show something is wrong. My doctor told me that.

25-05-18, 08:53
Blood tests don’t always show something is wrong. My doctor told me that.

They do show up blood cancers though.

25-05-18, 12:38
Fairly certain both Lymphoma and Leukemia would be found in a blood test.

(Not a doctor or medical advice).

25-05-18, 13:31
If you know this isn't healthy for you (and it isn't), what strategies that you learned in therapy that last year could you employ to help you cope better until your next appointment?

Positive thoughts

The issue I was there weren't really anxiety based but I did learn about calming and reasoning. I've tried using them but over the last few days it didn't really help. I'm put more effort into it today and I'm feeling more positive.

---------- Post added at 13:28 ---------- Previous post was at 13:26 ----------

They do show up blood cancers though.

Like, I know they wouldn't show everything but I was thinking at least they would show a issue like these? Like I also had the physical like I said above. I'm probably reading to much into the issues and making non-sinister things into something sinister. Like I know this sounds silly but I don't want to google it but is Lymphoma a type of blood cancer? I don't want to look it up because I know I'll be down that rabbit hole again and I don't want to start things off like that today.

---------- Post added at 13:31 ---------- Previous post was at 13:28 ----------

Fairly certain both Lymphoma and Leukemia would be found in a blood test.

(Not a doctor or medical advice).

Like I do know that the test wouldn't outright say that was the issue but I'm just trying to believe if there was something up it would have clued into that a little bit? Like I'm trying to tell myself that most of the neck pain/stiffness is coming from muscle tension at most and maybe I pulled a muscle somehow. That there isn't anything that lumpy there or if it is it isn't anything serious or sinister anyway.

I guess I can give myself some piece of mind about the Leukemia in a way but Lymphoma keeps coming up again and again in my mind. It's exhausting if I'm not worried about that my mind goes to some other issues.

25-05-18, 16:45
I was just wondering, I had a bloods done in both October and February. Each time they came back good. In the ones I got done in October my iron levels and vitamin b12 were low but they had gone up in my February ones.

I was at the Doctor a few weeks ago to discus a issues with my collarbone. She gave me some physical exams like moving eyebrows and a few others. She also had a good feel around. She gave me some cream and said she didn't feel anything. Yet I feel like the pain in my collarbone is mostly gone but it's a issue with my neck now and behind my ear. I feel like there's lumps and it's hard lump behind my ear. I have a lot of pain in my neck but I know this can be from tension but it's worse than anything I've ever felt before. I was sick with a cold/virus a few weeks back because there was one going around college. I also had a lot of tension headaches and head pressure which is kinda on and off now but returns every now and again.

I also feel like my body takes ages to heal and gets more badly bruised then ever. I also feel so exhausted a lot of the time. I know a lot of people post about these fear but I've tried everything to stop worrying yet I can't. My chest has started to hurt and my breathing a issues but I think that's to do with my anxiety.

I've been worrying about something being missed non-stop. I can't discus anything with my family or friends because they are already at their wits end with me. I did have another post on this but I was kinda having a melt down so I did delete it. Which I know isn't right and I thank every one who did reply but it was hard for me to look back at myself in such a break down and I was worried it would set things off even worse again.

Thank you for reading and for any reply

Think of it this way: you have literally more chance to be struck by a thunderbolt than to BOTH doctors and lab technicians should miss something sinister. Moreover, remember that anxiety also causes wide range of physical symptoms as well (including aches, pains, fatigue, breathlessness, panic attacks and so on) - you said it yourself, as soon as you felt "more positive", you improved your way of thinking as well. Just keep up the good work and physical symptoms will subside as well.

One more thing - some bodies take more time to heal. It is natural - it does not mean you have leukemia or diabetes or whatever. We are all different - for example, my wounds/scratches/bruises heal super fast, but I need (due to my chronic sinus issues) at least 10 days to properly recover from a cold, while other people get well much, much faster.

26-05-18, 00:48
Think of it this way: you have literally more chance to be struck by a thunderbolt than to BOTH doctors and lab technicians should miss something sinister. Moreover, remember that anxiety also causes wide range of physical symptoms as well (including aches, pains, fatigue, breathlessness, panic attacks and so on) - you said it yourself, as soon as you felt "more positive", you improved your way of thinking as well. Just keep up the good work and physical symptoms will subside as well.

One more thing - some bodies take more time to heal. It is natural - it does not mean you have leukemia or diabetes or whatever. We are all different - for example, my wounds/scratches/bruises heal super fast, but I need (due to my chronic sinus issues) at least 10 days to properly recover from a cold, while other people get well much, much faster.

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply!
I'm doing my best to believe in the fact I have had so much done medical!

---------- Post added at 00:48 ---------- Previous post was at 00:44 ----------

Update: So I sent most of the day out with my friends! While I did have some moments of panic and it's slowly creeping in at the late night I'm doing my best to keep it back!

I still had a lot of neck pain today but I manged not to poke around today. I've also had some like fullness/pressure at the point under my ear when it connects to my neck and in some areas around my face but I've manged to keep hands off! Which I'm strangely happy about that.

Most of my anxiety is dying down slightly, I'm doing my best to use my therapy lessons! Keep positive and bounce back from what had happened and believe surely if I did have one of those sinister issues they would have found them at this stage since I've been in and out of the doctor a lot the last few months.

Thank all of you so much for taking the time to reply! It means so much

26-05-18, 02:19
I read the Ops last thread and it came across that she was worried about other conditions, not just blood cancer.

There is no point running off having multiple blood tests to reassure yourself that all is fine because as I said not all conditions show in blood tests. It’s like having a CT scan for colon cancer. Yes it is a good test for picking something up. But it can miss “hidden” things. So while a colonoscopy is invasive it is much more definitive.

I think we need to be honest here. People here are always going off getting there blood tested for one thing or another. It is pointless if it is just being used as a way of feeling reassured that nothing is wrong.

OP are you having CBT?

26-05-18, 02:28
I read the Ops last thread and it came across that she was worried about other conditions, not just blood cancer.

There is no point running off having multiple blood tests to reassure yourself that all is fine because as I said not all conditions show in blood tests. It’s like having a CT scan for colon cancer. Yes it is a good test for picking something up. But it can miss “hidden” things. So while a colonoscopy is invasive it is much more definitive.

I think we need to be honest here. People here are always going off getting there blood tested for one thing or another. It is pointless if it is just being used as a way of feeling reassured that nothing is wrong.

OP are you having CBT?

I didn't ask for the blood tests either times. My doctor ordered them because of issues she wanted to look into some issues. I'm not planning on going back and asking for another blood test anytime soon. I have to do another round of B12 shoots in July as my doctor wishes and after I'm finished those my Doctor's office always has those results checked over.

Yeah, I've been in therapy/CBT for over a year now. It was mainly to do with a event that had happened to me a few years early (nothing to do with health anxiety). I have brought up this issues the last few session as he I felt it was becoming unruly. I tried to get a appointment sooner as I felt myself start to slip a lot but she isn't back from holidays until the 11th of June.

I'm aware that I'm being dramatic in a lot of my thinking but that comes from other events that happened. It's just moved to health. I'm doing my best to improve and work on that. I was having a stressful time in college and I don't I wasn't very coping very well with a lot of stuff at once and my thoughts spilled over into over-drive.

26-05-18, 18:24
Update 2:
I'm feeling more positive today! I did mange to use some lesson I've learned in therapy to try and calm my thoughts.

While I'm still having some of the phyical issues, I'm trying to remind myself that all of this isn't always something so sinister. While I was out last night I manged to get two nasty enough fly bites that are really taking the look off my nice summer clothes ��. It's also very hard to keep my hands to myself and not inch them but I'm doing my best! I've also manged to stay calm about them and not poke at them which is a nice change!

As some people have pointed out, I can't keep running back to the doctor for blood tests every time there's a issue like this. I'm going to try and believe if there was anything seriously wrong they would have found it at this stage! It's summer time and I'm finished college and I'm going to do my damn best to enjoy the summer! I've wasted so much time needless worrying about something that I propably don't have and need to just get out there.

(of course it's always easier said than done but I'm going to make myself try even harder for the positive!)

27-05-18, 04:02
I’m so glad you are feeling more positive today!

To answer your question, your recent blood work would most likely have shown something if you had blood cancer. I recently had some blood work that was quite a bit out of the normal range. I was worried, but my doctor told me that when something really wrong is going on, it is blatantly obvious in the blood work.

I hope you continue to feel better!

27-05-18, 20:39
I’m so glad you are feeling more positive today!

To answer your question, your recent blood work would most likely have shown something if you had blood cancer. I recently had some blood work that was quite a bit out of the normal range. I was worried, but my doctor told me that when something really wrong is going on, it is blatantly obvious in the blood work.

I hope you continue to feel better!

Thank you for taking the time to reply! I'm doing my best to keep on the positive path! :D

---------- Post added at 20:10 ---------- Previous post was at 20:04 ----------

Update 3: So today has actually been a really good day! I manged to use some reasoning techniques. Like for example:

I've just accepted that the neck pain/stiff etc is probably just a muscle issue and will work itself out in time! I've also mange to not poke or touch my neck or any areas I think might have lumps or bumps!

