View Full Version : Shaky index finger

27-05-18, 09:01
Here I go again🙈After having such a great year of finally learning how to cope with HA,I am back again.
I have noticed that when I hold my hands in front of me with fingers half tensed my fingers shake a bit.My index and ring finger on left hand shake a lot stronger.But it doesn't happen all the time. And only happens when my hands are in front.
I have undergone hernia repair 2 days ago and after the op the nurse said that I came in with very low iron.I was a bit surprised but then thinking about it I could connect some symptoms that I was having like my anxiety was returning and I couldn't cope with it as I usually can,being out of breath, shaky fingers,cold hands and feet.
However after the op this whole fingers shaking is driving me crazy.
I am looking at my hands a lot😟Sometimes they shake and sometimes they don't.But it is always more in left hand.
I am hoping it is just a combination of low iron and anxiety.
Any thoughts guys?(apart from the one that I am crazy 😂😂😂)

27-05-18, 21:04
I think that happens to a lot of us. It’s the tiny muscle contractions of the fingers i would guess. And since no one usually exercises their fingers, these contractions cause the shaking. That’s my guess anyway.

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28-05-18, 07:26
Thank you for your reply. The shaking has really gone down now.I wish I didn't go into into panic mode straight away.😊

28-05-18, 14:12
If I spread the fingers of my left hand, the ring finger shakes from side to side like it has a mind of it's own :) . The right hand not so much. Always have done, nothing to worry about :)

28-05-18, 18:13
Thank you Phuzella.I am grateful to have support of all the invisible members of no more panic.They got me through some tough times 😊