View Full Version : Vertigo and dizziness

25-05-18, 04:33
Hi do you any of you suffer from dizziness? Its been 18 months since i woke up with vertigo, the room was spinning violently and i had it for about a week. Every time i would move my head left or right or look up or down i would get really dizzy and my vision would start spinning like crazy. It lasted about a week but i never felt right after , i would get this feeling that the ground was moving when i walked and when i layed down it felt like i was on a boat.

Fast forward 10 months and i was feeling 80% better until one day i woke up with the vertigo again. This time it lasted 3 weeks!!! After i would get the a dropping sensation in my brain! It was very frightening. That feeling did go away eventually and i was just left with the bobbing on a boat feeling. I would have good weeks and bad weeks but now for the last 4 weeks it just seems to be bad and no more good days. When im up and about i dont feel it too much, occasionly i will feel as of the floor is slanted when im walking but it comes and goes.

When ever i sit down i can never sit still i have to keep rocking my foot or swaying because i feel as if im spinning or im on a plane with turbulance and i cant focuz my eyes. Its a horrible feeling , its so intense sometime i feel as though my body is acutually swaying.

I dont believe anxiety can cause these symptoms especially the vertigo although i know it makes it worse and my anxiety has been through the roof since this all started. I am waiting for balance testing at the moment though i have been waiting since january. Ive read so many posts about vertigo but people seem to get better where mine has just come to a certain level and just doesnt seem to be getting better.

I literally sit down and feel as though im falling, spinning , bobbing or the room is falling sideways. Its 24/7. I used to be able to lie there and watch tv and feel ok but now the feeling is too intense to even manage that. I also get very dizzy when reading or looking at my phone. Its feels like the rooms os going to start to spin and i have to put my phone down.

It is ruining my life , ive forgotten what its like to feel normal its all i think about among other symptoms this is my worst one. Sorry for such a long post and im not the best with spelling or grammer its just been going on so long. I wonder if anyone out there is experiencing the same kind of dizziness as me ?

Thanks for reading.

25-05-18, 06:22
I do, but it presents much differently for me so I doubt it's the same thing, but I'm sorry to hear you or anyone gets this crap. It really sucks! Anxiety can cause a lot, but inner ear problems can also cause a lot and cause anxiety too, they go hand in hand in many cases. Hope you get your test soon!

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30-05-18, 21:40
Have you gotten any better? Im still trying to find cure for the rocking/ bouncy floor thing. I would do anything to be normal again. But now ive just learned how to live with it.

01-06-18, 11:56
Hi, I just joined the forum for similar reasons.

My anxiety has been very high lately due to my home life. It's impossible to relax or think straight and I get very little sleep.

Yesterday I'd been staying in bed as its easier for me to block out the noise with earphones and a duvet. At one point I turned my head away from the laptop screen on my right. I turned my head left on the pillow and sort of looked upwards. Immediately the room started spinning and I felt light headed and dizzy. It only lasted a few moments but later on sometime it happened again when I moved my head to the left.

I'm sitting here now at my laptop in a chair and I'm getting these hot head rushes and feeling of lightheaded-ness.

Google tells me it could be BPPV (Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo)

Edit - I have also at times been playing films/TV shows on my earphones very loudly to block out the noise and I wondered if I'd damaged my ear canal.

01-06-18, 13:16

I suffer as well from a feeling a dizziness / off-balance / head pressure (like a tight band around the head) and head swimming - I also sometimes experience a stiff neck and a strange 'unreality' type sensation with my vision (difficult to describe). Does any of this sound familiar ? If so then you may be re-assured that after visiting doctors / nueroloigist / MRI scan that all came back clean and was diagonosed with anxiety / stress / depression.

I remember feeling at my worst I could barely use a treadmill through loss of balance, I had real problems in placing my feet - horrible.

02-06-18, 01:34

I have experienced benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) a few times for over 20 years. Due to its nature of affecting an inner ear, the vertigo tends to be more when moving to one side vs. the other. However, it is not always easy to determine which inner ear side is the culprit when the world is spinning.

Only for BPPV, there are several maneuvers of timed rotations of your head in specific directions, which was first performed on me by an ENT doctor. Google for "Epley maneuver" that I have performed myself at home. Regular GP doctors may not know about these maneuvers ... I was originally told it was a virus and to take Gravol until it went away.

I believe "vertigo" (vision spinning around) is different from "dizziness". I think high stress and anxiety (especially from work) may cause dizziness, light-headedness and loss of balance, but not sure about causes vertigo.

02-06-18, 05:54
Vertigo is awful. I’ve never suffered from it, but I know how awful it is because my poor husband has had many vertigo incidents.

I do not believe vertigo can be caused by anxiety. It’s definitely not the same as dizziness and it is much more violent and can cause vomiting.

Do you also feel pressure on one of your ears? Does your hearing go bad when it’s happening? Do you hear ringing?

I would strongly suggest that you see an Ent. I hope that he can help you with one of the maneuvers mentioned above.

Unfortunately, my husband may have Meniere’s Disease, so that won’t help him.

02-06-18, 15:12
I've seen (and used) vertigo and dizziness as generic terms, but here's what they all actually are. It's important to use the right term when explaining symptoms to a doctor.

-Vertigo:. the room appears to be spinning around, or you feel spinny. Definitely the most violent and I think scary of them all (even though it's usually not from a "serious" cause)

-Dizziness:. Like what you felt as a kid going too fast on the merry go round or spinning around in an office chair too fast.

-Lightheadedness:. Feeling like you are about to faint. Perhaps when going from laying down to standing up to quickly, or when dehydrated

-Disequilibrium:. Feeling off balance as though you might (or are) fall (but not faint). Like feeling drunk when walking.

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10-07-18, 22:26
I have all the exact same feelings, going on 4 years now. Do you still have this dizziness? My dr just keeps saying anxiety but I’ve never had a brain scan so I worry they are going to miss sometfing.