Sometimes the more you stress about it the more it hurts you know. I've also had a lot of leg pain but I looked at the date and remembered my cycle is just about to begin and I always get leg pain around that stage!

I've always noticed that the white of my eyes are a kinda yellowish/broken vains but I've had iron issues so it could be a result of that or maybe rubbing at my eyes or maybe it's because I have sinus/hay-fever due to the weather! I had a eye test about a year ago. Also if it was that awful surely my Family would be a little bit more worried about it.

There's some other stuff I've manged to talk myself around about rather than going into full break down again and worrying about everything. I still have moments but I'm doing my best to push along!

Onwards and upwards hopeful! :)

---------- Post added at 20:39 ---------- Previous post was at 20:10 ----------

Like? I just thought about all the tests I've had done:

Two blood tests

One special blood tests for heart health (which I was perfect on and still worry at times. Escpially when I'm falling asleep at night and my heart rates feels/slow/weak but I'm improving!)

I've also had a few ECG done on my heart and they never wanted to go further.

I've had two chest x-rays

A lower section of the body CT scan (Kidneys, pancreas etc) so I got stomach pains and I used to Freak out by it all came back clear if anything serious. So if I ever get stomach pains I shrug it off to something non sinister

I've also had a ultra sound of my stomach and everything seemed okay?

I've had a few breath tests done, two stool samples, some other types of bloods I wasn't sure what they were for.

My doctor has looked over me physical a number of times but I feel like every time she clears a issue I go home and feel like I find a lump in another area and just start to Freak out?

She also did like some phyical activities with me like squeeze her thumbs, raise my eyebrows etc.

I also was at the dentist this year and he did xrays and looked around.

I've had all these tests done within the last 9 months. So surely if there was anything like heart issue, some type of cancer like lymphoma or brain tumor or pancreas would have been found? Like something somewhere would have been a issue?

It's like now I'm worried about my neck/cheek/jaw/brain because I've never been tested there?

27-05-18, 21:49
It's like now I'm worried about my neck/cheek/jaw/brain because I've never been tested there?

Oh boy does this sound like me!

I know I've not got anything wrong with my chest, blood, or mouth because all those areas have been checked out. But I had constipation again this morning and am worrying about my colon, and after reading about lymphoma perhaps only being detected via biopsy, I've got that concern back again too. :doh:

Seeing a neurologist this week, so I'll probably get an all clear and that will be another segment I can cross off my list of worries. :roflmao:

27-05-18, 21:55
Oh boy does this sound like me!

I know I've not got anything wrong with my chest, blood, or mouth because all those areas have been checked out. But I had constipation again this morning and am worrying about my colon, and after reading about lymphoma perhaps only being detected via biopsy, I've got that concern back again too. :doh:

Seeing a neurologist this week, so I'll probably get an all clear and that will be another segment I can cross off my list of worries. :roflmao:

And here I was hoping that I could just move along with the hope that if there was anything wrong it would have been picked up... Like with lymphoma :doh: Like I'm trying not to dwell on it to much. I'm sure if I'm my doctor was worried about that being a choice she would have looked into it more? Like I don't know if a blood test would out right say lymphoma but I would think something would be off anyway? Or hope at least? That's put me on edge a little to be honest!

Anyway, I hope and wish you the very best! That you only get news and countine into happiness :)

27-05-18, 21:57
So I just went through a big lymphoma scare. I had a biopsy that came back benign (yay!) but I’m still being watched by oncologist bleh. But anyway I’ve done tons and tons and tons of research on leukemia and lymphoma while going through testing. So, leukemia Would definitely show up in blood work so if a doctor has seen your bloodwork and let you leave the office you are fine on that. You wouldn’t have normal blood work with leukemia. Your white cell count would be like super duper low or sky high. However lymphoma does not show in blood work most of the time however I will be honest it doesn’t seem like you have any symptoms of lymphoma. I too have swollen nodes in neck, collarbone, and behind ear as well but like I said I had a benign biopsy. If you have been sick recently that’s a good sign that is why your nodes are swollen. And if they hurt that is also a good sign as lymphoma nodes do not hurt typically. I’d bet big money you do NOT have lymphoma and you definitely don’t have leukemia. Hope you can have a nice worry free rest of your day!

