View Full Version : Dentist, oh ekk!!!!!

24-07-07, 13:27
Hiya peeps!

I need a bit of a winge today i'm afraid!!

One of the most important things i have to do to get my confindence back is to have my teeth fixed, one of my front ones has broken in two plus i need some other bits and bobs done BUT i have the biggest dental phobia ever.

I made the appointment a few weeks ago but alas TOMORROW is the big day and i have to admit, i have had a few restless nights already just thinking about it. I know it will just be a check-up to begin with and that i'll probably be just fine, but i recon the thought of it is worse than actualy doing it! my stomach is in knots, i'm a bit shakey and have no appitite at all today! I don't want to resort to more medication to get me there so i'm just going to do my best and try to deal with it as best as i can!!!

Thanks for listening and sorry for the moan!! eeeeek!



24-07-07, 13:36
Good Luck Lisa!!!!!!!

I used to be scared of the dentist too, but now I go and just grit my teeth (scuse the pun lol).

I've got to go back soon cos one of my fillings has fallen out!

Take Care

Gordon XX

24-07-07, 13:44
Awwww lisa!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I completely understand how you feel! I am petrified of the dentist!
I had terrible toothache in one of my wisdom teeth last year and was in agony and I got to the stage where I just couldnt take anymore and realised I HAD to go to the dentist!!
So I went to an emergency dentist, was absolutely bricking it!
And the dentist said he could remove the tooth for me cos I had a hole in it and thats what was causing the pain. And I didnt even think about it just said "yes pull the darn tooth out" and once I had injections and was sitting in the reception waiting for them to take effect thats when I felt my most anxious cos I never had a tooth removed before.

But once he called me in, I sat down hands shaking and the dentist and the nurse were very sympathetic as I winced and shook and closed my eyes lol and thats before he started to remove the tooth! :blush:
but it literally took 2mins to remove, didnt hurt AT ALL! and once he said it was over I couldnt stop giggling cos I worked myself up so much thinking I was gonna be in the chair for ages as he tried to tug at my tooth and after all that worry it took 2mins! :blush:

So really hun, if I can do it so can you! and im sure it wont be as bad as you imagine! :)
We always fear the worst but 9/10 the worst never happens :hugs: :hugs:

Also dont be scared to tell dentist your worried, they are used to nervous patients! So dont be embaressed! :hugs: :hugs:
Take care hun and let us know how it goes!
Laura xxxxxxxx:flowers:

24-07-07, 13:45
Thankf gordon Mate!!


24-07-07, 13:50
Awwww Loz thanks hun!

Before my anx was bad again, i was very scared going to the dentist but i went, now i didnt go back to have me treatment finished and i'm just scared i'm gonna have an attack when i am there!!

awwwwwww well, we'll see

thanks again xxxx

24-07-07, 14:10
:hugs: :hugs: aww lisa hun i understand,listen tho.i had a tooth out last week omg i was terrified ..i hate dentist also.....i will admit i did have panic at the time but all said and done lisa....it went all well,its the anticapation of it all,so when ya there try and think of things that make ya laugh or what i did was talk talk and talk some more till he shut me up lol they knew i was nervous so he took the talking over, once its done you will feel so much better....thats why ya couldnt sleep lastnight awww my friend its gonna be ok i promise...i wish you well and for it all to go smoothly for ya.............love ya......Linda xxxx:flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

24-07-07, 14:48
Thanks me Linda!

Gonna try my best! your prob see me on here quite late tonight again coz i'll have the screaming ab dabs by then!

Thanks for the support mate!!
love you


24-07-07, 15:11
Hiya Lisa,

When I went to the dentist yesterday I sat in the dental chair with my sunglasses on:shades: which made me feel safe and also the dental nurse said to me next time I go to take my mp3 player with me if it helps me to stop feeling anxious listening to music.

Just a few ideas for you

Good luck you can do it


Trac xxx

24-07-07, 15:25
When I went in January I said to the dentist I get abit anxious so if I raise my hand will she stop what she's doing. I found her so understanding and agreeable that pretty well all my anxiety went.

Also like I was saying to Trac last night, for me I quite like laying in the chair, cos laying down is my favourite way to be if I am panicking and if for some reason I faint (which I have actually never done in my life anyway) then I am not going to fall anywhere am I.:yesyes:

Take your bottle of water with you and realise that actually to be scared at the dentist is a very normal reaction and it's what 90% of the people in the waiting room will be feeling too, so don't see this one as part of your anxiety issues, this one is just a part of everyday life.

You said a really true thing in your post about the feeling anxious before you go being worse than the actual treatment - this is spot on for me too. Every single time I have gone the build up has been far worse than the actual treatment - so duh I'm begining to remember this fact now!! :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

24-07-07, 15:45
Thanks very much Trac, i love the sun glasses idea! i may just try that!


Thanks alot piggy, i like when you said this was not one of my anxiety issues and that most peeps in waiting room will be the same! that makes me feel a bit better!!


thanks all of you, i really appreciate it xxxxx

25-07-07, 09:29
oh bless goodluck beautiful blondy rude type one
love you ade xx

25-07-07, 12:30
Hi Lisa was just like you, just thinking about making an appointment would make me real ill. Weeks before an appointment I would eake at night thinking and being scared, Bad shaking what even others can see it was horrible. Then after the treatment I would think wow that was nothing and realy think I am not going to be scared next time, then a few weeks later back to square one. It realy isnt a big deal so wonder why we are so so scared. Take care and you will be fine. Vernon

26-07-07, 03:03
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
AWSOME JOB LISA HUN.....I KNEW YA COULD DO IT :hugs: :hugs: ITS THAT DAMN ANTICAPATION:lac: BUT YOU DID IT AND WITH OUT NO PROBS:D :D :D SO NOW YA CAN SLEEP:cloud9: :cloud9: ........GOOD JOB MY FRIEND:flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: LOVE YA.......LINDA:flowers: :flowers: