View Full Version : Uneven bra fat area

30-05-18, 21:57
This was the best title i could supply - sorry

My whole right arm is sore and has been for years - I have sh*tty posture and am working on it, and I am a writer.

My right shoulder is 'rolled' forward, probably from right hand dominant mouse use over more than 12 years.

Now, I've noticed a bigger fat patch next to my bra and no - it's not isolated to when I wear a bra. It's noticeable naked in the mirror. My right fat patch (next to armpit and above breast) is noticeably bigger and feels kinda swollen.

Does anyone else who suffered with rsi or an ongoing tendon style injury have this? It drives me nuts and I dont wanna panic and then go to a dr for a routine test, wait 4 months for a crappy nhs referral to a clinic etc.

I also have these tiny, tiny, pinprick red dots all over my body. They have increased over the last year. They don't go away. They are not a rash or itchy. They just are, there. Like little, tiny, micro blood blisters. weird!

any ideas?