View Full Version : Heavy Head Feeling/Focus Feel Off

29-05-18, 20:18
Hello, thanks for reading my post.

For the past few days i have been freaking myself out a little. I keep having this heavy head feeling along with a weird feeling going on when i look around.

When i go outside and look around, it just doesn't feel normal, it is pretty hard to explain but it's as if my focus isn't there and i don't feel like myself, sometimes if i look to the left or right there is a short 1 second dizzy kind of feeling.

I suffer from health anxiety and have for a couple years so something like this really gets my panic levels up. I work from home (computer programmer) so i am on the computer anywhere from 8 - 10 hours a day, i have thought it could be due to this (mind stuck in computer land) but am just not sure, its extremely hard to explain the symptom.

Hoping someone may have experienced this before and could help me out, thank you.

29-05-18, 21:12
Is it like a whooshing feeling when you look round? If so, I get that.

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29-05-18, 21:44
Is it like a whooshing feeling when you look round? If so, I get that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Exactly yes.

It's not necessarily dizzy, as in spinning around or anything just sometimes when looking around it feels like that whooshy feeling.

Just going outside though i feel odd, like the feeling you get if you have stayed up all night and go outside, like my focus and thoughts are off. Just trying my best not to panic.