View Full Version : I think I'm obsessed with Alzheimer's

29-05-18, 06:56
Guys, I need help.

I am terrified of my parents getting Alzheimer's or dementia. Especially for my mom. I feel like since this fear has taken over, I've been obsessed with her memory: looking for any and every instance of her forgetting a word or recalling it, her forgetting a part of the recipe or an address.

The thing is, she recalls the information later. And if I don't think about the fear, it doesn't present a problem at all. And nothing drastic has occurred.

I think what kickstarted the fear was having a great aunt (not blood related to her) have dementia. And seeing what that did to her, really makes me concerned about my mother, to an unhealthy point. I used to have health anxiety about myself and I still do to a degree. But I think my fear of loss is feeding into this fear of alzheimer's and I don't know what to do.

Someone please help me rationalize, or send a hug. It's 1am here and I'm too scared to sleep :weep:

29-05-18, 23:32
Hey, my mom has alzhimers, she would repeat things over and over, also she would tell us her brain isn't letting her think, she would say she wanted a banana but point at an apple. My mom was diagnosed at 55 with it, as far as I know no one in family had/ has it until her, I used to worry I was going to get it, but I tell myself just because mom does doesn't mean I am, there is a test that can be ran to check something to see if she has the gene or is a carrier, I can't remember the name of it but if you're that worried research that, and talk to your mom about your fear and recommend she and you get tested