View Full Version : Escitalopram (Lexapro) Success Stories, PLEASE!

29-05-18, 15:13
I am currently on day 8 of Escitalopram at 10mg and I am so down and depressed.

I was already battling a severe bout of health anxiety that was induced by my step father getting diagnosed with cancer. I've lost almost 15 lbs in 2 months because I've been so nauseous that I couldn't eat, I haven't been sleeping, I've been shaky and miserable for months. Once I realized what was happening and that all of my tests were clear, I sought out help from a CBT therapist with no luck, I know these things that time, but i have a small child and i need help NOW. So i went to my gyno and ask for reassurance ome last time that i didnt have breast cancer as I feared and then I asked for meds.

She put me on 10mg from the start and let me tell you, it has been pure hell. It has amplified my nausea, shakes, and insomnia. I am over here dying. I am at the point that I wish I were dying so that there would be an end to this. I dont know how to keep living like this. It has been a solid 2 months of pure hell.

Someone please tell me you've experienced this and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I want to eat again, I want to sleep again. I just want to enjoy my kid and life again.

29-05-18, 19:35
Hi, Mommyof1!

You're in the roughest patch right now: too soon for the med to be working yet, but getting the full onslaught of side effects. It seems for many people, week 3 is when the side effects die down, and the medication starts to slowly work. Has your doctor prescribed a benzo to help up with start up effects for the first two weeks? Many doctors do. For sleep, there are various options, too (I'm taking Trazadone as needed at night, which works well for me). I've also heard of people being prescribed Seroquel, or Zoplicone to help with sleep during the start up period.

I hear you on the starting with 10 mg. I'm currently taking 5 mg of Escitalopram, but when I started on Citalopram the doctor started me off on 20 mg, which is the equivalent to 10 mg of Escitalopram. It was a nightmare. I had never had any issues with depression in the past, and suddenly I was extremely depressed and having dark thoughts. At the time, I didn't realize it was a side effect of the Citalopram, and I really thought I would end up in the hospital. So many of these doctors don't seem to realize just how intense and bad the start up side effects are. My doctor didn't even mention that there could be side effects!!!

One thing that has been helping me is reading reviews (only positive ones! most of the websites let you filter) of Escitalopram. So many people (by far the majority) have had good results when taking this.

Let us know how you are getting on :-). Just remember, these feelings are temporary, and will go away.

30-05-18, 00:15
Yes, this is the worst part of getting help, you have to get worse before you can get better. I am trying to tough it out and keep pushing through, I've read a lot of reviews that have said it will eventually start working.

No. My doctor did not prescribe me a benzo to get through the first couple weeks and the more I read, the more upset I get about it. Going to sleep isnt tough for me it's just staying asleep that's the struggle. These doctors definitely do not realize how back these start up effects are or I feel like I would have been warned. I had no idea what I was walking into. I've never suffered from crippling anxiety until now and I've been going through it for 2 months and I have so much respect for those who have dealt with this for years. It's been 2 months and I'm about willing to put myself in a psych hospital.

I hope things improve soon.

30-05-18, 02:03
I was on it for 5 yrs (10mg) and I highly recommend it.
You should start seeing improvement very soon.:yesyes:
Stick with it