View Full Version : Just switched to Escitalopram: my experience

29-05-18, 03:10
I just switched this morning from Citalopram to Escitalopram. I've been on Citalopram 40 mg. for 5 years, but 6/7 weeks ago it quit working for me.

My new prescription is for 10 mg. I'm hoping the lower dose will be effective for me (40 mg of Citalopram is actually equivalent to 20 mg. Escitalopram).

I plan on using this thread as a place to update my side effects. Hopefully it will be helpful to anyone else who has to switch to Escitalopram.

---------- Post added at 02:10 ---------- Previous post was at 02:08 ----------

Day 1: Took 5 mg. of the Escitalopram this morning. I had very minor stomach ache a few hours later, probably due to taking it on an empty stomach.

Tonight, I feel a bit spaced out, but that could be due to me hardly eating anything the past week or so (anxiety has killed my appetite).

29-05-18, 19:15
Day 2: I had insomnia last night, and ended up having to take two trazedone instead of my typical (for the last few weeks) one. I don't know if that's due to the Escitolopram, or that I've so convinced myself that I'll get bad insomnia with starting up. I suspect the latter;-).

I forced myself to eat a few bites of cereal before taking my pill this morning, and today I never got any stomach pain.

Otherwise, I haven't had any other side effects yet.

30-05-18, 02:07
I always took mine with breakfast and had no probs.
Was on it for 5 yrs (10mg) and found it great.

30-05-18, 15:56
Thanks, Phil! I hope it works as well for me as the Citalopram did for 5 years:-). I'm also I'm hoping I find the 10 mg as an effective dose for me.

---------- Post added at 14:56 ---------- Previous post was at 14:50 ----------

Day 3: I had to take two trazadone again last night in order to sleep; but I still don't know if it's side effects or that I've been so nervous with switching in regards to sleep.

Last night, I felt spaced out again around 5 or 6, plus had this scalp tingling. I then felt very calm and almost back to my old self for most of the evening, which was nice. I managed to read for several hours, and have been to revved up to do that for several days. My appetite also came back with a vengeance around 9 or so, but I didn't eat anything since it was so late. I'm going to force myself to start eating three meals a day, as I think eating as little as I have been probably isn't helping.

I had a little increased anxiety earlier this morning, but now I feel okay.

31-05-18, 14:26
Took my 4th pill this morning. Two more days of 5 mg., and then up to 10 mg. :-).

Increase in anxiety yesterday afternoon, but it was very manageable.

I got the scalp tingling thing again around the same time.

I had a great evening! No anxiety, I was very calm, and got my appetite back.

I only needed one Trazedone to fall asleep last night, and I'm not sure if I even would've needed it. I'm going to put off taking one until much later tonight to see what happens.

Day 4: This morning, I woke up with a bit of anxiety. But, I did manage to eat a bit more for breakfast than I usually do. I also have a spaced out feeling which worsens when I turn my head.

01-06-18, 15:00
The spaced out feeling lasted all morning yesterday. It was especially noticeable when I would look up or to the side.

I also had some stomach issues yesterday morning. That cleared up after I took an Imodium AD.

I had a great afternoon and evening! Some slight anxiety, but it dissipated until it was completely gone by 2 or 3. My appetite came back; I actually ate a normal lunch and dinner.

I also feel asleep with out my sleeping meds:-). Unfortunately, an hour or so later I woke up, in somewhat of a panic. Even after calming down, and I couldn't fall asleep on my own, so I ended up taking one and then eventually two Trazedone.

Day 5: Increased anxiety when I woke up. A feeling of disappointment, and severe nervousness about when I want to up the dosage to 10 mg, and what will happen when I do.

01-06-18, 15:13
Hi. I am on day 11 of 10 mg. I have noticed that with every day the morning anxiety seems to be getting worse and worse. I wake up in a feeling of panic that feels like it ripples through my whole body. I'm nauseous, my muscles hurt, and every movement feels like I'm wading through quicksand. Usually I keep it all the way until 3 or 4 PM. I keep waiting and praying that it will let up, but it hasn't yet. Hope you aren't on the same track as me and yours will let up sooner!

01-06-18, 16:24
Hi, Mommyof1!

I have a feeling mine will get worse, too. I'm dreading the second week, because it seems like side effects are more severe then, but the medication hasn't kicked in yet.

Since you're at Day 11, I have a feeling yours will let up really soon:-).

01-06-18, 17:36
I'm really hoping so because I dont know how much more of this I can take. I'm so confused because everyone in my family keeps telling me there's something wrong and I shouldn't be feeling this way, but then when I read reviews it says that it's normal. I dont know what to think anymore, I just know I'm miserable and trying to survive day to day. I dont live anymore, I simply exist.

02-06-18, 21:10
I had a slight increase in anxiety yesterday, which stuck around for most of the day. No appetite, either.

I did sleep a bit better; I fell asleep on my own, but then woke up and couldn't fall back asleep, so took 1 trazadone.

Day 6: I actually slept in a bit today, and had no motivation to get out of bed. Hopefully it's a sign the medication is starting to mellow me out a bit;-).

Anxiety this morning, but I went for a 3 mile walk and felt much better when I got home. I've been feeling very calm and more positive this afternoon, and my appetite is back.

About an hour after taking the pill this morning, I got the spaced out feeling again when I turned my head quickly or looked up or down. It's really strange; I almost feel like I've taken an illegal substance;-).

Mild stomach upset this afternoon.

Otherwise, it's been a pretty good day.

04-06-18, 01:09
Last night, I fell asleep without taking a trazadone pill :-). I did wake up twice, but managed to fall asleep again in a relatively short amount of time. I keep reminding myself that I've always woken up several times during the night; that is very natural for me, so not a side effect or the result of anxiety.

Day 7: One week down. What a relief.

Some mild stomach upset this morning, and late afternoon. Mild anxiety this morning and early afternoon. Otherwise, there isn't much to report (which is a good thing!).

04-06-18, 14:27
Fell asleep on my own last night, but then woke up after an hour with some anxiety and a feeling of dread. I then had to take one trazadone, and it still took me awhile to fall back asleep. I was tempted to take a second one, but resisted, and eventually did go back to sleep. I slept until my alarm went off, which is unusual; I've been waking before it does lately.

Onto the second week:-). I'm still at 5 mg, and I may stay at that until we return from vacation at the end of June.

I hope everyone else is doing okay!!

05-06-18, 14:57
Day 9!: I had mild stomach upset yesterday, otherwise that was it for side effects.

Bad insomnia last night. I took one trazadone, but woke after an hour or so, and it took forever for me to fall back asleep. The strange thing though was I wasn't at all concerned about it, which makes me think the escitalopram is starting to kick in a bit?!

I had to force myself out of bed this morning, even after sleeping in an hour later than usual.

---------- Post added at 13:57 ---------- Previous post was at 13:55 ----------

Mommyof1, how are you doing? Are you feeling better?

05-06-18, 15:13
Hi Kel, I'm doing slightly better, which is better than nothing! I had a decent day yesterday (day 14) where I wasn't overly anxious, but I also didnt have much energy to do anything. It's like my anxiety keeps me so hyper alert that when I dont have it, I feel so blah. I've yet to feel a happy medium. Still having nervous mornings and lots of nausea. I just wish I could have an appetite again, this isnt from the meds, I haven't had an appetite in 2 months since all of this began! I'm sleeping ok. I wake up around 6 every morning. My husband takes .5mg Ativans. So I've found that if I set an alarm for about 4am and get up and take one, I can sleep in until about 730ish.
Today is day 15 and it's a very anxious one so far....
I hope you are doing better!

06-06-18, 00:00
It sounds like you are making definite progress, Mommyof1!

I know what you mean about your appetite; mine comes and goes, and has for the past 2 months since my anxiety came back. Yesterday, I was actually hungry in the afternoon and evening; today, not at all. I ate a few bites of cereal for breakfast and then a small bowl of oatmeal for dinner, and that was it. I do make a point to drink a lot of water, and some juice throughout the day.

I wish this medication would kick in sooner:-). I still have to bump up to 10 mg at some point, which I'm really not looking forward to.

06-06-18, 13:47
Day 10: I slept better last night. I had to take one trazadone, but it worked relatively fast, and then I was out until shortly before my alarm went off.

I think I might move up to 7.5 mg. on Sunday. It will be a pain cutting the pills, but I feel better going up slow.

06-06-18, 15:20
Kel, do not fear the 10mgs. I survived for 13 days on my own with no help from benzos. Your body is already introduced to the medicine and you have help. The more you stress about it, the more your mind is going to play tricks on you!

I hope the 10 mgs treats you well
, mine is starting to!

06-06-18, 19:57
I started taking Escitalopram this is my 6th day on 10mgs for bad anxiety. I take Vistaril to take the edge off which is not a benzo. Tried Fluoxetine for 8 weeks with little success. Hope this works. Went to the gym today, to burn off some anxiety. The side effects have been tolerable mostly stomach aches, heartburn at night and poor appetite, been drinking ensure during the day. Is this drug faster acting then Fluoxetine.

07-06-18, 00:34
Mommyof1, that's great it's starting to work for you!!!! I bet that's such a relief.

