View Full Version : Muscle twitching, insomnia and frequent headaches

25-05-18, 21:50
Hello guys, recently I've been under so much stress over these onset of symptoms that it has been driving me into madness. First of all I'm 18 years old and doing my a level however i'll say this now, i'm NOT stressed about my A levels and I'm pretty sure I would of had the same type of reaction last year when I done my exams. Anyway it started about 2 months ago when I had high fever and was really sick which was most likely due to me catching it from my Mum as she had the exact same symptoms : Shivers, blocked nose etc (the typical symptoms you get from a fever). Everything is all dandy right? Well that's what I thought until I started to get better then I developed a severe case of insomnia for 4 days straight, I had probably only got 20 minutes sleep each day. This was literally the driving force of what's to come. It got better after those 4 days for like a week and there I was thinking everything got back to normal but then it came back but instead I would wake up about 5 times a night and eventually wake up completely drained really early in the morning leaving me with less than 6 hours sleep (this still continues to this day). Of course I went to my GP and just like any GP would do, they suspect that it's all exam anxiety and said to come back after my exams were done if the symptoms continued. Some how I was able to push for a blood test to check for iron deficiency as I presumed it was linked to that but it came out normal. Anyway the following day, I randomly started to develop shortness of breath, extreme shaking in my legs and as if there was something inside my throat. For someone who's really healthy and had never suffered anything like this, it was traumatising to witness. I literally went full on panic mode and searched up my symptoms and of course Dr Google leads to the worst possible thing ever, brain tumor. While I didn't have severe headaches, I still suspected it was that as my eye sight was deteriorating and of course the 'motor seizures', fatigue and sleep problems all pointed towards that. I went to the doctor to get to the bottom of this, he done his simple check you know with the light in the eye and check heartbeat and blood pressure etc and what does he say... Anxiety again. Honestly at that point I was fed up of hearing that, for someone who never had anxiety or suffered from depression it was honestly too hard to believe. Continuing on, after about a week or two I was slowly getting back to my old self, enjoying my hobbies which I had abandoned as I was falling into sorrow and worry. I still had insomnia but it was actually slightly improving as I would get 6 hours sleep and then wake up instead of multiple awakenings and I still had random muscle spasms which mostly occurred in the fingers. However there also came the dreaded headaches which I hoped I wouldn't develop as I literally developed a fear of brain tumors. At this point I was 100% convinced I had a tumor, these weren't ordinary headaches, they were tension like and present 24/7. I tried to ignore it as much as I could and I slightly worked as the pain reduced however what threw me off was what occurred two weeks ago and still till this day leaves me afraid. MUSCLE TWITCHING. Honestly I don't know how much someone could spend on google but when I found out what it was associated with, I was dying inside mentally. ALS and MS just the thing you want to hear after convincing yourself you have a brain tumor. These muscle twitches literally occur everywhere but it's mostly localised in my legs when at rest and honestly it's probably most scariest symptom I have developed yet just because of what it's associated with and how frickening annoying it is. Summing everything up, I still have insomnia, muscle twitching, finger shaking and sometimes headaches until today and I just don't know what to do. Honestly this is probably the lowest point of my life as I've always been an happy individual but now these health issues have robbed my life away and I'm struggling to juggle exams along side these issues. What should I do guys? I think getting an MRI would honestly ease my mind but it will never happen as my symptoms will always be viewed as anxiety. Struggles being a teenager eh?