View Full Version : Yellow Stool and Pancreatic/Liver Cancer Fear

31-05-18, 17:02
Hello everyone,

It has been a while since posting on the forum. I have been doing much better! Sessions with a psychiatrist has made my health anxiety at an all time low. Recently though, it has come back up...

It started one week ago when I noticed that I had a yellow stool. Not over concerning, I have had it before and was normal the next day. BUT, this time it has been consistently going on for the past week. There was one day where I did not go and I took some fiber because I felt like I was a little backed up and when I did go it was a normal color. Every time I have gone though (besides that one time), it seems like it is yellow as well as when I wipe it is yellowish. No diarrhea besides one time after eating a Mcdonalds burger. Diet has been somewhat normal, I eat out too often though. When I am looking at the stool, it also seems like I am passing things too quickly (12 hours it seems). I have had this issue before years ago where I was passing things too quickly, having yellow stool with mucus, and having diarrhea. I had blood tests, barium swallow, endoscopy, stomach emptying test, and scan on my gallbladder. All came back normal besides a small hiatal hernia and a small polyp in my gallbladder which the doctor said was too small to worry about.

Obviously at the moment... I am really terrified of something terrible being wrong. My biggest is pancreatic cancer. I've done a lot of googling on this subject and seen most medical websites say it is bad, but then some websites where people have the same symptoms and it seems to only be IBS.

01-06-18, 17:58
Don't know if this is allowed or not, but I am going to bump my own thread. I'd love to get some feedback on some possibilities here.

01-06-18, 18:44
Sounds like a repeat of the past. If it doesn't resolve, check with your doctor.

Positive thoughts

01-06-18, 19:10
All I can say is I FREQUENTLY worry about yellow poo. So we are in the same boat I guess....

04-06-18, 09:40
Yellow stool, usually thin is a sign that you are very anxious. It's another one of those cruel anxiety symptoms like frequent urination that relate to every day physical necessary natural functions. The body is stressed, and spends time tensing muscles and other fight or flight processes, when it should be digesting your food. I had the same thing happen to me.

But I am not a doctor, these are just my thoughts, anything worrying should be checked by your GP/PCP.

04-06-18, 09:46
Obviously at the moment... I am really terrified of something terrible being wrong. My biggest is pancreatic cancer. I've done a lot of googling on this subject and seen most medical websites say it is bad, but then some websites where people have the same symptoms and it seems to only be IBS.

Been down that rabbit hole myself and it is very very frightening once you google. You should not google these things, but it is easier said than done and I am most certainly guilty of doing that myself. But....yellow stool you said. From what I have understand, stools in pancreatic cancer is pale. And floating. Is your stool floating no? Loose yellow stool is a common diarreah symptom. But I am not a stool exppert and I certainly dont want to be:emot-puke:

04-06-18, 18:25
Hi there! Long time lurker, first time commenter. I just got over this very same fear myself a few weeks ago, with the very same symptom. Yellow, oily stool (ew, way TMI). I'd had what I thought were gallbladder pains but my ultrasound was clear so of course I googled and worked myself into an absolute state about pancreatic cancer. I have IBS, and it absolutely comes on when I'm anxious, which I have been. I gave it some time and the stool returned to normal. It sounds very much to me like it is being brought on by anxiety.

06-06-18, 18:58
Thank you for all the replies. After some manipulation in my diet, I found that after I eliminated some high probiotic greek yogurt that my stools have returned to somewhat normal. I guess all those good bacteria were really pushing everything through my system quickly. I had two normal ones (brown sausage like) two days in a row and then two not so normal (kind of greasy and lighter than normal) two days in a row. Who knows though :shrug: ? I have had tummy issues for years now and I guess I am just destined to not be normal.