I really do need to just bite the bullet and up to 10 mg. I keep putting it off because I've got a busy next few weeks planned: my daughters' birthday party, extra days scheduled at work, a dentist appointment where I'm getting a crown put on, and then we're going on vacation the last week of the month. I'm so freaked out that my side effects will be so bad that I'll have to stay home and skip vacation.

I'm not on any benzos either; the trazadone is another antidepressant that is prescribed off-label in low doses as a sleep aid. I did have to take a benzo when I started Citalopram 5 years ago in order to sleep. I'm really hoping to avoid that this time around, which is another reason I'm nervous about moving up doses.

---------- Post added at 23:34 ---------- Previous post was at 23:32 ----------

Will351, it sounds like you are doing really well so far :-)!

I've read that escitalopram is supposed to kick in a bit faster than other SSRIs, but who knows. I suppose it varies from person to person, and depends on what dose is effective.

07-06-18, 14:55
Day 11: I slept great last night :-). I didn't need to take any trazadone; and slept all through the night.

I woke up this morning, and, in addition to my usual morning anxiety, had a different feeling. I almost didn't recognize it at first;-). It was hunger. My appetite comes and goes through out the day, but it's been probably 2 months since I've been hungry in the morning.

I've got a busy day planned today and for the next few days, which is good.

08-06-18, 21:58
Day 12: I slept again last night without taking a trazodone. I woke up several times, but always fell back asleep again.

Yesterday and today, I seem to be having an increase of anxiety in the morning.

I really wish the small 5 mg dose would start to kick in a little, so I at least know I'm on the right track. I also wish we weren't going on vacation at the end of the month, so I could move up doses sooner.

---------- Post added at 17:12 ---------- Previous post was at 14:08 ----------

I've been feeling very emotional this morning. I watched the movie Coco with my son, and bawled at the end; now, I've been reading a few updates on Facebook, and tearing up. I'm not at all depressed, or sad....just emotional.

---------- Post added at 20:58 ---------- Previous post was at 17:12 ----------

I've noticed this afternoon that I've been grinding my teeth and clenching my jaw. I think I remember doing that a lot when I started on citalopram, too.

I'm having an increase in anxiety this afternoon. Probably why I'm noticing my side effects/anxiety symptoms more: I'm thinking about it constantly today. Ugh.

09-06-18, 13:42
Day 13: I had to take a trazadone last night to fall asleep.

Experienced the usual morning anxiety upon waking up.

I really wish I'd start to feel that it's working just a little bit. It's disheartening to know that I could end up going all the way up to 20 mg, and still have to switch to something else if it's not working.

09-06-18, 15:40
Hey Kel! I have good days and bad too, seems like more bad than good right now. I pray every morning for just a couple good days so that I can handle the bad. But when I get a good day it seems to make the bad days that much harder. It makes you feel like you are taking 1 step forward and then 10 backward. I'm working so hard right now and I dont feel like I'm getting much of a reward yet. I'm a girl of instant gratification lol.

I've realized this medicine takes a lot of patience, patience that we dont have. I have to really dig deep some days.

I was so depressed yesterday about the news of Anthony Bourdains suicide. It ruined my whole day. Not because I obsess over celebrities lives, but because for the first time, I understand. I used to hear about suicide and say "how selfish, one person's pain gets passed on to 20".

It upset me so badly because I COULD understand and i COULD relate. I know how you could get so low. I dont want to know these things, I dont want to understand the pain, I want to go back to my happy life.

It was damn near perfect. Perfect husband, perfect daughter, perfect brand new home, perfect family. Why is that never enough?

Sorry for the long one, I just wanted to say that I'm determined to fight and claw my way back to there and I'm here to talk if you need anyone! I'm new at this, but I never judge!

10-06-18, 15:09
Hi, Mommyof1!

Yes, Anthony Bourdain's suicide came as a shock. And then Kate Spade's a few days earlier. In some ways, I think the celebrities have it worse than the rest of us when it comes to mental illness; since any issues they have are splashed across the media. It seems like many of them have some type of mental illness, but you often don't hear about it unless they have a public breakdown or commit suicide :-(. I sometimes wonder if we'd all be better off if we'd be much more open about mental illness.

It sound like you are making improvements, with having some good days!! My days have been for the most part fairly even : anxiety most of the morning, then off and on in the afternoon, and gone in the evening. I did have a really good yesterday, which was so nice.

---------- Post added at 14:09 ---------- Previous post was at 14:03 ----------

Day 14: A breath of relief that the first two weeks are almost over. I've decided to stay on 5 mg until we're back from vacation late June, then I'll move up directly to the 10 mg.

I had a pretty good day yesterday. The usual morning anxiety, but it cleared up by early afternoon. I worked in the afternoon, and I'm sure being busy helped.

I slept great last night. Fell asleep early, and slept all night!! Needless to say, I didn't need to take a trazadone. I'm hoping this is a sign that the paltry 5 mg is working a bit. I will be very relieved if I'm having less anxiety when I do move up to the 10 mg.

I took my pill this morning, and about half an hour later started to have some stomach issues. I also noticed a definite increase in anxiety. I'm hoping this doesn't set the mood for the rest of the day, as we're having family over this afternoon for my daughters' birthday party.

10-06-18, 16:09
Yes I agree about the celebrities! People share "awareness" posts for a couple days and then move onto the next thing that happens. Mental illness is not as widely accepted as it is spread among us. I had no idea, until I experienced it. I pray that we can all find peace again one day.

I woke up feeling decent today, I think its mostly because it's the first time my husband has been home in 10 days because of work. I usually wake up extremely anxious because fear of what the day will hold and how I'll be able to manage my 2 year old. But I think knowing that he is home to help, I didnt have so much anxiety. That or the meds are kicking in more. Either way, I'll take it.

As I mentioned above, maybe you've felt your increase in anxiety because of the anticipation of what is going to happen today. Will it go smooth? Will you handle it all? Just try to breath and tell yourself it's going to be an amazing day! :-) happy birthday to your little!

11-06-18, 15:07
Mommyof1, I always feel better when my husband is home, too. He was on vacation last week, so that was really nice! We did some landscaping, so that helped keep me busy. Today, I don't have anything planned except I work a bit this evening, so now I'm at loose ends and already bored and slightly anxious. It's also raining out, so I don't know if I'll be able to go on my usual long walks.

Day 15: I actually had a good day yesterday! My anxiety was gone by early afternoon. I kept busy with family over, and then went for a long walk in the afternoon. My appetite was back almost all day.

Last night wasn't the greatest though. I had to take one trazadone to fall asleep.

I was so tempted this morning to take a 10 mg. pill, to get things moving along a bit faster. The only thing that stopped me was the knowledge than in less than two weeks we'll be on vacation. I'm impatiently waiting to see what my work schedule is for July, so I can try and time the best moment to move up to the 10 mg. I work very part time, so I'm hoping to time the increase to where I'm scheduled to work as little as possible;-).

12-06-18, 02:44
I've felt really blah most of the day. Lots of thoughts about whether or not escitalopram will work for me, and at what dose. I even spent some time online researching what I can try next if this doesn't work;-).

Summer is usually my favorite time of year, but this year I can't even feel any happiness about it. I miss getting excited about things, and feeling contentment, and joy. I really hoped I'd perk up before our upcoming vacation, but it's becoming clear I'll probably be in a bit of a funk during it.

I hate that I'm spending so much time ruminating about my anxiety. What in the world did I think about before this anxiety hit me again;-)? I miss thinking only about random, every day things.

12-06-18, 13:41
Day 16: Slept good last night; I did not need to take any trazadone.

I've got the usual morning anxiety. I'm also feeling very unmotivated today.

13-06-18, 14:06
Day 17: After having the usual anxiety all morning yesterday, it totally disappeared around noon.

I then had a really great afternoon and evening. No anxiety. I was in a much better mood. I actually did some planning for our vacation. I felt happy, and hopeful for the future. I'm not sure if this means the escitalopram is working???

Then, I had a setback last night when I had to take one trazadone in order to sleep. I had really hoped after my good afternoon and evening that I'd have a good night. I think the expectation and hopefulness of that happening made my insomnia worse.

Still, overall it was a really good day. I feel better knowing I might actually have a good time on vacation.

13-06-18, 14:57
I started at 10mgs hope to lose the waking up anxiety usually wake up at 7. I take one 50mg Trazadone. I live in Vermont and spend lots of time in my garden.

13-06-18, 16:49
I hate that waking up anxiety :-(. It makes it hard to get up. I will celebrate the day I wake up without having to deal with it.

13-06-18, 19:03
I echo this. I can’t wait to not feel that feeling anymore

14-06-18, 00:11
Keep going Kel! Today is day 23 for me and I haven't had morning anxiety the past 2 mornings, or the nausea. I have actually been eating too! Still a little anxiety through the day and it hasn't 100 percent helped with my panic about cancer, but I can tell its helping! I think once you bump up to 10 you'll be doing a lot better.

14-06-18, 14:35
Mommyof1, it sounds like you are really making progress :-)!

I think it will help too when I move up to 10 mg. I really feel like I'm just killing time right now. I was so tempted to take 10 mg this morning, but then I remembered how not-so-fun vacation would be if I get bad side effects.