27-05-18, 22:11
So I just went through a big lymphoma scare. I had a biopsy that came back benign (yay!) but I’m still being watched by oncologist bleh. But anyway I’ve done tons and tons and tons of research on leukemia and lymphoma while going through testing. So, leukemia Would definitely show up in blood work so if a doctor has seen your bloodwork and let you leave the office you are fine on that. You wouldn’t have normal blood work with leukemia. Your white cell count would be like super duper low or sky high. However lymphoma does not show in blood work most of the time however I will be honest it doesn’t seem like you have any symptoms of lymphoma. I too have swollen nodes in neck, collarbone, and behind ear as well but like I said I had a benign biopsy. If you have been sick recently that’s a good sign that is why your nodes are swollen. And if they hurt that is also a good sign as lymphoma nodes do not hurt typically. I’d bet big money you do NOT have lymphoma and you definitely don’t have leukemia. Hope you can have a nice worry free rest of your day!

That's wonderful news! :D:D:D!! I'm so happy for you! Sorry I know I'm propbaly being dramatic and stuff. It's just I don't get the typical thing like nights sweats-no at least not anything I've really noticed. It's been very warm here. I haven't really lost weight either. I've had a strange like fullness feeling at where my jaw and ear that hurts sometimes when I chew. My doctor did have a feel around but I always feel like I find more lumps after that! I guess I see other people's stories or thoughts and I just freak out. If not lymphoma or another illness!

Thank you so much for taking the time to write that! It means so so much. Once again I'm so happy for you and your good news! I've had to stop myself the last few days from ringing my doctor and asking her if she thinks this could be possible. Like I've had this pain and stiff in in my neck for over a month now! I feel lumps in my neck/hairline area and behind ear etc all the time and I can't remember what's normal and what's not! It's exhausting tbh. I'm sure you've had it way worse tho!

Once again thank you so much :hugs::hugs:

27-05-18, 22:27
And here I was hoping that I could just move along with the hope that if there was anything wrong it would have been picked up... Like with lymphoma :doh: Like I'm trying not to dwell on it to much. I'm sure if I'm my doctor was worried about that being a choice she would have looked into it more? Like I don't know if a blood test would out right say lymphoma but I would think something would be off anyway? Or hope at least? That's put me on edge a little to be honest!

Anyway, I hope and wish you the very best! That you only get news and countine into happiness :)

I know that feeling! :weep: My doctor seemed unconcerned about lymphoma even though I can feel multiple nodes and also have night sweats (minor ones), I've also lost some weight but nothing major/worrying. :shrug:

I was sure lymphoma would have shown up on a blood test too, but then I read that it doesn't. I would have thought if I had that, something would have been thrown off too, especially when they tested my blood for about 12 different markers.

Anyway, I'll see how things go with the neurologist first, maybe I've just gone mental. :wacko:

All the best to you too! I'm sure we'll both be fine and are just dealing with some extreme HA or something.

28-05-18, 14:41
I just a went to a specialist about lymphoma, and no, a blood test can’t diagnose it, but something is still generally off in your blood work that warrants further testing. Your labs would likely still be abnormal.

28-05-18, 15:43
I just a went to a specialist about lymphoma, and no, a blood test can’t diagnose it, but something is still generally off in your blood work that warrants further testing. Your labs would likely still be abnormal.

That's very reassuring! Thank you for posting Nervous Mommy. :D

28-05-18, 15:50
I just a went to a specialist about lymphoma, and no, a blood test can’t diagnose it, but something is still generally off in your blood work that warrants further testing. Your labs would likely still be abnormal.

I hope you're doing okay and that the specialist only had good news for you! Thank you for taking the time to reply! And for passing on that information.

28-05-18, 16:35
I hope you're doing okay and that the specialist only had good news for you! Thank you for taking the time to reply! And for passing on that information.

Additionally, keep in mind that even "abormal" test can be from far more simple systems. When i was worried about my heart, during my worst panic, I completely threw my labs off (anemic, low potassium, etc). Within a month, i had made progress to calming down, and sure enough, everything basically came back to normal.

Always keep in mind, that lab results are only a part of the picture, and most meaningful in presence of clinical examination.

28-05-18, 20:18
Additionally, keep in mind that even "abormal" test can be from far more simple systems. When i was worried about my heart, during my worst panic, I completely threw my labs off (anemic, low potassium, etc). Within a month, i had made progress to calming down, and sure enough, everything basically came back to normal.

Always keep in mind, that lab results are only a part of the picture, and most meaningful in presence of clinical examination.

Absolutely! I’ve had low white blood count purely from anxiety!

01-06-18, 22:40
So! Thank you so much to everyone who took the time and effort to reply to this thread. I went away with my partner for a few days and I'll be honest, I don't think I had any anxiety at all? I didn't think about most of these issues are anything that did happen I didn't really dwell on so it was a amazing time!

