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View Full Version : I know I'm over thinking but of course I still am scared

01-06-18, 05:09
So the past couple months I get this pressure/pain in my left lung or ribs or something, and I'm convinced it's metastasis from the lump in my labia. The cancer I read up on has a very high rate of spreading to the lungs. This is the part that makes me kinda realise I'm being stupid.. I had a chest x ray a few months ago so if they didn't see anything then whilst I had the lump why would there be issues now? I've been a bit gassy lately so may it be that? Or the fact it isn't a constant ache a sign that maybe it's nothing. The problem is it doesn't matter how unlikely it is, there is nothing convincing me otherwise. I'm scared and don't feel like I can tell anyone about it. Talk some sense into me :unsure:

01-06-18, 11:12
You don’t have lung cancer. I know someone who had lung cancer. She was extremely ill. She didn’t find out she had lung cancer because she felt pressure in her chest or had a cough. She found out because she became violently ill and hemorrhaged blood.

01-06-18, 17:55
I'm very sorry for your friend 😔 thank you for your reply

16-08-18, 12:32
Of course I keep noticing it again and am still trying to convince myself it's nothing. Where I live is prone to forest fires every summer so the air fills with smoke for weeks and i don't know if they could cause it to worsen? But the fact I have had it for so long and it feels worse is just eating at me and I know better not to delve into the internet for diagnoses. I can't tell if this is actually worth a doctor's appointment and feel like crap with this idea in my head that I have metastasis and am not gonna ever have a life since I'm so young. Am I super being irrational or is this worth a doctor's trip?

16-08-18, 15:30
Lung cancer grows quite slowly. I have two lung nodules they watch, and they check them once a year. If they grew, they will remove them. So, if the specialist who check them once a year for cancerous growth aren't worried, I don't worry.

And until they are very large, you get no symptoms. If you had a clean chest xray a few months ago, it is literally impossible for you to have lung cancer. Impossible.

17-08-18, 05:34
Thank you! That does give me some reassurance. I have trouble trusting doctors because I've had them not mention things about my body before probably not to worry me, but it makes me feel less trusting that they keep information about my health from me.