---------- Post added at 13:35 ---------- Previous post was at 13:30 ----------

Day 18: I did not need a trazodone to sleep last night; I guess I'm on the every other night plan for now;-). I actually fell asleep early (for me), and slept like a rock all night. I did wake up once, but conked right out again.

Yesterday afternoon, I had a strange headache. It didn't really hurt, but just felt weird? I was also a bit foggy brained. I can feel the headache lingering in the background again today.

This morning, I'm having some stomach upset, and a bit of mild nausea.

And, of course, my usual anxiety. This is getting old, real fast.

15-06-18, 16:02
Day 19: I had a really great day yesterday. The stomach issues and anxiety were both gone by mid morning. I went shopping with my teen daughters, and had zero anxiety in the store:-). I felt back to my old self. My appetite was back in full.

Last night, I had bad insomnia. I took one trazadone; it took forever to work, but I didn't want to take a second one, so I didn't. I did eventually fall asleep.

This morning, I have a mild stomach upset and no appetite....but NO ANXIETY other than worry about the insomnia.

I do think the 5 mg is starting to work. If it wasn't for that darn insomnia, I would be giving serious thought to staying at this dosage.

Since I seem to be making some progress, when I move up doses in a week I've decided to try 7.5 mg instead of going direct to 10. Maybe that will be an effective dose for me; and, if not, it should make the side effects less severe than going straight on 10.

15-06-18, 17:32
This is just brilliant to read!!! Thrilled for you. Is shopping something that’s normally an issue for you? It is for me!! Not whilst I was on escitalopram, but the past 3/4 weeks its an issue. I long for that feeling again....where I can just walk into a supermarket and feel ok/normal!

15-06-18, 20:48
Wow kel,
What a change in 3 days. I am so happy for you. I’m still struggling on day 15.

---------- Post added at 19:48 ---------- Previous post was at 19:46 ----------

Great Kel,
What a difference in three days. I’m still struggling at day 15 on 10 Lexapro.

15-06-18, 23:25
I guess I spoke to soon, as anxiety has reared it's head again this afternoon. No appetite, and my weird headache is lurking about, too. Plenty of worried thoughts going on, too.

Yesterday was so nice, it's a bummer to get those feelings back, but of course I can't expect things to be just wonderful from here on out.

---------- Post added at 22:25 ---------- Previous post was at 22:22 ----------

This is just brilliant to read!!! Thrilled for you. Is shopping something that’s normally an issue for you? It is for me!! Not whilst I was on escitalopram, but the past 3/4 weeks its an issue. I long for that feeling again....where I can just walk into a supermarket and feel ok/normal!

Shopping's normally never an issue for me, or going anywhere else. Only these past two months, since my anxiety came back. Yesterday was a nice reminder of how it can be :-).

17-06-18, 14:28
Day 21: Two nights in a row now where I haven't needed trazodone to sleep :-).

Still having morning anxiety. Yesterday, it disappeared around noon and I was great the rest of the day.

I'm feeling less anxious about moving up to 10 mg. It's easier for me to realize now that the side effects will be temporary. I'm having more positive thoughts in general yesterday and so far today.

17-06-18, 16:13
This is great :)

18-06-18, 15:03
Day 22: I'm so disappointed!!! I really hoped I'd fall asleep on my own last night and make it 3 nights in a row without trazodone, but I had to take one :-(. So, now I'm in a low mood, and a bit worried. Anxiety isn't too bad so far, though.

Yesterday afternoon and evening went really well; I felt like I was making progress, but now it's like taking a step backwards with the sleep issue.

---------- Post added at 14:03 ---------- Previous post was at 13:58 ----------

.....and I was so tempted to pop an entire 10 mg pill in my mouth this morning instead of cutting it in half ;-). I just wish I could predict what the side effects would be like.

18-06-18, 15:58
How long did it take you to feel better on celexa. I had a much better day yesterday. This morning back with bad anxiety. 18 day on Escitalopram. I guess it’s up and down for quite a while.

18-06-18, 17:37
Hey Kel, I really feel like the anxiety you are still experiencing may because you arent taking a therapeutic dose. I have good days and bad, but we went on a 4 day vacation last week. I went into it super nervous but we were so busy I didn't have much time to think about it. We were out on crowds every day and I did great. I ate so much food and had an over all great time. I was worried that when we came home yesterday that I would go back to the morning anxiety and nausea. Nope. Woke up feeling great, filled the kiddie pool and got in and played with my daughter for a while. Made breakfast for lunch. Did some laundry. I even suggested to my husband that we have a 4th of July cookout and invite some friends and family.

Any time I have negative thoughts now i just keep saying "no, I'm having too great of a streak". I'm gonna keep it going as long as I can.v

Of course I'm still worried about the breast cancer scare, but it isnt crippling me like before. I think if you would take the 10 and tough it out for a couple more days, you'd be feeling a lot better. From day 23-28 I've been great on 10mg. I really hope you start to improve.

18-06-18, 18:24
Mommyof1, it sounds like you are doing great!! That gives me so much hope that 10 mg will work for me :-).

Yeah, I really need to move to the 10 mg. I feel like the 5 mg helps me a little bit, but it's not effective enough for me to stay on it. I was really tempted to take a whole pill today. It's to the point where I'm *almost* less worried about side effects, and just impatient to get to a higher dose.

We leave Sunday morning for vacation. It's tempting to up the dosage towards the end of the trip. I think being busy would help minimize the side effects.

---------- Post added at 17:24 ---------- Previous post was at 17:20 ----------

How long did it take you to feel better on celexa. I had a much better day yesterday. This morning back with bad anxiety. 18 day on Escitalopram. I guess it’s up and down for quite a while.

When I was on the Celexa (actually the generic form, citalopram) 5 years ago, it took 3-4 weeks before I felt improvement, and probably a good 10 weeks before all the side effects went away, and I felt great.

Yes, very common to have the up and downs for a while (weeks). The up moments are a good sign that things are improving, and that the medication is starting to work :-).

19-06-18, 21:37
Day 23: I slept wonderfully last night. I had a really tough time waking up and getting out of bed.

I had the usual morning anxiety which cleared up early afternoon. Shortly after that my headache appeared. I've had one almost every day in the late afternoon/early evening.

I noticed yesterday that I haven't been clenching my jaw anymore.

20-06-18, 12:09
Sounds like your doing great well done!!

20-06-18, 14:16
Day 24: Rough night last night. I had to take one trazodone.

I'm actually getting a bit braver ;-). I've been cutting my 10 mg pills in half. There are two pills I cut a bit uneven, with one half just a smidgen larger than the other half. I decided this morning that it's time to move up doses :-). So, I took one of the slightly larger halves. Providing I don't have extremely bad side effects, I'll take the the slightly larger half tomorrow, and then move up to 7.5 mg. I'm just really sick of this, and becoming very impatient.

20-06-18, 16:04
That’s absolutely brilliant Kel well done you!!

22-06-18, 14:29
Day 26 (Day 3 of upped dosage).

It's been a bit anticlimactic upping doses, which is a good thing :-)!!!

The only side effects I've had is that same spacy feeling an hour or two after I take my pill in the morning. It's worse when when I turn my head. I've also had a scalp tingling feeling. It's exactly the same as when I started on the 5 mg :-).

Everything else has stayed the same. Anxiety comes and goes, appetite comes and goes, I slept great Wed night, and then last night had to take a trazodone.

I tried cutting my 10 mg pills into 7.5 mg, but found it way too tricky to cut. When I cut it down to quarters, it just kind of crumbled. So, instead I've cut the pills a bit past the midline mark. I tried to get them equal. No idea what the actual mg is : probably somewhere between 6.0 and 7.0. :-). I'll stay on this until after vacation; maybe longer depending on my work schedule when we get back. Then right up to 10 !

22-06-18, 17:58
You are doing great well done be very proud!

28-06-18, 20:06
Day 32 (Day 9 of increased dose)

Good lord, am I really on Day 32 of these pills, with very little improvement?? That's depressing in itself to think about!

On Day 9 of the increased dose. I've only had one or two mornings where I got the spaced out feeling when I turn my head. Otherwise, no side effects. Also no improvement that I can tell. I've almost convinced myself to move up to 10 mg tomorrow. I'm starting to think escitalopram isn't going to work for me. It seems like I'd notice it starting to work by now, even on such a small dose.

We got back from vacation this afternoon. Despite morning anxiety and insomnia, I had a great time! I wish we could have stayed longer. I definitely gained back a few of the pounds I've lost;-).

29-06-18, 14:47
Hello Nervouskel,
I didn’t get much benefit from escitalopram until I got to 10mg, and as I’ve said on my thread, I’ve had to go up to 15 and that doesn’t seem to be doing it for me either. The other meds I’ve had long term in the past just worked and let me get on with it. Not happy. Maybe something will happen for you on 10mg?

30-06-18, 22:38
Hi Kel l am on day 30 at 10mgs and still have bad anxiety feeling hopeless.

03-07-18, 13:57
Day 37 (One week ?? on 7.5 ish mg)

No, I'm still not on 10 mg ;-). On our last few days of vacation, I started cutting the pills a bit bigger though. I'd guess they are pretty close to 7.5 mg, maybe even closer to 8.