I manged to not poke or feel around. I did have night sweats...but it's been a bit of a heat wave in Ireland so I'm ruling it in with that! I have some of the stuffiness/pressure feeling in my ear/jaw area but I only kinda noticed it again when I came home? Like along with my itchiness/neck pain whatever more I said etc! Leg pain/bone pain whatever my mind tries to tell me is probably from walking so much during the trip!

From as I can tell there's no viable lumps in my skin? And I've manged not to poke around for a whole week! Like those lumps or bumps I did worry about would probably have grown in the last few weeks/months I've been worrying about everything. Like I had some nasty fly bites on my legs and they took awhile to heal but they did heal? Surely if my body was fighting something more serious it wouldn't heal within like just over a week and well?

I really do think if I had any major issue like Lymphoma/cancer/other deadly illness! I have to go back to the Doctor in July to get another few rounds of vitamin B12 and other blood test are that to check all my levels in August I think? So anything would show up in that at that stage anyway! I'm going to try and stay away from the doctor's until they actually want me back!

Once again, Thank you to everyone who's replied to this and I hope you're all going to kind a comfort in know your worries! :):D

03-06-18, 21:34
So, I know it's not ever easy but it seems a little like one step forward and ten steps back.

Yesterday and today have been great. Physical and mentally. I've been having issues I haven't had in a long time again like stool issues/stomach pain. Chest pains and feeling like I'm having a heart attack- brain strange. Feeling out of it. Pains in so many different areas of my body. So very intense. Strange pressure in my teeth, temples, ear area on one side. So all the cancer worries and other illness etc are pressing on my mind but thank you so much to everyone who has offered me advice and info. I do try to use it in my self reminded process.

My head just feels so full both with mental pressure and physical pressure. Like my Mam was watching a TV show and the person in the interview remarked something about how they thought their daughter had sinus issues but of course it was something way worse. I know deep down that just because it happened to someone different doesn't mean it will happen to me.

As awful as I'm feeling physical, I'm still holding strong on going back to the GP so soon. I want to be able to reassure myself. To get this skill while I'm young so I don't carry it with me for the rest of my life.

Like trying to explain to myself that some of the leg/bone pain as well as the lower back pain could be a result as my period just being over. Like surely I have so many tests they would have found something. It's almost been a year of this anxiety hell.

I have stay away from google and /finally/ opened up to my Mam and Boyfriend about my real worries. Both health anxiety and other worries. They were both wonderful. Which makes me feel kinda bad. I'm going to try and hold out for my therapy appointment on the 11th! I'm trying to remind myself that process is long and hard.

05-06-18, 19:42
The last two days have been a mixed bag?

The pain in my neck is starting to return but Ive manged to keep hands off and not poke to see if there was any lumps or bumps. I'm not starting that cycle again.

I've also had a lot of pain in both my legs in a lot of different areas but the main and most constant is in my right leg area at the knee and along the cave area. I'm trying to tell myself that this could just be a result of walking a lot or something non sister. Not thinking into to much about when and how it hurts because there could be a million different reasons for that now. I did mange to stop myself from feeling around my legs to see if I could find any lumps! Which I'm rather happy about in a way.

The thing that had been at me the most was that I've been incredibly exhausted. Like I've been bearly able to keep my eyes opened most of the day and have to nap for a good news hours and yet I still fall asleep very early at night without doing much. I'm trying to tell myself this is a result of the very hot weather we've had in Ireland and maybe mixed with I've just finished my cycle which was rather heavy? Well I'm sure there's some non sinister reason.

I'm trying to keep myself calm! Not running off to the doctor with a ever growing list of illness once again. Just going to hold on for my vitiam b12 shoots in July and talk to her after that.

I'm trying to just enjoy my summer and not let the fact its nearly been a year since my breakdown get me down to much or end up back where I was this time last year.

05-06-18, 20:15
It sounds like you’re making a good effort to cope with your fears and sensations and not let the anxiety get the best of you....well done. Of course pains and tiredness can be brought on by heat and additional activity in the summer. That’s a much more likely explanation than anything sinister.

05-06-18, 20:39
It sounds like you’re making a good effort to cope with your fears and sensations and not let the anxiety get the best of you....well done. Of course pains and tiredness can be brought on by heat and additional activity in the summer. That’s a much more likely explanation than anything sinister.

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply! I'm doing my best to keep in my mind what I've learned in therapy and trying to stay level headed before my next session. It just feels like there's also another issues after the other!

The way I try to cope is by saying I've been hBing huge health anxiety for the best year and if there was something hugely wrong I'd be getting way, way worse. Like the last few days I've had the awful buzz words pop into my mind like the typical "cancer" "tumor" "illness" etc. Yet like I've said before. I've had so many tests surely they would have noticed if something was off!

