View Full Version : Burning in throat

25-05-18, 09:38
Hi everyone. Does anyone have the experience of a burning in the throat? I know its often associated with stomach acid and I do have acid reflux but I take 20mg omeprazole and gaviscon at bedtime and its pretty well controlling the acid feelings. So no more acid shooting up when you burp or bend over. I can eat quite normally.....I eat quite a healthy diet anyway....but this one symptom has me very scared as it hits as soon as I wake in the morning. I wake early and I am aware of looking for the sensation. I sometimes feel like a lump in the throat and sometimes this weird burning feeling. I am scard its acid....I sleep propped up drink lots of water and if I swig gaviscon it doesnt have any effect. I am wondering if it is actually a psychosomatic symptom rather than a physical one. Or maybe part of the globus symptoms. s soon as I get up and eat something it goes. I have bad HA and it is very much focussed around my stomach. I have been like this most of my life on and off. I get other random stomach dyspepsia symptoms too. Im awaiting referral to GI and had a normal endoscopy 6 years ago for similar although not exactly the same symptoms. I guess I am hoping for some similar experiences so I can work on convincing myself this is just another part of my anxiety. Thanks everyone.

25-05-18, 21:52
It does sound like it could be reflux. But I’m no doctor, so it’s good you’re getting it checked out.
Let us know how you get on

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