The good news is, I think I'm finally starting to feel them starting to work. Last night was the 5th night in a row I didn't take anything to help me sleep :-). I did wake up for a few hours in the middle of the night, but it didn't worry me, and eventually I fell back asleep. I've also been getting tired during the day, and feeling more relaxed. Yesterday morning, I actually woke up in a good mood, and with no anxiety! It did come back after I got up, but it was great to wake up without it.

I've also been having some more side effects with the slight increase. All minor, and manageable. Stomach problems in the morning, that disappear by mid morning. A "buzzy" feeling in my head that comes and goes. Excessive sweating: I had this the entire 5 years I was on Citalopram, and just learned to live with it. It went away completely when I switched to escitalopram, but now it's back. I've been also a bit spaced out.

---------- Post added at 12:57 ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 ----------

Hi Kel l am on day 30 at 10mgs and still have bad anxiety feeling hopeless.

I wonder if it's time to talk to your doctor about going up to 15 mg?

10 mg is a pretty low dose. My doctor told me she has a few patients on 30 mg, and one even on 40 mg. I won't be surprised if I have to go up to a higher dose, especially in the winter since I'm prone to Seasonal Affective Disorder.

04-07-18, 05:21
Took my first dose of generic lexapro tonight - 10mg and hoping and praying it helps. I was prescribed an antihistamine (hydroxyzine or something?) for accrue anxiety- especially at night. I’m drowsy which for me is a good thing.

I took Citalopram for a month and had little help from it. I believe I took lexapro about 6 years ago and it helped greatly so I’m staying hopeful that this time it will help as well.

Are there any side effects I should know about?

04-07-18, 10:26
My psych is very much of the opinion that if he tells me which side effects he’s looking out for I’ll definitely have them! He knows me so well!

I’ve been on 15mg for three weeks now and am just starting to feel better. 10 was good to start with, but it was clear I needed to go up. I have suffered from side effects, which I worried were signs that I couldn’t tolerate the drug and would have to change.

Good luck. It’s been a long process for me, but I think sticking it out is the answer.

09-07-18, 14:16
Day 43. Week 2 on 7.5 (ish) mg.

I still haven't gone up to 10 mg, but I'm doing really well on this dose :-).

I'm sleeping much better. I haven't had to take a sleep aid now for almost 2 weeks. Last night, I slept right through the night, which is unusual for me at any time ;-). Usually, I wake at least once in the night.

I had a few days last week where I had absolutely no anxiety, and was 100 % back to my old self. The rest of the time, I've had very mild anxiety that comes and goes. I did have one afternoon last week of increased anxiety for no reason, which I chalked up to a side effect.

My appetite is back in full.

Side effects: besides the afternoon of increased anxiety, I've also had 5-6 "episodes" now where I'm absolutely ravenous, and feel I need to eat....a lot! I hope this is a side effect that goes away soon, as I don't want to gain back the nearly 20 pounds I've lost in the past 3 months.

I do still plan on going up to 10 mg in two weeks. It's just too much of a pain to cut the pills, plus I'm not getting the exact same amount of med each day. Since I'm seeing good results on the 7.5, I'm hopeful that 10 will be an effective dose for me.

09-07-18, 14:32
This is great to read so happy for you Kel :)

11-07-18, 13:42
Day 45.

Ugh, I'm having a setback right now :-(. I cut just the tiniest sliver out of one of my pills yesterday just to see how I would react. I figured if I had just mild side effects, I could move up to 10 mg today. I was fine all morning yesterday, then had a buzzy feeling in my head, which later turned into a really bad headache. Then, I couldn't fall asleep last night. I really didn't want to take any trazadone since I've been doing so well without it, so I decided not to take any. I ended up not sleeping at all. It appears now that I will be having some side effects when I move up to 10 mg :-(. I cut my pill a bit smaller today, and plan to do the same tomorrow since I work tomorrow and Friday. I might go up to 10 Saturday, or even Friday. I figure I might as well get it over with!!

On the plus side, I haven't noticed an increase in anxiety....yet. Nor have I had any stomach issues.

11-07-18, 17:48
Good luck Kel.

Going up to 10 and then 15 both gave me insomnia/anxiety/jaw clenching. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet! X

12-07-18, 02:45
Ugh, I've had a rotten day today. Increased anxiety, and my appetite is gone.

I'm dreading bedtime. Absolutely dreading it.

I feel like I'm back to square one :-(.

I probably will go up to 10 mg. tomorrow. There doesn't seem any reason not to now. Dreading the next few weeks. I'm picturing day after day of feeling how I am right now :-(.

14-07-18, 17:10
Day 3 of 10 mg

Yep, I'm finally on the dose I was actually prescribed nearly 3 months ago ;-)!!

So far, it's been much, much better than what I expected. I envisioned feeling so rotten that I'd have to be calling in sick to work, and sticking close to home. It hasn't been like that at all.

For side effects, I've had very slight nausea that comes and goes, an occasional tingling feeling in my scalp, and occasional slight chills. These are all things that I don't think I'd even notice if I wasn't actively looking for side effects.

More noticeable side effects include an increase in sweating during random times (actually I've had that for a week or so now), a headache the first day (Tylenol cleared it right up), a spaced out/not fully with it feeling that increases in the afternoon, and increased anxiety that waxes and wanes all day and night. I've been trying to keep as busy as possible, and that helps with the increased anxiety.

As for my sleep, I surprisingly fell asleep on my own the first night, and slept well. Last night, I had anxiety after going to bed, so I did have to take a trazadone in order to sleep.

Now, I get to play the waiting game, and see if 10 mg will be an effective dose for me. I plan to stay at the 10 mg for at least 8 weeks.

17-07-18, 14:00
Day 6 of 10 mg.

I'm been doing really well :-). I don't think I've had any side effects the past 3 days.

I do have minor anxiety off and on, but I think that's my "regular" anxiety, rather than a side effect.

Sleep is still hit or miss. I did great for two nights, and then last night had to take a trazadone. I don't think the insomnia is a side effect either; but just the insomnia I've had for the past few months. I'm really hoping my sleep improves as the weeks go on.

17-07-18, 14:51
I wish you luck with your medication. My anxiety always seems to increase when is start these meds. I am trying Effexor again in the next few days. I only made it 3 weeks last time.

22-07-18, 14:36
Good luck, Ethansmom!!

---------- Post added at 13:36 ---------- Previous post was at 13:31 ----------

Day 11. Double digits :-).

I've been having a few side effects the last several days. Occasional chills and scalp tingling.

Friday, I had a definite increase in anxiety that lasted almost all day. Then, yesterday I was fine, and totally back to my old self with absolutely no anxiety. It's strange how it can change from day to day!

Sleep has been maybe a bit better? Last night, I woke in the night for about an hour, but was able to fall asleep on my own again. The two previous nights I slept great, getting a good 7 or 8 hours of sleep both nights, which is almost unheard of for me since April.

I've had a few afternoons where I feel really out of it, and spaced out.

I've also been a bit tired during the day, and yawning.

23-07-18, 01:36
You're doing well Kel. :yesyes:

24-07-18, 15:10
Day 13 : Almost 2 weeks in!

Awful day yesterday. Increased anxiety, no appetite, all that fun stuff. It did get better in the evening. Then, I had a really bad night, and had to take trazodone in order to sleep.

Today, I ended up just going back to bed after I took my pill this morning. I didn't sleep, but just rested. Now that I'm up, I'm having stomach issues. Fun times.

I'm feeling a bit low today, due to the sleep issues and because at this point I had hoped to not be feeling worse;-). I'm starting to really wonder if escitalopram will even work for me, or if I'll have to go up a dose or two.

25-07-18, 20:57
Day 14 :-). I'm so glad the first two weeks are over.

I had some anxiety yesterday, but it went away in the evening. I also had a really bad headache. I'm not sure if it was a side effect of the meds, or because I've got a cough and cold right now. Despite the headache, I slept really well last night.

Today has been a better day. Anxiety in the morning, but very little this afternoon.

One side effect that has totally disappeared the past few days is the out of it/spacy feeling.

One huge plus is that I haven't had any morning anxiety/dread when waking up in the morning, for about three weeks now! The anxiety doesn't start until about an hour or so after I've taken my pill, which makes me think it's a side effect of the drug rather than my "original" anxiety.

27-07-18, 20:15
Day 16 on 10 mg. Almost 2 months in since starting on 5 mg.

Wednesday evening, I had a really bad headache again. I went to bed really early, and fell asleep almost immediately, and then slept pretty great all night. I did wake up around 3:30 a.m., and figured I was probably up for the day at that point, having already slept over 6 hours! But, I did fall back asleep after 30 minutes or so.

Thursday, a slight increase of anxiety in the morning, followed by a pretty good day. more anxiety in the late/afternoon and evening.

Today (Friday) I'm having anxiety again. It started shortly after I got up this morning, and his lasted all day. I'm hoping for a better day tomorrow :-). I did sleep okay last night; I woke a few times but fell back asleep again.

I've noticed a lot of jaw clenching today! I also had stomach upset in the morning.

31-07-18, 13:43
Day 20 on 10 mg.

I had a really great weekend :-). A minor bit of anxiety that cleared up fairly early in the morning. The rest of the time, I felt fine. I had a busy weekend, and I've noticed that that really makes a difference for me: the busier I am, the better.