Onwards and upwards hopefully :)

07-06-18, 19:59
I did my best to try and stay as calm as possible today but it doesn't seem to really work.

I found another lump just under my jaw/ear area. While I was just rubbing a itch in my neck today. I feel horrible. I was bearly able to keep my eyes opened at all today and feel asleep a number of times. I also a pain in a lot of areas in my body I won't even list because I've already done so before. I just feel so miserable and horrible.

My heart rate has been going through the roof! I know it's propbaly from the stress. I've tried to calm myself but it won't work. I feel so out out it. My head wants to crack open with phyical and mental pressure. I'm doing my best to remind myself over and over again that I wasn't going to go to the doctor in June and I feel so alone. I'm so scared to touch anywhere because there's always a new lump or something worrying. I know it would be a joke to say I'm worried about this lump when all the lumps I've been worried about were nothing....yet I'm still getting the panic of I finally found something. This is really what is going to end me.

Sorry for the rant. I just to write something. I know a theapry appoiment Monday so here's hoping.

07-06-18, 20:06
You know the nature of health anxiety is to constantly find new things to worry about. As soon as you feel ok with one thing, another “symptom” appears. Think back to the clear tests you’ve had previously and keep using the techniques from therapy to get you through until Monday.

07-06-18, 20:09
I'm that sort of mood today too, was very tempted to try finding another doctor and/or take a trip to the hospital this morning, just because I still don't feel right. :wacko: But I'm going to do my best and try to wait until the one I've scheduled comes up.

I know a theapry appoiment Monday so here's hoping.

Hopefully this goes well for you! :D Keep us posted.

07-06-18, 20:16
I'm that sort of mood today too, was very tempted to try finding another doctor and/or take a trip to the hospital this morning, just because I still don't feel right. :wacko: But I'm going to do my best and try to wait until the one I've scheduled comes up.

Hopefully this goes well for you! :D Keep us posted.

Yeah it's all about holding on I guess! Not feeding into it to much and stuff. Thanks!

---------- Post added at 20:16 ---------- Previous post was at 20:13 ----------

You know the nature of health anxiety is to constantly find new things to worry about. As soon as you feel ok with one thing, another “symptom” appears. Think back to the clear tests you’ve had previously and keep using the techniques from therapy to get you through until Monday.

Thanks for the reply! It's like I know things are okay or nothing to sinister at least but the what ifs keep popping up! It's propbaly just a phyical slump! Like I manged to not going poking around that area again! I'm doing my best to keep busy until the appoiment! I've gone on a few different day activities and such! You really are a moment of clarity! Thank you once again

09-06-18, 18:46
I've been doing my best to stay active and filling my days with activy over the last few days to try and keep my mind from over working it's self. Which is a blessing in a way and a curse in another! (like I was a fool today and wore black jeans in 26 degree heat :doh:!)

I still have anxiety over certain issues like pain in my my leg that happens every day but not like 24/7. It seems to have spread to my lower back/pelvis area also! But I'm trying to use my reasoning tests I learned in therapy. Like saying I've been doing a lot of moving and traveling in the heat and could be the main issue or I could just pulled a muscle. Pain for a slightly prolong period of time doesn't mean cancer or something other big issue.

I've manged to not feel around my neck/any other other area I thought I had felt lumps. I've been worrying lumps for months now. Surely if there was a issue it would be visable and very lagre at this stage! I also started to worry about sweating at night--which of course my mind dropped to the sinster idea of nights sweat meaning lymphoma or some type of cancer! Rather than the simple reason of its u normally hot in Ireland and my room isn't very airy!

I still have some of the other issues like ear/jaw fullness but I'm trying to do my best not to worry and remind u self over and over again that I've had a lot of tests. Surely there would be something a miss somewhere at this stage! I'm keeping going my no doctor I'm June promise so far!

So well I'm still somewhere worried about a long list of cancers or other deadly illness. I'm trying my best to remind myself to use my therapy reasons! I have a season again on Monday and my therapist is always good at helping me putting everything back into the pitcher once again. I'll just keep using reasons methods and stuff till then!

10-06-18, 11:08
I'm really not doing well today. I have pain in a lot of areas in my leg/knee/pelvis/inner thigh area. Especially at the back of a knee/ cave area. I feel like it's spreading up my back as I have horrible pain along there also.

The pain is my neck and the fullness filling in my ear/jaw area is causing me a lot of panic. I'm trying to use my reasoning methods. Yet the return my stomach pain and heartburn is pushing my mind into over drive. I'm not scared to touch my neck and finding something horrible again as I always seem to find lumps.

