View Full Version : Anyone else get white spots on forearms?

31-05-18, 18:34
When I leave my arms down, I get white spots on them. Not raised, just flat. Certain sections of the skin turn white. When I raise my arms, they go away. I believe they are called Bier Spots. From what I've read, they can accompany other issues but are generally considered benign. I have convinced myself that my circulation is messed up. I am trying to get pregnant, and because of this I am just scared to death of having a blood clot during pregnancy. I am sure I am being ridiculous, but it doesn't help that I don't know anyone else that gets these spots. Do any of you get these spots on your arms?

Not me, but here is a picture of Bier spots:

This is my first post, but I've been reading for awhile. This forum has definitely helped me.

11-06-18, 21:47

5 years now
12-06-18, 02:29
I have bursitis in my shoulder and i get the exact same spots as you all the time.
If i am having a lot of stress i get them as well. I think I tense up my shoulders and neck and that somehow reduces circulation. I wouldnt be too concerned. Ive gotten these spots for over 15 years. They look exactly like yours. Try relaxing your neck and shoulders and you will see them disappear. Stretching also can help.

23-06-18, 10:10
I have the exact same thing (down to the red dots inside some of them - i.e. inflamed hair follicles). Went to a doctor about this recently. Apparently it's caused by a fungus in your scalp that migrates to your arms. Doc said anti fungal shampoo can help but if not it's 100% not an issue.

23-06-18, 15:05
I've got a few of those spots, never really thought much about them. Just thought it was one of those things. :)

06-07-18, 18:34
Thanks for the replies. I forgot to answer back earlier. I am glad to see others have these spots and pay no attention to them. I did have an appointment booked for a doctor to check them out, and she guessed sun spots which seemed wrong to me (since they come and go due to circulation). She said they should disappear in winter (they don't), so this didn't help me feel any better. I think I will just try to ignore them and hope they eventually go away. Thanks again.

09-07-18, 16:46
I have these on my legs. Usually after standing on them for a long period.