Yesterday (Monday), I had a bit of anxiety in the morning, and again late afternoon. My anxiety now focuses on whether or not the escitalopram is working (I do think it's starting to), and whether or not I'll have to increase a dose. Today, I've got a bit anxiety this morning, which I hope dissipates as the day goes on.

I'm sleeping much better, especially the last few nights. When I wake in the night, I fall back asleep again right away. I do wake about an hour earlier than I need to in the morning, but that could be because I've been going to bed earlier. Yesterday, I even took a little nap in the afternoon, and still managed to sleep good last night ;-).

The only side effect I'm noticing now is still grinding my teeth during the day (I do at night too, but I've always done that, so I don't count it as a side effect).

05-08-18, 23:17
Day 25 on 10 mg.

I had four really great days in a row, with just some minor anxiety in the morning, and then again late afternoon. Very manageable.

Today, I'm having a bit more anxiety. It's all taking the form of "worried thoughts", along the lines of : when will the anxiety come back, is it coming back now, how will I handle this winter, etc. I am hopeful these thoughts will eventually go away, but I do think it will take weeks if not months for these thoughts to diminish.

As for side effects, I've had "stomach upset" come back the past several mornings. I have an episode or two, and then I'm fine the rest of the day.

I've also had a few moments where I'm extremely hungry again, like when I was on the 7.5 mg. When it happens, it's like I'm starving. I've actually never felt so hungry in my life! I hope this side effect goes away, as I don't want to start gaining a bunch of weight again.

I'm still sleeping really well. I still wake up earlier than I need to, but it's now 20 or 30 minutes earlier, instead of any hour. I've also been really tired during the day at times, like I can barely keep my eyes open.

Jury's still out on whether or not I'll have to increase: I do plan on staying at 10 mg for 3 months before deciding.

06-08-18, 13:16
Day 26 on 10 mg.

Ugh, rough night last night. Loads of anxiety when I went to bed. Needless to say, I couldn't sleep and eventually had to take a trazadone.

I'm in a bad mood today now, and very disappointed, as I thought I had turned the corner and was done with the trazadone. I'm hoping the increase in anxiety is just a side effect, and not a sign the medication isn't working.

06-08-18, 21:44
Still having a rough day today.

Appetite is totally gone again, anxiety, stomach upset, all the fun stuff ;-). On the plus side, I really could stand to lose more weight. At this rate, I'll be skinny by the time I'm back to my old self!

I'm having lots of worried thoughts and concerns about whether the med is even working for me, or if I need to up the dose. I think I may now give the 10 mg another 4 weeks, and then move directly up to 20 mg if needed. I'm just so sick of this; I started on these meds the end of May and certainly thought I'd be doing great by now; instead, the anxiety has impacted a good chunk of my summer (although I have had good days too, so it hasn't been all bad!).

---------- Post added at 20:44 ---------- Previous post was at 20:40 ----------

I forgot to add that I also had chills for about half an hour this morning. I've had then occasionally since I've started, but just a few seconds at a time. I hope this is a sign that the increase in anxiety is just a belated side effect!!!

07-08-18, 07:50
Hello NervousKel,
Sorry to hear you’re still having problems on 10mg. I am too on 15mg, but they’re different from yours.

I am really hungry all the time, I have severe agitation/jitteriness, but little if no anxiety. I feel hyper, but no fear/apprehension. I also clench my jaw and have ear/sinus issues. My doctor thinks I’m having too much escitalopram (for me).

From my experience I would suggest you try 15mg before going up to 20. If you’re still anxious on 10, 15 may do it for you.

I’m in the process of trying cbd oil alongside. My next move is to lower the escitalopram, maybe down to 12.5.

Like you, I’ve just had enough of this. I’ve been unwell since February. There was snow and it was freezing, now we have a drought and 36 degrees and I’m still a mess!

I hope things improve for you soon. This change of meds is so much harder than I anticipated.

07-08-18, 16:05
Sleepy, I can so relate! I never in a million years thought that when my anxiety came back in early April, that I would still be dealing with it in August! I remember at one point in May, thinking to myself : "This will all be over by the 4th of July". Little did I know! Even last month, I was telling myself that I'd be back to my old self by September; now, it's becoming clear that I could possibly still be going through this at Christmas time.

If I'm not seeing more improvement in another 2 weeks, I will make an appointment and see about going up to 15 mg.

Day 27 on 10 mg.

Despite having anxiety all day yesterday, I actually slept great last night. I went to bed earlier than usual, fell asleep quite quickly, and even with waking in the night managed to fall back asleep right away.

This morning, still having anxiety (a little less than yesterday though), and low mood. It's gloomy and overcast, which isn't helping matters. I'm having many doubts as to whether this medication will work for me. My latest worry is that because escitalopram is so close to citalopram, since the citalopram quit working for me after 5 years, the escitalopram won't work for me, either. I'm picturing months and months of dosage increases, and then having to switch to a different med after all that.

08-08-18, 13:36
Day 28 on 10 mg.

I had a fair amount of anxiety yesterday, but it did diminish in the afternoon.

Then, I had a horrible night last night. I went to bed again really early, and slept for maybe half an hour, then woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. Eventually, I took a trazadone. That didn't work, so an hour and half later, I took a second one. It took forever to work, but finally did. I think I need to quit going to bed so early, and go back to my regular bedtime.

Not much anxiety yet today, but that's probably because I still have the trazadone in my system.

I'm really debating whether or not I should make a doctor's appointment today, and increase my dose to 20 mg. I just can't imagine doing this for another 4 weeks, and then starting all over again.

08-08-18, 19:21
Well, I've spent a good chunk of the morning doing more research online about escitlopram (I know, I know;-), and one thing I've been reading about is that if Citalopram is no longer effective for a person, escitalopram probably won't be either, since they are so similar :-(.

I'm feeling very disheartened, and strongly considering going back to the doctor tomorrow, and see if I can be prescribed a different SSRI. Maybe Sertraline.

I feel like I've just wasted the past 2 1/2 months on this med. I wish my doctor and put me on something different right at the start.

09-08-18, 04:11
Hi All - New here

I couldnt help but comment here - I was going to say that those meds are so alike that if one was to poop out the other would likely not work either. I know this as I love Escitalopram but it poops out on me after 12 months and trialing substituting for Citalopram never worked for me

My advise though is to go up to 20mg and give that a shot. It might work. I always took 20mg with no problems

10-08-18, 02:02
Hi All - New here

I couldnt help but comment here - I was going to say that those meds are so alike that if one was to poop out the other would likely not work either. I know this as I love Escitalopram but it poops out on me after 12 months and trialing substituting for Citalopram never worked for me

My advise though is to go up to 20mg and give that a shot. It might work. I always took 20mg with no problems

Hi, Roseywosey! Thanks for your reply!

Yeah, I have a feeling the escitalopram isn't going to work for me. I did read a few reviews and message forums today though, where it has worked when someone has switched from one to the other after the initial med pooping out, so I guess that makes it worth a try. One nice thing about the escitalopram is that I can go up to a higher dose if necessary: my doctor has several patients on 30 mg, and even one or two on 40. So, if the 20 mg doesn't work for me, I could try 25 mg, which would be higher than the equivalent Citalopram dose I was on.

If you don't mind me asking, how long did you try the Citalopram before realizing it wasn't working? Also, have you been on escitalopram more than once? If so, did it work the same for you again? I'm hoping I can someday try Citalopram again.

---------- Post added at 01:02 ---------- Previous post was at 00:51 ----------

Day 29 on 10 mg.

I slept great last night :-). A good 8 hours. I'm trying to think positive thoughts about that, instead of already worrying how I'll sleep tonight.

I've had minor anxiety off and on today, all of it centered around whether the escitalopram will work or not, and my sleep issues.

But, I did make progress today. For years (15 years, to be exact), I've had a driving phobia where I won't drive in larger towns, or on the interstate. Today, I did both! I drove with my son to sporting goods store in a larger town 30 minutes away. It included driving on the interstate for about 5 minutes, twice;-). I was a bit nervous when I first got on it, but got over that within a second or two, and had NO heart pounding anxiety!! Compared to a week and a half ago when I had a pounding heart just driving down the highway. So, definitely a bit of improvement, due to either the escitalopram starting to kick in, or just overcoming the anxiety a bit on my own steam. My husband was quite surprised when I told him I drove there!

10-08-18, 23:09
Day 30 on 10 mg

I had a good evening last night, with just some very minor anxiety.

I slept great:-).

Today, minor anxiety off and on in the morning and early afternoon. Now, at dinner time I'm having apprehension and an increase in anxiety. We got a new puppy today, so that could be part of it :-). I'll adjust and enjoy the pup eventually, but I don't do that best with change, especially in the household.

One thing I'm really missing the past few days is joy and happiness. I had a few days where I was happy maybe a week ago? But, since Sunday, nothing. I'm not depressed at all; it's just this "blah" feeling, and like I'm not interested in or excited about anything.

I'm very much looking forward to hitting the 8 week mark, so I can consider upping to 15 mg;-).