I'm just exhausted lately. I'm sleeping lots and no engery. I'm worried about night sweats also. I'm not coping right now.

I woke up in the middle of the night in a total panic. I wasn't able to breath. Everything seems to be building up again. I'm constantly worried about lymphoma. I can't get it out my mind. If I'm not worried about that I'm worried about mouth cancer or brain cancer... Not with this leg pain I'm worried about some bone or spinal caner. Every top of cancer presses on me constantly. If not that I'm worried about a heart attack or something. I just stop my mind over going into over drive.

10-06-18, 15:37
I'm just exhausted lately. I'm sleeping lots and no engery. I'm worried about night sweats also. I'm not coping right now.

Hopefully this might help...

I was also worried about night sweats too. I had them for nearly 2 months, and they now seem to have stopped. It could just be your anxiety causing them. (That and you mentioned it being hotter than usual).

I see you mentioned being worried about oral c too, that one is easily remedied with a dentist visit who does OC screening. Go get a checkup and cross that off your list of worries like I have. :yesyes:

10-06-18, 19:44
Hopefully this might help...

I was also worried about night sweats too. I had them for nearly 2 months, and they now seem to have stopped. It could just be your anxiety causing them. (That and you mentioned it being hotter than usual).

I see you mentioned being worried about oral c too, that one is easily remedied with a dentist visit who does OC screening. Go get a checkup and cross that off your list of worries like I have. :yesyes:

Thank you for taking to the time to reply!
I was at the dentist just before Christmas so I'm due a 6 month check up soon enough I guess!

The sweats haven't been like awful just something playing into my over worrying mind! I'm just finished work and I'm worried about how exhausted I am after working 10 hours. Like really over thinking it :weep:!

Well in good... Bad news... I have gained a few pounds. Surely I would be losing weight and not putting it on! Yet I'm still worried Bout everything I've said before. :shrug:

11-06-18, 22:57
Well I had my therapy session tonight. It went well, I spoke openly to her about some of my worries. She was great like always, it's been nearly a year since I had a total break-down and she has that maybe I'm more hyper-aware like I'm waiting for something to happen. That this is just a bump in the road. That while I'm improving in certain aspects of my life, it's like my mind is looking again for something to worry about!.

While physical I still feel off (leg/knee/pelvis/neck pain, lumps, heart, ear/jaw/teeth stiffness on the left side and all the worries listed above..it's alot wow) and I talked about this and she told me she really thinks that if there was something wrong with me (all the illness I've listed above....the long..long list which never seems to end) they would have found it or seen something that would make them lean towards looking further into things! That this all all probably just a lot of non-sinister things happening at once.

She also said that even though I've had a bit of a slip, she's happy with me. That I'm trying to get out there and fill my life with actives! Not sitting at home in totally distress like I did before. She also happy that I said I'm not going back to the Doctor's till July for already decided vitamins B shoots with a nurse. That she understands it's hard to not be able to look for reassurance all the time but all-in-all she's happy enough! I thought it was a good session! I did come out of it feeling lighter and not so worried about the pains or other things that had been dragging me down.

11-06-18, 23:07
That sounds like a really great session. Well done on trying to address the mental issues without going to the doctors. It really is refreshing to read a thread on here that discusses the anxiety aspect of everything and the necessary steps to get better. It sounds like you’re on a good track despite a small slip. Keep up the good work and good luck moving forward!

12-06-18, 12:19
That sounds like a really great session. Well done on trying to address the mental issues without going to the doctors. It really is refreshing to read a thread on here that discusses the anxiety aspect of everything and the necessary steps to get better. It sounds like you’re on a good track despite a small slip. Keep up the good work and good luck moving forward!

Thank you for replying! I've just had to really work on the fact while there might be a few thing's physical wrong with me (nothing sinister just some stomach issues)! I have draw the line somewhere. Like I'm trying to do my best to carry on and work on both my physical and mental state! Not letting myself getting stuck so much in a downwards dip again!

17-06-18, 21:47
Hi everyone! So, it's been a bit of a mix bag in the last week (my last post was a bit of a freak but that was for a whole bunch of personal reasons also)

But mainly I've been feeling good? I went out every single day this week. If not meeting friends I was working. My sleeping pattern has been slightly better also! Rather than being up till like 6 am or 7 am every night the hours are always rolling back to more reasonable times (for me anyway!!)

Mentally! I've been doing good. I've laughed a lot in the last week. Been more willing to make long term plans. Like going with my friend on a trip at the end of the July. Thinking about college more positively next semester then with totally fear of failing! (non health anixety issue).

