View Full Version : Five weeks of headaches and now trouble speaking

28-05-18, 11:44
Hello guys, I'm so tired and sad xx

I've been having almost constant headaches for about five weeks with ringing in my ears and pain in my right ear. I've also felt weak and had tingling in my little and ring fingers.

But now the most upsetting thing is I seem to be having trouble talking.

The frustrating thing is that when I do talk people say I sound normal but what they dont understand is the immense effort I'm having to put into my speech. My tongue feels tense and useless.

My headaches have been looked at by a couple of doctors and an optician, and I've been referred for an ENT consultation and a head CT (my doc said he was only giving me the CT cause he thought it would reassure me)

Also one of them increased my Biquelle cause he was worried about my mental health.

If anybody else has had a similar experience I'd love to know.

29-05-18, 08:11
Hi I am so sorry to hear you are not feeling well.During years of fighting HA I had a spell of bad headaches.They were always on left side of my head.Sometimes face would hurt as well.Also the temple was sore to touch and gum on the left side too.I remember once it lasted for 4 weeks.I kept taking various headache medicine but none of them worked.As it was years after I was diagnosed with HA I just accepted it as anxiety headache from beING constantly tense and on edge and now I never get them at all.I have had episodes of struggling to speak too.But they were short lived.And all related to periods f heavy anxiety.

When I went to GP about headaches he told me to take st John's wart not headache tablets.

So try not to worry.Invest you time in excersicing and not thinking and worrying.Swimming is very good too.

One of my friends had the same issue.She had a CT scan that came back all clear.After having St John's Wart her headaches have disappeared too.��

30-05-18, 20:38
Thank you so much for your reply x I've been taking strong codeine but it doesnt seem to do much, I'd try St. Johns Wort but I cant cause it interacts with my other meds.

I'm trying to do yoga but my brain is so focused in on the pain and discomfort that it's nearly impossible.

My muscles also feel weak and heavy.

My partner and parents are trying to help me but I cant help but think this is probably going to kill me.

I'm finding myself strongly wanting to self harm because I cant cope, sorry to say it but its true xx

31-05-18, 10:04
I am truly sorry to hear that you are feeling this way.In all the years I had HA I never went the antidepressant route(though Valerian,St John's Wartetc are classed as mild ones).First, almost every single one has side effects.One of them is gaining weight and I thought I can't possibly be dealing with 2 problems ������.Second,they only mask the symptoms and trick the mind.You need to tackle the reason why you have HA.So I went the CBT way.It was the best desicion I made.I faced all my fears -the real reason why I ended up having HA. And now I am over 1 year of an old me.I still have spells but they don't affect me the same way and don't ruin my everyday life.
I think halving supportive family is great but you need professional help.
I can see that you are from UK just like me.CBT is free.You just need to go and ask you GP.And please do it.
I never had any thoughts of harming myself or worse.I occasionally would catch myself thinking like this but then I would look around me.I am lucky I have a lovely family and there are so many people who have noone.
I am only 38 .5 years of my life were ruined by HA.I am not going to waste any more time!I found hobbies that I love doing now.
Please think about it.It is all in your hands.��

02-06-18, 11:36
Again thank you so much for your reply xx

I have been in the mental health services since I was a teenager, I've had counselling, and most recently had three years of CBT treatment, then a year and a half of EMDR treatment after that for my health anxiety, I am currently receiving CAT therapy.

I'm frustrated because I have tried so many things but I cant seem to get it under control. x

05-06-18, 16:08
I'm trying so hard to keep on top of it and not fall into panic, but not being able to speak properly is nightmarish x