12-08-18, 02:58
Day 31 at 10 mg

Rough night last night; I feel asleep on my own but kept waking up. Finally, at 3 a.m. I was awake for good.

Today has been really up and down.

A fair amount of anxiety all morning. I couldn't sit still. No appetite. I also got chills while sitting outside in hot, humid weather. Weird.

Then, this afternoon the anxiety was almost totally gone. I almost fell asleep while sitting outside; I was so tired and mellow.

The anxiety returned late afternoon, and increased. We went out to eat, and I had to force myself to eat anything. It was for my Mom's birthday, and I plastered a fake smile to my face and pretended everything was fine ;-). The anxiety slowly got better. Right now, I'm at about a level 1 out of 10 for anxiety.

With a little luck, I'll start having more and more moments like what I'm having right now, and fewer moments like this morning and late afternoon.

12-08-18, 05:55
Hi NervousKel

I tried the med for 2 months before realising it wasnt working for me.

I always go back to Escitalopram as its the only med thats ever worked for me. Ive been on and off it for the last 18 years but it alwasy poops out. Im actually going to start a new thread asking if anyone has experience on poop out how long they needed to come off it before they were able to go back on.

13-08-18, 13:13
Hi Roseywosey!

I'll be interested to see what the responses are to your question. Have you ever tried adding something else to the Escitalopram once it poops out? I've heard of people adding Wellbutrin or Abilify after an SSRI quits working, and that sometimes will kick it in gear again, at least for a little while.

Day 33 at 10 mg.

Saturday night, my good mood stuck around, and by the time I went to bed I was in a great mood; very happy and even excited?! I did fall asleep okay, but then woke up about two hours later, wide awake and still in a great mood. I wasn't remotely anxious, and could have cared less if I slept again or not. Eventually I did take one trazadone, because we were going to an amusement park the next day. The trazadone seemed to take a long time to work, but I did finally fall back asleep. I did wonder if this elevated mood could be an early sign the meds are starting to kick in??

Sunday, my good mood continued. We took our 3 teens plus one of their friends to an amusement park. I had been dreading the trip for the last week, since my anxiety has gotten worse. Fortunately, I ended up having a really good day. I'd say my anxiety level was at a .05 out of 10. Not much of an appetite, but I did eat a decent sized lunch and dinner.

I had a few anxious thoughts on the way home regarding bedtime, but not too bad.

I ended up falling asleep easily, but then woke twice; both times with anxiety, but did fall back asleep easily. I then woke up for good.....at 3 a.m. Good grief!! On the plus side, I didn't take a trazadone;-).

I then lay in bed until 6, and was really shaky?? I'm not sure if it was because I haven't been eating much, or what the deal is. I've also been drenched in sweat since waking up, to the point it's practically rolling down my face. Oh, I had diarrhea, too.

But--so far today, no anxiety?? It will be interesting to see how the day progresses, since after a poor night's sleep my anxiety and worried thoughts are always worse.

I don't want to jinx it, but I'm hoping (so, so, so hoping!) that the medication is starting to work!

13-08-18, 21:57
I had really hoped this would be a good day today, but nope;-)!

Low mood, and I have no interest in anything today, including eating. I look at the new puppy we got on Friday, and I'm filled with a feeling of absolute dread about the added responsibility. So far, my husband and teens have been doing the bulk of the puppy chores, but that will end when my kids go back to school on the 23rd. It's an adorable little pup, but I'm feeling so tied down now.

I keep trying to convince myself that my anxiety is less today than it was last week...but I think I'm just grasping at straws, wanting so badly for this dose to work. I need another day like yesterday, or better yet, a moment like Saturday night when I felt so carefree and happy ;-).

15-08-18, 00:58
Day 34 at 10 mg.

I was in a good mood by bedtime last night; I feel asleep on my own but woke up an hour later, and was wide awake. I took a trazadone, and that kicked in quite quickly, and then I slept until 6:30, which lately is sleeping in for me!

"Okay" day today. Anxiety levels seemed low, but this could just be wishful thinking on my part. I want so badly for this med to work that sometimes I think I convince myself that I'm feeling less anxiety, when I really might not be.

Multiple times today a feeling of dread would come over me. This is new, as usually it's anxiety/worried thoughts more than dread. The dread would pop up at random moments, and also when I'd look at or think about the new puppy, or the upcoming winter.

I've also felt just really flat today.

No appetite or interest in food, and when I do eat, I'm full within a few bites.

This afternoon, I was reading on our back patio swing, and kept starting to fall asleep.

I've decided that I'll give 10 mg another week...then I'll make an appointment with the doctor, and see about going up to 15 mg. If I'm going to keep going up doses, I want to start moving up faster; or it will seriously take me until Christmas just to arrive at 20 mg.

15-08-18, 21:46
Day 35 on 10 mg. 5 weeks done!

Anxiety when I went to bed last night. Eventually I had to take a trazadone in order to sleep.

Rotten day today, but for once I can't blame it all on the meds not working yet. We ended up giving the puppy back; I just couldn't handle it right now. I'm feeling so much guilt over it, and really in a low mood. Plus, it's "my time of the month" (started Monday), which probably isn't helping matters any. And, my son is having issues with his feet now that football has started, so it's iffy if he'll be able to continue to play, which will crush him. Added to all that, I'm teaching/supervising a children's jewelry making class tomorrow, which has me nervous.

I've had anxiety off and on, very low mood all day, and the feeling of dread coming over me at times. No appetite. I weighed myself last night, and I've now lost 26 pounds since April. I considered again this morning switching to a different antidepressant. I really have my doubts this one will work for me. I do want to give it a fair shot though. I guess it's possible I could still see benefits in a few weeks , or upping to a higher dose. Plus, those feelings of dread really come over me when I think about having to switch to something else.

17-08-18, 04:02
Day 36 on 10 mg.

I feel asleep on my own easily last night, and slept straight through, without waking even once. I did wake really early (5:30), but I'll take it :-).

I woke up again really shaky. Not sure if it's because I haven't been eating much?

I lounged in bed until 6:45 or so, in a rather low mood. Shortly before I got out of bed, I got those "fun" feelings of dread. I thought I had seen the last of the morning dread, as it had been a good month or so since that popped up. I guess it's back again. I did not have any anxiety though, so that's good!

All morning, I'd have the feeling of dread come over me, for no apparent reason.

I started to perk up in the afternoon. Work went really well (the kid's class I had to supervise/host). A bit of anxiety when driving to work, but I was fine once I got there and started working. I think it actually improved my mood.

When I got home, I was starving, and ate a candy bar. I got this buzzy/hyped up feeling that wasn't like anxiety, but my heart was thumping around. Maybe from the sugar? It was a bit strange. Later I calmed down, and was very relaxed.

This evening, my anxiety level has been really low, but I'm still not in the best mood. I just feel really flat.

Still waiting for a definite sign that this med is going to work for me....;-).

17-08-18, 08:04
Hello NervousKel,
It seems that your response to the escitalopram is mirroring mine in two ways: the feeling starving and the “hyped up” feeling.

I am hungry all of the time now. I won’t give in to it, because I’ve managed to lose 30 pounds this year and don’t want to put it back on, but the constant hunger is awful.

I told my psych about feeling wired. It’s not a negative feeling, it’s over-excitement and agitation. Some of my muscles twitch.

On the plus side, my anxiety has pretty much gone. I drove yesterday, which was only the second time this year!

What I din’t Have is the dread, and I know that feeling of old.

So it would seem your response to the drug is changing. I hope the dread goes, and the hyped-up feeling. It seems this drug just keeps on giving, in different ways! That’s why I feel I have to give each dose change a fair time to work.

I’m still on 12.5 mg. I may go down to 10. Not sure yet.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

18-08-18, 03:59
Hello NervousKel,
It seems that your response to the escitalopram is mirroring mine in two ways: the feeling starving and the “hyped up” feeling.

I am hungry all of the time now. I won’t give in to it, because I’ve managed to lose 30 pounds this year and don’t want to put it back on, but the constant hunger is awful.

I told my psych about feeling wired. It’s not a negative feeling, it’s over-excitement and agitation. Some of my muscles twitch.

On the plus side, my anxiety has pretty much gone. I drove yesterday, which was only the second time this year!

What I din’t Have is the dread, and I know that feeling of old.

So it would seem your response to the drug is changing. I hope the dread goes, and the hyped-up feeling. It seems this drug just keeps on giving, in different ways! That’s why I feel I have to give each dose change a fair time to work.

I’m still on 12.5 mg. I may go down to 10. Not sure yet.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

It's so strange: I kind of feel like I'm getting side effects now that I didn't get when I first started, or upped the dosage?

---------- Post added at 02:59 ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 ----------

Day 37 on 10 mg.

I had to take a trazadone last night in order to sleep. I'm starting to suspect and accept that I might just always have to take one/two sometimes. I really need to quit worrying about it.

Strange day today. No anxiety or dread upon waking up.

As the day went on, a small amount of anxiety/nervousness. But....some depression! It's like I'm now starting to go the other way. It peaked in the afternoon, and then decreased as the day went on. We spent a fun afternoon at the zoo and then a museum, and I just felt rather down and emotionless. I don't know if it's the escit, or just "me". It did go away after dinner. I also felt a bit spaced out, but that could be because I'm still not eating much.

