View Full Version : Does my hard palate look normal

25-05-18, 09:41
Doctor and my dentist says everything looks fine and what i can feel is a natural contour on my hard palate. It feels like a slight hill but more on my left than my right. Can’t seem to stop obsessing over this. No pain and I don’t smoke or drink. Is this a normal variation?
Thanks in advance

25-05-18, 11:20
The doctor and dentist say everything looks fine and they're a lot more qualified to know that than anyone on here :)

25-05-18, 11:20
you need to trust the Doctor and the dentist...

they have year and years of experience and training and know what they are on about.

Serious question, why would you trust a load of people on a anxiety forum more than your drs and dentist??

The answer being that this is your anxiety speaking to you.... and deep down you know that in reality that your palette IS normal and it is just your anxiety now telling you otherwise.

25-05-18, 12:04
Thank you for your replies means a lot. I know I should trust them but I’m constantly feeling around for things that aren’t symmetrical and google gets the best of me. Was just wondering if anyone else has something similar. WOuld you say the picture I attached looks like a normal palate. I know none of you are more qualified than doctors and dentists but it helps when they people say to me your being silly nothing is wrong.
Sorry 😐 I’m very on edge after a health scare in January everything was fine but I didn’t see it coming so now I feel like I need to be on guard and think the worst because I never did before.
Thanks again :)

25-05-18, 12:28
I'm no expert however, your palate looks symmetrical and very normal. I know how hard it is to feel things or notice things and instantly think the worst, i have piece of advice tho.. GOOGLE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND lol.

25-05-18, 12:53
Looks totally normal to me, but I'm not a doctor or dentist.

25-05-18, 12:55
Thanks for your reply. I don’t know why this issue keeps bothering me. Haha google is definitely not my friend. I know it makes me worse yet I don’t know why I always turn to it. I will try and relax a bit and stop looking and poking around. I think the contour or palate bone has always been like this I think 🤔 but having anxiety has taken over. I’m like well what if this and what if that. Then I start picking fault with slightest variation.
Again I appreciate your kind advice.

23-09-18, 22:35
I’m spiralling, can definitely feel a ridge on the left side of my midline on the hard palate, the skin on top feels a little more on it too. No one can see anything visibly, and I know I should trust 3 doctors and a dentist.... But I wish I could have a scan to be sure. I’m so worried I have a minor salivary gland tumour.... I’m constantly able to feel it. The fear eats away at me everyday.. I’m trying to think positive but I’m worried

24-09-18, 00:16
I’ve been struggling with throat/mouth cancer worries the past three-four months. Mainly because I noticed my back of throat and have been obsessing over bumps. Then I googled and all these articles about HPV induced cancer is on the rise and blah blah blah. This has continued to plague me.

I’ve been to regular doctor like 3 times. ENT Doctor. And also had a cat scan which was examined by a radiologist. Everything came back normal.

Still worried. If you want to put your mind at ease and our struggling go get a cat scan. Although it didn’t seem to help me.

What does your throat look like? I know reassurance is big. Your mouth looks normal and everybodies mouth is different.

24-09-18, 13:00
Yeah I don’t know if for me this has always been there or if it’s a new thing I found on my hard palate. I’m going to suggest to my go about having a scan of some sort to put my mind at ease.
Iknow they can’t see anything or feel anything but I can feel a difference from the other side and is driving me insane. I keep thinking what if they missed something or do they know what they are looking for and do they know much about the rare cancer I worry about. Classic health anxiety things!!

---------- Post added at 13:00 ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 ----------

I think my throats ok that doesn’t worry me. I’ve had loads and loads of doctors looks at my throat in the past because I had an anxiety about one of my tonsils!

24-09-18, 18:43
Yeah I don’t know if for me this has always been there or if it’s a new thing I found on my hard palate. I’m going to suggest to my go about having a scan of some sort to put my mind at ease.
Iknow they can’t see anything or feel anything but I can feel a difference from the other side and is driving me insane. I keep thinking what if they missed something or do they know what they are looking for and do they know much about the rare cancer I worry about. Classic health anxiety things!!

