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View Full Version : Shaking and/or Tremors Freaking Me Out

28-05-18, 19:28
I had posted awhile back, where I had about 6-7 weeks of hell when it came to symptoms. Constant panic, constant nausea and sickness, constant weakness. I began a routine of Zantac for GERD and the nausea and cbd oil, which they seemed to help a lot. For a couple weeks I finally felt some relief.

Over the last 4 days though I've noticed my anxiety creeping back in, I've began becoming overaware again, began noticing more symptoms and the weakness I had when doing things was coming back. Last night I had done one of the things that made me feel really sick before, idk if its appropriate to talk about here, so I'll just say a sex related thing (nothing weird), in the 6-7 weeks prior doing that would make me feel very sick and weak for some reason, and I was told multiple times theres no way it should make you feel that bad. It had gotten better as I felt better..

Fast forward to last night. I did that, felt ok for a few minutes, got up, sat back down, was ok, got up again, took a couple drops of cbd oil and sat back down and I was gonna work on something on my computer and it was like my entire body just went into tremors. They werent severe tremors, but I felt em bigtime. I felt very weak when they started too and they caused me to panic, and they were all over head to toe. It was just like a vibrating, oscillating feeling everywhere. I asked my mom to feel my arm or look and she couldnt see or feel it, but I felt it. It felt like my balance got a little worse. In the 2-3 hours before I fell asleep they reduced but I could still feel them. I've woken up this morning and I still feel a bit shaky in my extremities, a little all over too, and everything just feels tense. I really have no idea what can cause all that other than anxiety. I dont believe there is any way my blood sugar was low. But I dont see why doing "that" would cause me to feel that badly.

Healthwise im a 27 year old male. Went to the doctor last month and had a blood test that came back normal