View Full Version : Panic attacks while camping

27-05-18, 22:25
I am camping with my boyfriend and our son and his family , and I can’t seem to get ahold of myself. Everything will be fine, drinking laughing, and then out of no where I just start getting sweaty dizzy and wanting to just run .. but obviously I can’t because I’ll look crazy lol. Any tips on how to handle this :( it’s crippling and making me feel so ridiculous. I just want to be able to feel normal, like everyone else here.

27-05-18, 23:58
Hi, it's just a case of trying to think of other things, positive things and just tell yourself this shall pass and you will be ok.

28-05-18, 16:34
You should try some grounding - I.e.taking your shoes and socks off and letting your feet soak up the moist grass... Same with your hands .. it's a really good relaxer and you'll sleep better! Also try remember what your trigger was - was it a thought process? Was it a social situation maybe? Feel better soon !

30-05-18, 17:38
Is this a "one-time" panic attack on your camping trip, or have you experienced panics attacks at other times and places? Also, if this was your first camping trip with your boyfriend and your son's family, then there may have been anxiety associated with the event.