---------- Post added at 13:00 ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 ----------

I think my throats ok that doesn’t worry me. I’ve had loads and loads of doctors looks at my throat in the past because I had an anxiety about one of my tonsils!

I am in the same boat! I feel symptoms. Doctors say it's this or that but it's not cancer or anything. I get scans and they are all negative. I'm as healthy as ever. Yet the throat issues persist.

It drives me crazy! I do need counseling probably.

26-09-18, 18:27
I have a doctors appointment in a couple of weeks I’m going to tell them I need a scan for closure, so I can get on with life. Luckily m6 husband is so supportive.
I’ve poked the ridge in the roof my mouth hard with my finger nail, which has made it worse, feels bigger and more pronounced, and is taking ages to go down, which isn’t helping.

Last night I convinced myself that I this minor salary gland tumour and nothing will convince me other wise....surely a gp would something different....nothing has changed in the last 7 months since I found it, and it may have been there longer than that but never noticed it. I know I’m writing this and I feel I should believe it, but my mind just can’t. I wish the anxiety would go away!

I had therapy, well cbt it helped slightly, but nothing ever completely eases the fear... unfortunately...hope your well today? I found speaking to others in the same boat really helps.

29-10-18, 19:16
It has been 8 months now no change to what I think is a lump ridge thing...I keep prodding it to feel if it has changed or compare sides...looking for positive words I guess...this place is my only outlet. Still carrying on with the cbt.
Went to the doctors again a few weeks ago again nothing to be seen or anything felt to be concerned about he offered a referral for anxiety based concerns. But declined at the time as I thought I’ll try and accept 4 3 doctors and 1 dentist All day there is no cancer there. But this week I’m spiralling convinced I have a slow growing minor Salavary gland tumour called adanoid cystic carcinoma. Even though I’ve been told not too. Obviously google led this to me..I know I shouldn’t. But they go undiagnosed because there asympathetic. So I keep clinging on to that.but it hasn’t grown, would it have grown in 8 months if it would have been this? Should I go for the referral and suffer the waiting game of results and tests if they agree to do any, or carry on and try and battle with the anxiety.. sorry to post again, but it’s making feel terrible, I have 2 small children I need to think about.
Thanks for reading.

29-10-18, 20:26
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

29-10-18, 21:14
Is it hard? Probably a torus palatinus. They are totally harmless

30-10-18, 09:33
Yes it feels hard, doctors just at there isn’t anything there just the way the shape of my mouth is. Apparantly that area of bone is irregular..
I hardly feel it in the mornings but the more I prod and feel about the more I feel it. Guess I should leave it alone. I’ve just been stuck on this for months. Surely if it was something bad it would have changed in 8 months...it may have always been there I don’t know.

23-01-19, 17:02
Well it’s been 1 year since I’ve been worrying about and it hasn’t changed...yes here it comes...I’m still worried about. Still convinced I have a rare slow growing salivary gland tumour. Need a pep talk I guess.
Sorry to have to post on here again it’s been awhile but sometimes I guess I need someone to talk to about it.
I’ll attach a new picture if anyone would be so kind to take a look..I’m still very scared so please no bashing this is an anxiety forum after all.
Would it have changed after 1 year even though the tumour I worry about is slow growing?
Doctors and dentist have looked at it (normal variation)
Just want some kind support please.

23-01-19, 17:04
I know it’s tiny but I feel like I can see my gland but maybe raised...am I being stupid?

23-01-19, 17:05
Take the advice of the trained professionals, not anxiety sufferers on the internet.

23-01-19, 17:09
I know, but considering us anxiety sufferers worry over usually nothing. I thought maybe I could get some support to those similar to me. Instead of bottling it up inside.

23-01-19, 17:15
I know it's tough, but seeking reassurance won't help in the end - think about it, most of us will have absolutely no clue what is and isn't normal.

Learning to self-soothe is an important part of recovering from HA.

23-01-19, 17:33
I know..I just can’t more on from this.
Thank you for your advice though. I can be very rational about others but not myself. I’m hoping to find others that have worried about the same thing so we can support each other.