View Full Version : Pregnancy worries

24-07-07, 19:00
Please help me anyone if they can offer advice....

In March I suffered a miscarriage which resulted in me having a d and c operation.
4 months later we decided to try again and I had a bleed near enough in the middle of the month after it had been conceived. As I had a positive pregnancy result I thought it could have been a very early miscarriage which I think they call chemical miscarriage.

After a scan last week - they found a mass on my right overy which they arent sure yet could either symbalise hemorrhagic corpus letum cyst or an ectopic pregnancy! Im scared of both to be honest, but I had a hormone test yesterday which revealed my levels at 23 so Ive got to take another test on Thursday to see what the levels are doing.

Im incredibly anxious and feel like a ticking time bomb! I have pain on my right side - but Im not sure whether thats bowel pain as I do feel gasey!!

Has anyone else experienced something similar ??

24-07-07, 20:05
I am not sure if I am on the right track here but I had bleeding with both of my pregnancies, for three months! I followed through with healthy pregnancies. I believe ectopic pain is severe and if they thought it was that, they generally get you in right away.
I don't know about the levels, but it sounds to me as though they are testing for pregnancy levels.
Mild Pain in early pregnancy is normal. your ligaments loosen and all the bits of your body that have previously been held up by the corset effect of them, are hanging loose so to speak! Your body prepares itself from very early days for pregnancy.
It sounds to me like you might have something on your ovary and a pregnancy? Many things like this are horemone related and pregnancy can actually shrink them?
If I have missed the point entirely here I apologise, but I get the feeling you are asking,'could I still be pregnant?' IMHO, I think you could but I don't want to get your hopes up.
If you want, do what I did, and keep on taking pregnancy tests! I did 8 with my first!
Please let us know how you go.

25-07-07, 12:58
hi, I had an ectopic pregnancy last year. it didn't hurt overly but I had been having bleeding for around 2 weeks which was lighter than my normal period, but went on for much longer. i'd had chlamydia which led to PID before which had been treated, and they think thats the most likely cause. I think its fairly rare to have an ectopic without without having had PID. I had no idea i was having an ectopic because i'd had a coil fitted.
My advice is do another test asap and if it continues to hurt or you feel sick go to A & E. If caught early an ectopic can be removed without losing a tube. its better to be safe than sorry.. unfortunately i was too late and lost my right tube. i now bulk buy pregnancy tests to make sure it doesn't happen again!

I hope its all ok - let us know.

Jess xxx

25-07-07, 13:00
i hope my post isn't too alarming! the vast majority of the time it can be very easily treated.

Jo Jo
25-07-07, 13:10
Hi Joney

You poor thing, sounds like your going through the mill at the moment.

Your hormone levels will rise even with an eptopic pregnancy, I am sure that they would have had you in quite quickly if they thought that it was eptopic. I do not know about the cyst but I am sure that the hospital will look after you.

Try not to worry, I know it is hard not to but I'm sure you will be fine.

Jo Jo:bighug: