View Full Version : Fear of travel , germs , flu and flu vaccine

27-05-18, 08:07
I'm going through a massive anxiety phase at the moment as it's winter here in Australia and all we see on social media and the news is fear mongering about the flu and forcing people to get vaccinated. I spend a lot of time washing my hands and using sanitisers ...I work as an Interpeter and most of my work is in hospitals and health care centres etc .... I'm too scared to get the vaccine in case I react to it .... and I've heard it's not 100% guaranteed anyway .... I'm generally a healthy woman (aged 52) ... did a recent blood test and apart from a raises cholesterol (this is ongoing and it refuse statins) everything else was fine. My fear of travel is to do with germs and fear of getting sick overseas. Planes make me panic in so many ways that's I've basically haven't been on one for four years now .... I feel I'm paralysed by my anxiety ....my husband on the contrary is very outgoing and he's been overseas a few times alone because I've refused to come with him... it makes be very resentful and jealous but I know it's in my hands and nothing is stopping me from travelling except my fears. What can I do ? I work really hard and I so badly need a holiday yet I can't bring myself to go anywhere 😞

27-05-18, 08:21
Here's the reality. You could hole up in your house, skip the trip and beat yourself up forever and STILL get the flu. The flu jab does a good job but even with that you still get a strain that gets you.

The point is it's totally out of your control "to a large degree". COMMON SENSE PREVAILS and that's the key. Get the jab and use common sense. Hand sanitizer etc. And the worst case? You get it and are laid up for a week :shrug: I think I could deal with a week in bed in exchange for a bitchin' vacation ;)

Positive thoughts

27-05-18, 20:31
I love Fishmanpa's response. I hate how health anxiety rips away so many of life's joys.

I hope you go and have an amazing trip and come back and tell us all about it. Sometimes, just taking baby steps helps me accomplish things. Just think of one thing you have to do and do it. Then, think of the next thing, etc.

Good Luck!!

27-05-18, 20:57
It seems to me like you know you are the one standing in your own way. So, that's 9/10 of the battle- the awareness.

The rest of the battle is just doing it. Do what makes you uncomfortable. Even f you are preoccupied at first, start by going through the motions. Take a trip. Get a flu shot, whatever it is you need to do. Eventually, you will see the calamity you expected did not come to pass, or the calamity might come to pass (like getting the flu) and you see you can deal with it. It then gets a little easier each time.

Don't let these fears hold you back from your life, though. Getting out of your comfort zone will probably help you progress. It always helps me.