View Full Version : Crippling fear of fire

25-05-18, 09:26
Could anyone offer any advice on how to help my 14ye old daughter?

She has always had a fear of fire since she was six years old and we had a small house fire. But just recently this fear has developed and is getting out of hand. She cannot sleep at night as she lies awake thinking she can smell smoke or hear sizzling. I hear her crying at 3am,completely exhausted. I try to reassure her that we have smoke alarms, that we are safe. I’ve discussed with her what to do if a fire did break out and how to get out safely.
But now her phobia is growing into an obsession with checking plug sockets!at night she keeps going downstairs to check that everything is unplugged....even after she has already checked! If she stops herself from checking, it makes her feel illl. And even after she has checked, it doesn’t stop her worrying (she does this cos she is scared of electrical fires)

Anyone know anything I could try to help her?
I know the next stage might be to take her to a GP,but mental health services are severely underfunded in the Uk...especially for children and the waiting lists are huge! So I need some ideas to try at home!

Many thanks in advance

mare serenitatis
23-08-18, 17:23
Aww poor dear! Unfortunately, I don’t think at that stage home care is an option that will cure her. Make the appointment ASAP.

She needs to talk to a therapist. It’s very possible she’s developed PTSD from an event like that.

In the mean time, why don’t you have her make an evacuation plan for the house? She can make a map, and set up and practice a fire drill with your family once a month. That’s what we do for little kids. Maybe give her some control, to make her feel safe and comfortable.