View Full Version : Brain Tumor fear, or something else to worry about?

30-05-18, 00:57
Hey everyone, just wanted to say it's really great that a place like this exists. I do get bad health anxiety, like making myself believe I had ALS a few years ago or even thinking that my wisdom teeth extraction had gone horribly wrong just because of a little gray spot in the socket. I'm 24, male, and not necessarily healthy or fit, but I've never really had any diseases or anything like that. Which brings me to my fear of a brain tumor or something else. I'm aware it's probably all in my head, but the reassurance is nice, or to at least hear from unbiased opinions. I downloaded an app called Ada that basically.lists possible conditions for symptoms, and brain tumor was the number one, as I have almost ALL of the symptoms found online.

To start, headache. I get headaches frequently, multiple times a week. Now, this has been going on for YEARS, I'm talking since middle school. So it could be related to TMJ, caffeine, etc. Still, a worry nonetheless.

My vision is pretty poor, and I notice I sometimes get blurry vision out of nowhere. I do wear glasses and I just had an eye exam about a month ago in which I was diagnosed with a stigmatism. I've read that eye exams can sometimes reveal effects of a tumor so that's a good sign. But the blurriness and slight dizzyness happens more often when I have headaches.

My speech feels like it has taken a dip. I've always spoken fast, but not fast enough for my mind, so for many many years I have had trouble enunciating at times and people tend to ask me to repeat myself. I feel as though it has gotten worse however.

On top of that, I've definitely had a harder time focusing and remembering things. I often find myself needing to pause and try and force myself to remember something I was just thinking about or planning to do. And sometimes I'll just zone out for a brief period of time.

I've also been a lot sleepier lately. I used to be able to stay up til 1 or 2 and wake up at 7 or 8 and have no problem. Now I find myself getting tired in the afternoon some days, and sleeping earlier.

The weird one is vomiting and stomach cramps. Once every month or two, for the past 8 or 9 months, I've gone to bed with awful cramping in my stomach, unable to sleep and at first unable to vomit until I had to retch and almost force it. After multiple times, I could finally sleep. This had never happened before, I don't drink, and all the foods were different. So it's very unexplained as of right now.

I do also have bad hearing, often asking people to repeat themselves as well as turning the volume up fairly often.

Maybe a small thing but I also twitch and shudder a bit. Not a lot but a couple times a week.

And lastly is trouble balancing and being clumsy. I can stand and walk just fine, I usually am standing for 7 hours at my job 5 or 6 days a week, so I'm not falling over. But I find myself needing to shift my weight a lot as my legs get heavy, and sometimes when walking I do randomly stumble and have to catchy myself, usually because I'm not focusing in the moment.

To sum it up:
-hearing and vision
-slurred speech and trouble focusing
-sleeping and being tired more than usual

From all the websites I've found, these are ALL symptoms of a brain tumor. I'm not asking for a diagnosis, I would just like reassurance, or, if it actually is something to worry about, let me know if these are worrisome enough to go see a doctor for. I'm trying to avoid it if at all possible, because even with insurance I cannot afford to pay off any tests or hospital visits unless I absolutely need them.

Thank you.

30-05-18, 06:25
To ease your mind you should go get that checked

30-05-18, 15:28
To ease your mind you should go get that checked

I'm worried if I ask for the tests they will be too expensive. I want peace of mind but I'd prefer to avoid any tests unless I really do need to go see a doctor over this.

I just recently had a physical with a blood test as well as an eye exam, and both were very positive.

I just don't know if my "symptoms" should warrant me going to a doctor and getting tests, or if they aren't telling enough to warrant it. Yet.

31-05-18, 22:51
Those are also anxiety symptoms. I have all of those along with the brain tumour fear. I sat and wrote down a list comprising of all physical anxiety symptoms. Those are on the list along with a whole bunch of crazy stuff.