View Full Version : Tick Bite?

28-05-18, 10:31
I do landscaping as a profession but rarely check for ticks and last night was shaving up the side of my neck and cut something off and alot of blood was coming out (i put peroxide on it and it stung)
Today there is a red bump that is sore when pushed.

Should I be concerned about ticks I am wondering if I razor bladded it off (we have lyme disease all over) Just scared to get lyme and suffer.

28-05-18, 11:10
Hi Sean I actually think it's important to check for these critters regulary as a precaution especially in your profession. but that doesn't mean going OTT about it as then it would become obsessive behaviour and you don't want that :) Concerned well yes and no you could have while you were shaving just nicked your skin (I do this a lot) but would recommend if you are worried see your dr who will best advise you and what's happened. A useful tip: don't Google it ever it will only cause more stress etc. Keep us updated please :) ATB

28-05-18, 12:11
Feels like a zit bump thats painful when touched. When would a dr be a use? Can I just see if the bump goes away, I am not familiar with ticks and lyme, just that it is curable

28-05-18, 12:25
Feels like a zit bump thats painful when touched. When would a dr be a use? Can I just see if the bump goes away, I am not familiar with ticks and lyme, just that it is curable Well it could be a just a zit bite but we aren't medically trained on here to advise. If you are concerned tell your dr and let them see it and believe what they tell you this is so important. Yes you could just leave it and use a insect stick that takes away the itchiness. It's your call. ATB