View Full Version : Morning or evening to avoid nausea?

30-05-18, 11:35

I wondered if anyone can advise if they had bad nausea on cipralex and whether the time of day helped to combat it?

I have been on 5mg for two weeks then increased to 10mg and I am on my second week. I take it in the morning and I find my mood has improved in the afternoon, but morning anxiety and nausea is really dibilitating.

Anyone had any success combating the nausea/morning anxiety?

Thanks in advance, all advice welcome

30-05-18, 15:26
I'm the same way you are. I'm on day 9 of Escitalopram. I take it about 9am with a little food. By about 6pm my nerves and nausea seem to settle a little to where I can relax and enjoy a few hours of television. I go to bed feeling ok and then I wake up at 6am every morning feeling God awful. The nausea, the anxious feeling, weakness. It's horrible. I feel so out of control of my body. Itll lighten up a little around noon, but my days are truly awful right now. I struggle when I'm at work and then I also struggle while I'm at home with my 2 year old.

I hear it gets better.

30-05-18, 15:48
If you don't have trouble sleeping, maybe you could try taking it right before bedtime instead, and see if that helps?

I haven't had any nausea on it (yet, it's still really early days for me; day 3), but I do have an increase in anxiety in the mornings. I had that before I started the escitalopram as well though. I've read that the morning anxiety is often the last thing to go.

30-05-18, 15:55
I'm 10 weeks into escitalopram 10mg. I had mainly morning nausea for the first three weeks and then a week's relapse after about 5 weeks.