Tonight I got really tired while sitting on the couch; I nearly fell asleep several times. No anxiety.

Lots of back and forth with myself today as to when/if I should change meds, or bump up the escit. I felt so rotten this afternoon that I figured I would go on something else ASAP. Now, tonight I've made a 180 since I'm feeling better, and think I should wait the full 8 weeks, then go up to 15mg if necessary. This constant thinking about it is annoying. I guess when I'm no longer constantly thinking about it, I'll know the meds are working, whatever medication it may be;-).

20-08-18, 14:11
Day 2 on 15 mg.

I finally bumped up to 15 mg.;-).

So far, for side effects I've been feeling really spaced out. I also had a slight headache last night, and I feel a bit "buzzy" and just not myself.

I'm having little to no anxiety! Rather a blah mood, though. I hope this flat mood/lack of happiness and no excitement is a temporary thing.

My sleep has gotten a bit worse the last few nights, even before I switched to 15 mg. I've now convinced myself that I'll have insomnia for the rest of my life. Does anyone else have that issue, and what meds do you take to help with it?

22-08-18, 17:05
Day 4 at 15 mg.

The anxiety ramped up last night, and stuck around today all morning.

I've been feeling a bit buzzy headed, and spacy yet.

My sleep's been awful. Last night, I got about 2-3 hours total. I haven't taken any trazadone for the last two nights though, so I guess that's good;-).

I'm kind of planning on staying on the 15 mg for only 4 weeks. If I'm not seeing any noticeable improvements by then, I'll move up to 20 mg, I guess. All thoughts of being back to my old self by Christmas has gone out the window. Now, the new goal is feeling good by March ;-).

29-08-18, 14:58
Day 11 (I think??) on 15 mg.

Not much to update :-). I'm still having anxiety. My sleep is still horrible. I'm trying to avoid taking the trazadone as much as possible, and on the nights I don't take any I get a few hours of sleep if I'm lucky. It's hard to believe, but before March/April I was a champion sleeper most nights: able to take an afternoon nap, and still log in a good 8 or 9 hours at night! I sure miss that. I'm not sure right now if it's the anxiety that has me sleeping so poorly, or a side effect of the increase to 15 mg. Maybe a bit of both.

As for side effects of the increase, one I've really noticed is the jaw clenching! It was much worse moving up to 15 mg than any of the other increases I've done. It seems to be getting better now though.

A new side effect I had was getting lightheaded 2-3 times a day, always when I stood up after sitting for a while. I haven't noticed it the last few days though, so maybe that's also gone away.

I'm still having serious doubts that escitalopram will work for me. I'm tempted to switch to Paxil in a few weeks, since that's supposed to be more sedating. My luck though, that wouldn't work either and I'd end up right back on escitalopram again;-)!

30-08-18, 07:58
Hello NervousKel, me again.

You have my sympathy. The jaw-clenching became a real problem for me on 15mg, and I’m still doing it after 2 weeks on 12.5. I still don’t know if escitalopram has caused my sinus/ear issues, but they’re worse than ever too. Headaches seem to have been added to the mix these last two days. Not a feature before.

I was on paroxetine for 6 years and it’s great for anxiety and sleep. Two caveats for me: I put on 56 lbs in just over a year without changing my diet. I haven’t been able to lose any of it until this year, twenty years later. The other one is withdrawal. It took me 18 months of hell to come off it. My doctor had numerous patients who just couldn’t get off it. He was horrified that he’d prescribed it to them.

Of course, there will be countless people who haven’t experienced this and are happy with the drug. This was my experience. I’d love to go back on it for its beneficial properties, but I just can’t face the negatives.

The lightheaded ness on standing, yes I had that but it got better.

Are you hyper at all? I was super agitated on 15mg, restless, wired and physically twitchy. Still twitching now, although the manic feeling has improved.

Like you, I’m fed up with it all. We’ve got some lovely things coming up, and I know it will all be spoilt by me feeling like cr*p. I also hate it when people say “how are you”? I just say “fine” now. Inside I’m crying😔

31-08-18, 09:40
Hello NervousKel

I would think it should have worked by now. I reckon you should cut your losses and try the Paxil.

01-09-18, 02:23
Hello NervousKel, me again.

You have my sympathy. The jaw-clenching became a real problem for me on 15mg, and I’m still doing it after 2 weeks on 12.5. I still don’t know if escitalopram has caused my sinus/ear issues, but they’re worse than ever too. Headaches seem to have been added to the mix these last two days. Not a feature before.

I was on paroxetine for 6 years and it’s great for anxiety and sleep. Two caveats for me: I put on 56 lbs in just over a year without changing my diet. I haven’t been able to lose any of it until this year, twenty years later. The other one is withdrawal. It took me 18 months of hell to come off it. My doctor had numerous patients who just couldn’t get off it. He was horrified that he’d prescribed it to them.

Of course, there will be countless people who haven’t experienced this and are happy with the drug. This was my experience. I’d love to go back on it for its beneficial properties, but I just can’t face the negatives.

The lightheaded ness on standing, yes I had that but it got better.

Are you hyper at all? I was super agitated on 15mg, restless, wired and physically twitchy. Still twitching now, although the manic feeling has improved.

Like you, I’m fed up with it all. We’ve got some lovely things coming up, and I know it will all be spoilt by me feeling like cr*p. I also hate it when people say “how are you”? I just say “fine” now. Inside I’m crying😔

Hi Sleepy! Yeah, I have a feeling I might have to do a bit of convincing so my doctor will prescribe Paxil;-). I do think it would be the best fit for me out of the 3 SSRIs I haven't tried (Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac). I have a feeling Zoloft and Prozac would both be too activating for me.

I'm not hyper on the 15 mg, just still having some anxiety (it was better today though) and feeling out of it. Also, my insomnia has gotten worse. If it wasn't for the insomnia, I'd be willing to give escitalopram at 15 mg a longer run. I think I'm going to make a doctor's appointment next week, and ask about switching to Paxil (well, the generic form of it;-).

---------- Post added at 01:23 ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 ----------

Hello NervousKel

I would think it should have worked by now. I reckon you should cut your losses and try the Paxil.

Yes, I think that's what I'm going to do :-). I plan on making a doctor's appointment next week.

09-09-18, 23:57
Day 22 on 15 mg.

Well, after deciding I needed to switch to something else, I had a really good weekend. We went to a hotel with an indoor waterpark, and, despite the chaos, noise, and crowds, I had little anxiety: just a bit when I woke up in the morning.

Then, this past Monday-Friday I did great. No anxiety. I was sleeping well. I barely thought about anxiety. I figured the 15 mg was finally, FINALLY starting to kick in.

Friday and Saturday nights, I've had insomnia again, so now I've got a bit more anxiety. It definitely goes hand in hand for me:-). I do plan on sticking with the 15 mg for a bit more time though, since I had such a great week last week. I still have an appetite (boy, do I ever!), so I figure that's a good sign! I've also been in a good mood.

For side effects, the jaw clenching and the light headedness are both totally gone. I've felt a bit spacy off and on, but that too seems to be improving. I've also been feeling like I'm starving at times; and probably eating way too much :-(. I can eat a decent sized meal, and an hour later, I'm hungry again. I've gained 4 pounds back in the last week alone. I hope this is a side effect that goes away!

10-09-18, 09:40
Hello NK,

So pleased that you are feeling better. Very jealous that you have no more jaw-clenching!

I am still on 12.5mg. It’s very up and down. I had two brilliant days, followed by four horrid ones, and this Thursday-Sunday were really good again. The agitation is much improved. The anxiety has gone: I drove yesterday without a care in the world. Sleep still variable, and if I have more than one glass of wine I spend the first three hours of the night wide awake.

I still get the ear/sinus issues, but on the good days they almost vanish.

Seeing my psychiatrist today. I’m going to be telling him once again “I’ll just give it a bit longer..”

22-09-18, 23:19
How are you doing now, Sleepy?

Day 35 on 15 mg :-).

I'm doing well. After my last post, I had a few days of off and on with anxiety and insomnia, and then for over a week I had no anxiety, and everything was great. I would say during that time I was at 100 %!

This past week, my husband got really sick. He went to the doctor on Thursday, was admitted immediately to the hospital, and they determined he had had a minor heart attack! He's doing good now, and just got out of the hospital. I dealt with it really well until last night (Friday), when I didn't sleep at all, and now my anxiety is back. I think that's quite to be expected under the circumstances, though. I do think I'm handling it much better than I would have a few weeks ago.

I hope everyone else is doing well :-)!

25-09-18, 10:20
Hello NervousKel,

So sorry to hear about your husband, hope he makes a full recovery.

I'm still in the same boat. It's the ENT issues that are the worst. Anxiety and sleep are pretty good.

Just had a weekend in France, and I was much better. I seem to be better when I'm away from screens, particularly the Ipad and my phone. Is that insane? I'm trying to just use the PC this week and see what happens. When I look back at my better days, they all involve being away from the house or having visitors, so that I'm not using my tablet. Coincidence? On Sunday on the way home I used my phone and immediately started to feel my ears aching and fullness in my sinuses. Psychosomatic?

If there's no improvement this week, I feel I have to cut down to 10mg. Sigh.

