View Full Version : Forgot MIL name for a second - worried

28-05-18, 22:11
Hi everyone

As you all know I’ve worried about brain tumours for six years now. And my MIL has been causing angst.

So tonight I was reading an article about the names of women who are likely to be annoying MILs. When I looked at the list, I thought ‘I wonder is her name here’. But then it was like my mind FROZE. For a second-two seconds I couldn’t think of her name, but then it came to me.

Logic says this was a brain fart - but I have known her for three years and I did read about someone with a BT forgetting names of her students.

Reassurance :(

28-05-18, 22:15
Sounds normal to me - we all forget names at some point and think nothing of it

i think you are over-thinking this one

28-05-18, 22:16
and a brain tumour for 6 years????? no way

28-05-18, 22:24
I know I think I am - especially because it felt like my brain froze, so probably information overload haha. Still though should I blank on someone who’s close to me like that?

28-05-18, 22:26
Yeah it is normal trust me

29-05-18, 05:35
Try to think of it this way, when you are rushed off your feet do you ever forget something or need to spend time recalling it? When you are exhausted do you find it hard to remember something?

Anxiety affects the body due to the strain it's putting it under and that reflects in processes like this having delays. Cognitive issues are a well known symptom of these disorders and don't forget Serotonin is actually used in memory, something which we may be low in.

Things like this have happened to me so many times. I walked out of a Tesco once without even paying after being distracted by a women asking me about some flowers I had just scanned through. I only realised because I thought I had left my wallet because it wasn't in the pocket I keep it in and then found it was still in my trouser pocket where I put it when walking to the tills (when I pay I put it back in my jacket). Or how about being unable to perform basic arithmetic when my last job was analysis & numbers so maths wasn't a weakness of mine.

All what I used to call "head up my bum days" :biggrin:

And when you get old you may find it's just a natural part of life!

29-05-18, 10:09
Thanks for the replies - it honestly does help me when I get the reassurance. And I’ve been trying to reassure myself as I’ve had that ‘mind freeze’ sensation before where I couldn’t recall something I wanted to. Again, it only lasted for 1-2 seconds.

I’m going on holiday to Spain in less than 2 weeks and I don’t want my anxiety ruining it again, as the entire holiday last year I worried that I was having absence seizures!! (But in reality I was just day dreaming)

My mindset is terrible. Each new symptom I get, ill think ‘’ok I didn’t have a BT last time, but I’ve developed one since then’.