Physically? Been on and off. Still having some pain in the neck every now and again but I can live with it! Haven't checked for lumps in the longest time?. The strange tension in my teeth/jaw/ear (mainly on the right side) is still there but I don't dwell on it as much! Like a lot of other issues (headache, runny nose whatever pressure and such) I've believe are mainly sinus or hay-fever!

My body been a little weak but I'm due some vitiam B12 and it's been very hot here! I also had what I can also guess was one of the worst ovulation periods of my life over the last few days (won't go into details here. Its on another post). My chest hurts sometimes and I panic but I take deep breathe and remind myself off all those clear tests. The clear ct scan, the clear chest xray, all those good bloods (I've listed all the tests before I won't bore you). So whatever upset stomach or pain I have. Is nothing awful or sinster. No nasty ingrowing lymphoma because the scan would show it.

All those cancers or tumors or other illness? There would have been a hipcup somewhere that would have lead for doctors to look further. Not just sending me on my horary path.

From the bottom of my heart. I want to thank every one of you who had either replied to this or messaged me. You mean everything. I have struggled a lot personally. I kinda realized that sometimes I would worry so much about my heath because it was like-I didn't have to face other issues if I had that to worry about.

Thank you all once again. :hugs:

03-07-18, 01:45
I guess I was re-reading over this post to try and calm myself a little tonight!

I've been having bad night sweets at the moment. Of course that brought back the fears of the neck pain (the lumps I always thought about). I'm feeling exhausted and very unsettled especially while trying to sleep lately. I'm of course worried about all those horrible illness but reading over this maybe a small bit more positive.

Like I do carry more weight maybe then I should, it is very hot and humid in Ireland at the moment. I do get a lot of under hair achy so that could explain some of the spot patches on my head. The neck issues could be muscle strain or stress! The weather could also be another big thing towards all of this.

03-07-18, 01:49
I've been having bad night sweets at the moment.

You live in Ireland. It’s supposed to be cool. Instead it’s been hot and humid. Everybody is probably sweating.

03-07-18, 01:54
You live in Ireland. It’s supposed to be cool. Instead it’s been hot and humid. Everybody is probably sweating.

My boyfriend is from another country and it has a rather humid climate- more so then here. Even he was saying it was effecting him and the weather never really does that to him.

Sorry to comment on this again, I was just a little nervous tonight but after reading over all the wonderful comments people left. I do feel better and it did remind me I'm in a better place then a few weeks back. So, back onto working on the reasonable thinking and such!

08-08-18, 18:12
I guess it's time to bump this post again.

I'm going through a bit of a hard time again with these issues or something like this. I know it's probably just pushed thoughts but sometimes I can't bring myself down.

For like the last week, I've been getting these intesne pains/feeling of fullness in right side of my head. Mainly around the ear,jaw, cheek area. I've been to the doctor before and mentioned but but he never said anything. It's been going on for months but it's getting worse lately. I'm always having like a lot of tense neck pain along the length of my neck and behind my ear. It's spreading down my shoulder, arm and back now.

I also have like lots of ache on my face. A few weeks back I got to large ones on jaw jaw line..once again on the left side of my face. The spots aren't really going down but the lumps are still under my skin. My throat always seem to be swore lately, as well as the inside of my cheek on that side seems raw.

I've manged to not feel around for lumps, but it's hard. I've tried telling myself if there was a lump it would show it's self by now. But whenever I law down, I feel like there's something type of lump or lumps under my chin/left side.Yet everyday when I wake up and get ready looking in the mirror- I'm sick to my stomach I'm going to see something. Like this morning a noticed a small strange rash like thing towards the bottom right side of my neck.

Uh, it's just all this is going on and other issues is making me worry about one of these cancers or something. It seems like everyone on my media someone's story about these pop up. I try not to read them. It's tragic and so sad it's happening to them and I'm being such a ass by worrying about the maybe when they have it.

I try to remind myself of good thoughts. Like I had a chest x-ray in late February. I've had lots of blood tests. My doctor has felt around a lot. Nothing to worry about. I try to run the neck pain down to issues like going to the gym and such. Yet I can't talk myself around some of the issues. Yet I keep worrying that now it's happening. That this is it. Yet at the same time I don't want to go running back to the doctor. It's just a lot.

---------- Post added at 18:12 ---------- Previous post was at 14:39 ----------

I guess as well the fact I've been going to the gym and since the chest/breast pain has returned mainly on the left side and the burping a lot also is also putting me in edge. Like I'm trying to not it stop me from living a healthier life but it can be stressful.