05-10-18, 18:20
Hello NervousKel,

So sorry to hear about your husband, hope he makes a full recovery.

I'm still in the same boat. It's the ENT issues that are the worst. Anxiety and sleep are pretty good.

Just had a weekend in France, and I was much better. I seem to be better when I'm away from screens, particularly the Ipad and my phone. Is that insane? I'm trying to just use the PC this week and see what happens. When I look back at my better days, they all involve being away from the house or having visitors, so that I'm not using my tablet. Coincidence? On Sunday on the way home I used my phone and immediately started to feel my ears aching and fullness in my sinuses. Psychosomatic?

If there's no improvement this week, I feel I have to cut down to 10mg. Sigh.

Hi Sleepy! Did you end up having to cut back to 10 mg?

---------- Post added at 17:20 ---------- Previous post was at 17:13 ----------

Day 47 on 15 mg.

6 1/2 weeks in on 15 mg, and overall I'm doing well. I'm no longer dreading the upcoming winter, I don't have morning anxiety when I wake up, and I'm usually in a pretty good mood, even when having a blip.

I continue to have sleep issues. I'll sleep fine for several nights in a row (sometimes even for a week or so), then I'll have insomnia, and it triggers anxiety. I'll then have lack of appetite, worried thoughts, etc.

I think I'll eventually have to go up to 20 mg, but I want to wait another month or so, just in case things even out. It's still relatively early days on the 15 mg.

05-10-18, 19:07
Kel it sounds like you are doing amazing!! Well done you!!
Hope your husband is well? X

28-10-18, 18:23
10 weeks now on 15 mg!!

After the last time I posted, I had 3 wonderful weeks in a row. No anxiety, sleeping great, etc. I figured I had seen the end of my good friend anxiety, at least for the next few years.

Friday night, I woke up in the middle of the night, and it took me an hour or two to fall back asleep. I don't know if that triggered something, or if it's hormones, or just life, or random, but then on Saturday I had a bit of anxiety. Saturday, my insomnia was back, and I had a sleepless night. Now, today, on Sunday, I seem to be in full on blip mode.

I do think the 15 mg is working at least somewhat, because this blip is more mild than any others I've had the last 7 months. But I'm giving strong consideration to moving up to 20 mg in the hope that will get rid of the blips entirely. I'll give it at least a few days before I decide.

I hope everyone else is doing okay!!!!!

30-11-18, 02:24
Hi Kel i am currently living a insomnia situation due to a up of dosage, how long the insomnia staid in your case? Thanks and how you doing currently?

10-01-19, 17:05

I'm doing really great on the 15 mg :-)!

Sleeping really well most nights. I haven't taken any trazadone since August or September. The last sleepless night I had was late October, the one I posted about above ;-).

I'm in a good mood nearly all the time. Very little anxiety. Occasional blips that last just a few seconds or minutes.

---------- Post added at 17:05 ---------- Previous post was at 17:03 ----------

Hi Kel i am currently living a insomnia situation due to a up of dosage, how long the insomnia staid in your case? Thanks and how you doing currently?


I think my insomnia was due mostly (maybe entirely) to my anxiety rather than the medication. Once the meds fully kicked in (took a long time for me, probably 2 1/2 months or more on my current dose), then I started sleeping better.

10-01-19, 17:13
Thanks Kel, I appreciate your information and I'm glad you're doing well, are you doing another CBT-type treatment or just the medication?

25-10-19, 15:59
Hello from blip land :-)!

I hope everyone else is doing well. Hugs to those who are struggling right now.

I've hit a bit of a rough patch, and am several days in a blip. I had some family drama, then we had to put our 5 year old cat to sleep (awful!), then someone I had planned to take a trip with backed out, which has me dreading the trip.

I did okay for the first week of all this going on; but then had a night of insomnia. That triggered all the old feelings again. Now I'm in this cycle of anxiety/insomnia. I've had several nights of no sleep these past few weeks, and then two other nights I took sleeping pills. I really hate having to take sleeping pills, so of course that adds to the anxiety.

It's strange, because the last year has been pretty great anxiety wise, but then when I hit this blip it's like the last year of good feelings didn't even happen! It's like I just remember the months before when the anxiety was bad. Is this how it is for you guys when you habe a blip?

I'm open to eventually bumping up to 20 mg of escitalopram, but for now I'm hoping to stay at 15 mg and hope this blip just....disappears ;-).

25-10-19, 23:58
Now I'm in this cycle of anxiety/insomnia. I've had several nights of no sleep these past few weeks, and then two other nights I took sleeping pills. I really hate having to take sleeping pills, so of course that adds to the anxiety.

Which sleeping pill are you taking?

I'm open to eventually bumping up to 20 mg of escitalopram, but for now I'm hoping to stay at 15 mg and hope this blip just....disappears

It takes several weeks for dose increases to become effective. Hopefully you'll be well past all this before then. But if you're not then you have nothing to lose by taking 20mg as you can always drop back to 15mg after a while.

27-10-19, 21:52
I'm prescribed Trazodone as a sleep aid, to use as needed. I've had the prescription for almost 7 years now; for most of those years, I've had to use it only once or twice a year if even that much. When anxiety flares up, like now, then I go up to several nights a week if not more.

I'm going to give this blip another few weeks to see what happens, and then up to 20 mg I'll go :-).

27-10-19, 22:44
I'm prescribed Trazodone as a sleep aid,

A good choice. Btw, at higher doses, 200mg+ trazodone is a pretty good antidepressant in its own right usually with fewer ongoing side-effects than the SSRIs/SNRIs.

I'm going to give this blip another few weeks to see what happens, and then up to 20 mg I'll go :-).

Fingers crossed that it works. It is as likely to as upping the dose.

04-11-19, 15:33
I'm still sort of ?? in a blip. Anxiety wise, I'm doing quite well. But the insomnia continues to linger. I may be visiting the doctor in a few weeks to see what options I have.

I've ordered a self-help book on anxiety that should be arriving today. I also plan to read a few self-help books on insomnia.

04-11-19, 21:47
But the insomnia continues to linger. I may be visiting the doctor in a few weeks to see what options I have.

Unfortunately, insomnia can be an ongoing issue for some. But there are ways of at least minimising, if not completely eliminated, including therapy.

05-11-19, 01:04

I've ordered a self-help book on anxiety that should be arriving today. I also plan to read a few self-help books on insomnia.[/QUOTE]


What book did you order in the end? I hope you manage to get on top of the insomnia. Did you go up to 20mg in the end? Let us know how you go with the GP.

I'm going back today as I'm so tired of this constant nervousness and agitation I feel - there's never a quick fix out there!

Good luck!

08-11-19, 14:33
The book I bought is called Feeling Good by David Burns. It's based on CBT, and a lot of people say it's helped them. I just started it, and it's definitely giving me a lot to think about.

I'm still at 15 mg. I'll probably wait until January to increase, in the hopes this blip will run it's course. In the meantime, I'm going to read up on CBT, Mindfulness, etc. It's becoming very clear to me that I need more than just the meds to handle anxiety.

The insomnia has now turned into sleep anxiety, which is very typical for me when I have anxiety. I took a trazodone last night in order to fall asleep, which now has me thinking negative thoughts such as "I'm going to have to be on sleep meds the rest of my life" and I'm generally just in a low and anxious mood. I put so much pressure on myself to sleep naturally that it totally backfires. I'm hoping to pick up some tips on how to deal with that through reading self-help books.

10-11-19, 09:03
Just like to say thanks for your thread, very interesting to read and following your journey

11-10-21, 18:00
Hi, all! I hope everyone is doing well.

After two years of doing really well (only the typical worry that everyone will experience from time to time), I’m in yet another rough patch.

It started maybe 3 weeks ago, and has slowly gotten a bit worse. All the typical stuff I experience: sleep issues, no appetite (lost 10 pounds so far), worries about anxiety, sleep, and the future.

My two daughters joined the military several months back, and both were sent overseas to separate countries. They are doing fine, but I really miss them, and worry about them. I did fine at first, but now the stress and sadness seems to be catching up with me.

I’m still on the 15 mg of escitalopram. I don’t plan to increase at this time, mostly because then I’ll be on the highest dose with no room to move up. It’s ridiculous I even worry about that, but here we are!

12-10-21, 17:18
I think it's completely natural to be feeling a little lost with both your daughters going away. When my son first went off to university I really struggled, it was a real loss. In fact both me and my husband felt it quite badly and there were many rows and tears. You do get used to it and emotionally you do start to feel better.

15-10-21, 18:31
Thanks for the kind words, Catkins!

It is a big adjustment having them overseas.

I’m still blipping along. I’m going to force myself to go for a walk later. Starting to seriously consider upping my meds next month.

16-10-21, 08:42
I’m still on the 15 mg of escitalopram. I don’t plan to increase at this time, mostly because then I’ll be on the highest dose with no room to move up. It’s ridiculous I even worry about that, but here we are!

OTOH, there seems no point taking an AD at a dose that isn't fully effective. You could ask your doctor to add a small dose of buspirone (Buspar). This is a GAD specific med which works well for some, but not for most, however, small doses, 10-30mg, can increase the effectiveness of SSRIs and SNRIs and ease some of their side-effects too.