View Full Version : Worried about small amount of blood in spit

26-05-18, 20:04
Hello, i am a new member here but have been looking around the forums as a guest for quite a long time.

For the past year and a half i have suffered from severe health anxiety, to the point where any pain/ache/symptom with my body could be a serious illness.

The reason for joining today (finally), i am a smoker and was having a cigarette outside of my house and noticed while spitting there was some blood within it or what looked like blood anyway, was small amounts of red/orange.

With having health anxiety, this instantly scared the hell out of me and brought on a small panic attack. It only lasted maybe a minute and then my spit was clear and has been since but im still shaking with fear and worry of what it could have been as it's not really happened before.

Side note: I was eating beans earlier before it and then went for a nap and the colour kind of resembled that of bean juice but seems odd to have that in my saliva hours after eating it (my mind wants to believe it was that i suppose).

Not really sure why i am posting to be honest, i don't really have a question, just really tired of living like this and need someone (people) to talk to who also suffer from anxiety problems.

Anyway, hope you are well and sorry if posting in the wrong forums (newbie here)

27-05-18, 11:22
It could possibly be coming from your nose, or maybe throat due to an infection or obstruction i.e a polyp. Since you smoke maybe advice from a medical professional would be useful, so make one on Monday, in the mean time try not to worry about it. (Easy said than done I know) if you're not coughing out blood your lungs should be ok. I don't think smoking is doing much good to it though....

You considered quitting smoking?

27-05-18, 12:18
It could possibly be coming from your nose, or maybe throat due to an infection or obstruction i.e a polyp. Since you smoke maybe advice from a medical professional would be useful, so make one on Monday, in the mean time try not to worry about it. (Easy said than done I know) if you're not coughing out blood your lungs should be ok. I don't think smoking is doing much good to it though....

You considered quitting smoking?

Thank you for the response, i appreciate it.

Yes i have been cutting down on my smoking for the past 5 - 6 months, with the goal of eventually quitting for good.

My anxiety has just flared up again this morning. Woke up and went for my morning cigarette and my first spit again had a little blood in it, was gone after spitting two of three times. I did notice last night, inside my mouth near my back teeth on the gum there is something (actually next to a pretty sharp tooth), when touching with my tongue it feels like a spot/cut.

Hoping that maybe is the cause, will visit the doctor on Tuesday though for sure (Bank holiday Monday here).

Also yes i don't have a cough and am not coughing up anything.

27-05-18, 13:50
Possibly from your gums! Are they inflamed a little or bleed a little when you brush. Something similar happened to me and I freaked out over it for months. Goodluck.

27-05-18, 16:30
Possibly from your gums! Are they inflamed a little or bleed a little when you brush. Something similar happened to me and I freaked out over it for months. Goodluck.

Just a thing on my gum near my back teeth, feels like a spot or cut when i touch it with my tongue.

27-05-18, 17:48
Ooh aye could possibly be the gums too! Seems more likely.
Smoking's bad for your gums and teeth so they say...good that you are cutting down on it though, one step at a time....Bit like with anxiety.

All the best to you.