View Full Version : Hoping For Help

28-05-18, 00:50
Hello, I recently joined this site last week. I'm just now introducing myself. Very panicky so I thought good time to distract by saying hello. I hope my post does
Not upset anyone. I have been suffering from this condition for over fifteen years.I always had it younger, high anxiety, but managed to function and keep it under control. Due too a series of traumas, at age forty it hit with a vengence, I had a complete breakdown. Was in bed almost a year. With the help of a great nurse practioner and meds I recovered, for the most part, I had a relapse about five years ago, my NP had left town, but it only lasted about six months this time, not as bad. Over a year ago its back. And I cant recover!

I'm am so scared. I have not left my house except for twice in over a year. I took a hard fall in our garage two years ago, so this time around its not only emotional but terrible physical pain. Every day Im in pain, my knees, back, legs, I have too walk with a walker or wheelchair and Im only 56 years old, I walk and feel like a 95 year old woman. That along with the panic attacks, severe depression, and worst of all the agoraphobia. I cant even leave my home to get medical help..last time tried, I fell down, regurgitated and felt faint. I have a PA who thank God makes housecalls, I actually had a dentist come to my home and pull five teeth because I could not leave house she removed..now missing five front so that probably adds too the agrophobia, I look ghastly without teeth.

I havl staph infection unda causing health anxiety, I will post that under health anxiety later. I had therapy twice and it made me worse. My husband is disabled and I have a special needs child that needs me..I am so ashamed I cant get better. My husband is mad..my poor son confused. I had:: many family and friends walk out of life... I cry every day because of the panic and fear I'm going too die. I cannot even take the motrin or antidepressants because of stomach bleeding. I pray to God everyday if not complete recovery just partial or half too function again..All I want to do is sleep because its the only time the pain stops infection its even worse I think im going to get sepis or MRSA from staph sore, antibotics. I just finished antibotics..sore still there the PA is out of town.

Is there hope for me? Am I too old to get better? Will my Chronic pain make the emotional not go away. Both together are so very very hard too take.

Thank you for listening. Im sorry so long..later I will post under health anxiety. If anyone could help I would be so grateful. Please forgive typos.. Thank you very much.

28-05-18, 01:04
Hiya Franchesca and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

29-05-18, 00:44
First off welcome. Second, I also suffered from staph infections and MRSA for years and years. They finally figured out my Mom and dog carried the staph infection and my low immune system made it so where I got ill. Have everyone in your family tested and they too can be a carrier of the infection but not get ill.

Second of all I am 60 and things do get better, you are never too old, please do not give up. I'm so glad you found this site and you will receive help. I can promise that, nice to meet you.


29-05-18, 05:52
Thank you Laura. That was good information. We do have 2 dogs, so thats a possibility. My husband was hospitalized five months ago...found out his roommate was a MRSA carrier but told my husband " no active infection at time" If that is true?! My husbands primary said no need to be tested..but we may have to be, I've barely left my home in a year, so that might be it.

I wish I never read about Sepsis or shock syndrome, its made me terrified with fear. My house call PA said it was NOT MRSA OR MELANOMA...took culture came back "moderate staph" I took 10 days antibiotics, my question is Laura, and Cab another member too helped me with this.....was your sore purple?? With skin surrounding a lighter purple? My antibotics are over but sore remains...afraid staph still I'm or going to get infected! Neo -sporin not helping, tender and itchy....does itching mean healing? My PA said to have a dermatologist look at it...very hard when you have agoraphobia and bad insurance. Should a non- healing staph sore be removed by a Dermatologist?

I'm sorry..I dont mean to bother you with so many questions. I'm so very sick and scared right now, and have no answers! I wish it would go away, I have so many other things wrong with me, it would at least be one less. Thank you for your kind words you wrote. Thanks very much.