View Full Version : Dizziness 1-2days AFTER Physical/Emotional Stress?

29-05-18, 13:18
Totally new to this , Very very Long Post, Would really appreciate if someone would give feedback on this as it would help me immensily understanding this.

Have been with this for the last 3years, I didn't totally realised that I have anxiety Until my last episode which was the worst I have ever had. I had come up the mentions of Anxiety but I thought it's a way different thing. I have done so many tests/checkups/scans/visited at least 15 different doctors-Nothing! Some suggest to check this and that, and than I start to imagine that I have those problems and they grow on me as a ''real'' thing.. Had no idea mind can be this powerful.

No1 really actually suggested that this might be a problem and I didn't really realised it myself as I haven't had a full blown panick attack along with anxiety as well until recently, maybe just small frustrations which I signed off to normal stress..Or I didn't understood that the stuff I was experiencing was small panick attacks. I looked normal from outside,No1 would think I have physological problems - I had no reason to even give suspicion myself.

I have been suffering mainly from Dizziness/brain fog for the last 3years which comes up in cycles and subside after some time gradually + along with other ''health problems'' which I now believe I have made up in my mind as all of them magically went away minutes after I had finished some checkup and came up as all ok! I'm always worrying,searching for stuff as I had no idea what's wrong with me, fear of death when it gets worst, heart palipations/pressure - I have done ECG 3x over the time , did the sonar dopler thing as well, brain scans- No problems!

Oh and the diarrhea when I get stressed, i hate it..

Some 6months ago I started writing down everyday what I do/when it gets bad/how long it lasts for..every detail of my day..I wanted to find what is the thing that is Killing me slowly... I finally started to see a clue - the heavy dizziness which usually lasts for 2-3days before it reduces and lasts in total around 7-10days before its completely gone has been after I have been exhausting my body by working more/excercising more/or after a stress or after I catch some virus from someone else- Or I imagine that I have cought the virus from someone else as I usually don't have any increased body temperature or any other real problems.

I thought it's my immune system/my strength tollerence which I need to improve, so I changed everything in my life for the past 6months, went whole food vegan,cut down 4-5x on time spent in front of PC from like 11hours to 2hours per day( I work in IT so it's kinda what I do...) , started walking everywhere instead of driving,tried to get better sleep, got out way more, In result- Once I stressed my body in any way I was able to recover much faster from the dizziness/tiredness which happened the days after.

Until few days earlier when the attack of my life came upon me , the previous day I agreed to went on a Fast with a friend for 36hours, 18hours in I started to stress soo much about it , a stress which I hadn't had like forever.. I ended up stretching it to like 27hours before I went to eat , so for the 10hours I was doing nothing but only stressing and thinking, my stomach was cramped up, I thought bad things will happen and I tried convince myself that they wont ( well nothing would actually happen, but still..) Insane stress. + I had done some weight lifting/swimming that day,not much but all adds up. I felt all ok that day... Until the next Morning..

The rollercoaster ride of my life started before I even opened my eyes the next morning, walked to toilet and that's where I ended up staying for the next half hour as I felt about passing out along with pressure in chest and dizziness/spinning which I couldn't control. Wanted to call Ambulance- Had no phone with me,couldn't walk to one as well, felt totally hopeless ,Until I saw a jar of Suggar ( which i grabbed and started eating- Mind you it was totally disgusting as I hadn't consumed any sugar for 6months+ )

5mins later the dizziness stopped A LOT and i was able to walk and recover a bit, I drank sugar water 3x more times during the day and every time It helped me to fix me up a bit, until I started to think... Wait.. I have been checked for this stuff , what if it's just Placebo.. than the sugar water stopped giving me any effect after I had thought like that. :roflmao:.

On top of it all had an actual panic attack that night for good 4-5hours without unable to move my head much without going in crazy spin sensations + heart feeling about to explode. Thought.. It's no use calling ambulance now as I'm too exhausted now and they would only mess me up more with giving unknown stuff to me, the plan was to try to relax and try to fall asleep,which paid off as the next morning I had no dizziness at all which was very very weird but only crazy exhaustion from the day before, Until a bit later in the day I started to write on paper to my doctor what had happened to me- the dizziness started to return as soon as I started to think about it more and write what happened.... That's where I Started to Think - What the hell is going on...

Some Searching lead me to Look up what the Anxiety Thing actually means again, as I thought it's some kind of different thing previously.
It all added up finally and Well that's where I am now...

These past days the - Bring it on method, and that it's just an irritating nuisance not anything dangerous has helped me a lot as I can pretty much almost turn the dizziness off even after I should be crazy dizzy now after what I had experience.

So I got only 2 questions:
-has anyone experienced that your Dizziness started ONLY after 1-2days after you had exhausted yourself? It never starts that same day,which Is why it was really hard to track down what causes it..It usually starts after I have gone for good sleep and relaxed from the stuff I have done previously, or over the last 2days. If I don't calm down and don't stop working I usually find It never starts until I take that rest...The more I exhaust/stress myself the bigger the dizziness attack after that.

-Can actual Physical stress/exhaustion/ or for example riding a bicycle for 1hour cause it - I knew for a fact that If I ride a bike for longer than 1hour I would get the damn dizziness the next day or 2days after, Or it's possible that I was just thinking like that and stressing myself that I shouldn't push myself too hard and cause the spell that way? Basically which one does the most damage- Physical exhaustion VS emotional stress/worrying? Or it's just the Emotional stress with very little physical stress? How do they both work together?