View Full Version : 8 years and counting of terrible HA. Now, it starts again!

30-05-18, 16:27
Hi all,

I have been a member of this forum for a few years when I was going through one of my first ever HA attacks. I have had many since then, usually twice a year. I've had brain MRIs for tumor scares, ultrasounds x 4, biopsies x 2, countless appointments with specialists, and hundreds of fearful, tearful, sleepness nights. My last scare was a 2 month headache, convinced myself I had a tumor - drove my family nuts once again.

Now, I'm terrified of bowel cancer ... I always think to myself ' this is the one, this is the time I will get cancer ' so I google, and google, and google. Get myself in a mess. I always seem to have all the symptoms of cancer and none of the symptoms of the less lethal things. WHY IS THAT?

I feel sick and it is RUINING my life.

-fed up

30-05-18, 18:31
Being fed up is perhaps step one.

Trying to fix your mind, the source of it all, is the permenant fix. I've tried to do self help things, but I honestly think shelling out for someone who can talk me through my tangled thinking is the only thing that's going to work.

30-05-18, 22:19
so I google, and google, and google. Get myself in a mess. I always seem to have all the symptoms of cancer and none of the symptoms of the less lethal things. WHY IS THAT?

It’s all about your perception. You google already convinced that you have cancer, so you subconsciously seek facts to back it up. Its simple confirmation bias, and why Googling is terrible for anybody with Health Anxiety.