View Full Version : Broken bone??

Clydesdale Epona
28-05-18, 23:20
Yep broken bones again!

I was leaning over the bed this morning cleaning own the side of it and i repeatedly banged my leg against it.
I went the rest of today fine until the afternoon (about 14:00) where i knelt on my knees and felt pain, the spot just below my knee is a little swollen and rather hurts especially when touched, its really tender.

Could i of broken it with repeated bashings? That's the only thing i remember doing today, could it be a bone bruise? :weep:

28-05-18, 23:28
Read your post and ask yourself if you could go all day with a broken bone :huh:

Positive thoughts

Clydesdale Epona
28-05-18, 23:57
I did but for some reason i just shake it, its so tender, really swollen, the bruising is coming through and i can't touch or press it in the slightest.
And right now it hurts rather bad i can't move it and i'm reduced to tears(half pain, half anxiety, might hurt worse because i'm worried because all day its just been sore to press but have walked fine) just terrified, I've not experienced pain like this before so terrified its a big fracture even though I've only done enough for maybe a small one and that wouldn't kill me if left, i'm just terrified because of the level of pain that its a massive fracture and if i leave it it will kill me:(

Catherine S
29-05-18, 00:19
Unless you've been diagnosed with brittle bone disease...osteoporosis. ..and we know you haven't, then a few knocks and bangs don't break bones or we'd all be in trouble. As you say, we've been here before, but can you tell us what in your past has happened to make you think your bones are so easily broken. .what triggered the fear for you?

Cath x

Clydesdale Epona
29-05-18, 01:12
I honestly don't know, since a kid I've thought "what if I break my bone and don't notice or i do and people say i'm over reacting so i leave it" what if it kills me then? I've heard about it tearing a blood vessel, or the bone marrow getting into your blood stream and it clots ect x

Catherine S
29-05-18, 01:36
Laine I think you would know if you had a broken bone, because it wouldn't feel just 'ouchy', it'd be absolute agony.

29-05-18, 19:42
Have you ever broken a bone? Do you know how hard bone actually is?

Just banging it off the bed a few times isn't going to break it, the very thought is ridiculous.

It's bruised and sore, not broken. Trust me, you'd know if it was broken as you'd be in agony, especially a leg.

I've broken my nose, fingers, toes, leg, ankle, and collar bone. Like I said, you would know. You wouldn't be asking here, you be in A&E by now