View Full Version : Bee sting itching for a week

28-05-18, 17:43
I think I was stung by a bee or wasp last Sunday..it was nighttime so I didn’t see what did it, just felt the pain on my leg. A week later, it’s still itchy, red and swollen (maybe 4-5 inches across).

I’ve never been stung before, so I’m wondering if this is normal? Thank you!

29-05-18, 19:16
It is normal to get red and swelling in the sting area, bees stinger can get stuck in your skin, what you are experiencing is likely a reaction to the venom.

You could ask the chemist for antihestamine cream to help releive the symptoms.
They can last for a week.

I never been stung by a bdd but get stung every year by a wasp, usually around Autumn, don't know why,or what I've done, but it's horrible! I'm more defensive now :p

29-05-18, 19:45
Hi Yes it's perfectly normal, and It was probably a wasp, bee's only sting when they have to as they only sting once then die. What you should have done is buy a sting spray or cream so get some and keep it handy and then apply straight away this will start reducing the sting's toxins and soothe the area, that's probably why it's still itching because you didn't apply anything on it. ATB

29-05-18, 22:24
I've only ever been stung once, it was a wasp and the itch lasted for about 10 days. Totally normal! Hope it heals soon! :D