View Full Version : Scared I may have lymphoma 😩

01-06-18, 13:41
So 3 years ago I discovered a small lump just above my collar bone, I had an ultrasound scan done 3 years ago and 2 years ago on the same lump, still there now I don’t think it’s any bigger nor any smaller.

Just after Christmas I had the copper coil fitted and 4 days after I was really itchy all over my body, this continued on and off so I went to see the doctor 5 weeks ago and she said I may have an allergy to the copper so I had it removed. (I have an allergy to nickel)
Hasn’t made any difference as the itching still there!

Last weekend was googling and I started reading about lymphoma. I wish I didn’t! Apart from unexplained weight loss and night sweats I had every symptom! So Tuesday I go see the doctor who suggested a blood test which I had done yesterday. I went to see the doctor again this morning for a routine smear test and she gave me a check over to feel for lumps, checked my tummy said all felt normal then she said she will check to see if my blood results were back. So, they were all normal about from an ! on my liver. I think she said 6 tests in all were done regarding my liver but the Serum bilirubin level was showing as high and in the red (it was 32) think normal is 22 or below. So now I’m totally freaking out as I know when you have lymphoma your liver can start to pack in and not work as it should, and what with the itching too so now I’m worried sick. She suggested another blood test in 6 weeks time and if it then comes back high she will arrange for an ultrasound.

Anyone had similar??

Can’t believe it’s been half term this week and all I’ve done is worry constantly 😢

01-06-18, 13:58
So 3 years ago I discovered a small lump just above my collar bone, I had an ultrasound scan done 3 years ago and 2 years ago on the same lump, still there now I don’t think it’s any bigger nor any smaller.

Just after Christmas I had the copper coil fitted and 4 days after I was really itchy all over my body, this continued on and off so I went to see the doctor 5 weeks ago and she said I may have an allergy to the copper so I had it removed. (I have an allergy to nickel)

Hasn’t made any difference as the itching still there!

Last weekend was googling and I started reading about lymphoma. I wish I didn’t! Apart from unexplained weight loss and night sweats I had every symptom! So Tuesday I go see the doctor who suggested a blood test which I had done yesterday. I went to see the doctor again this morning for a routine smear test and she gave me a check over to feel for lumps, checked my tummy said all felt normal then she said she will check to see if my blood results were back. So, they were all normal about from an ! on my liver. I think she said 6 tests in all were done regarding my liver but the Serum bilirubin level was showing as high and in the red (it was 32) think normal is 22 or below. So now I’m totally freaking out as I know when you have lymphoma your liver can start to pack in and not work as it should, and what with the itching too so now I’m worried sick. She suggested another blood test in 6 weeks time and if it then comes back high she will arrange for an ultrasound.

Anyone had similar??

Can’t believe it’s been half term this week and all I’ve done is worry constantly [emoji22]

If you google anything you will find it...

It is more than likely low iron levels

Try and chill out and don’t over think it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-06-18, 14:01
Hi there, I have heard of people having the copper coil fitted and have had some strange reactions so I wouldn't be surprised if itching was related to that!

I had the same thing as you before with thinking I had lymphoma and got into a real panic after doing too much google research. It's unlikely you have lymphoma as I think the night sweats are a really common symptom of that, and it is funny how the mind can focus on things. I started to feel really itchy all over random points in my body for about 4 days, so I looked it up and came to the same conclusion as you, but I think the more you think about the itching, the itchier you feel! I distracted myself and gradually the itchiness stopped and nothing else happened so I put it down to being one of the many anxiety symptoms we get :(

If the doctor didn't seem too concerned and is letting you wait 6 weeks for the next blood test then you should feel reassured by that, as if they thought it was something dangerous they'd have you in for testing a lot sooner than 6 weeks.

Hope everything goes ok for you :)

01-06-18, 16:43
Thanks so much for your replies.

I know a symptom is feeling breathless and I do feel like this but not sure if I’m doing it to myself due to anxiety.
Aside from Tuesday when I had my bloods taken, I last had my bloods taken just after Christmas and all was fine then. So worried....

01-06-18, 17:50
This is my current fear, too. I have node on the left side of my neck that I had scanned back in January. It was under a cm so the doctor wasn't worried, plus it moves around easily. It's still there, still the same. I'm having it rescanned on the 18th. I'm terrified! I've always been experiencing itching the last 3 nights, starting around 5 pm. It's like little prickles. Has me terrified!

01-06-18, 18:59
It's unlikely you have lymphoma as I think the night sweats are a really common symptom of that, and it is funny how the mind can focus on things.

I've been having these, and have palpable lymph nodes all over the place. Doubt I have lymphoma though.

02-06-18, 14:30
It’s really hard to stop the worry and I wish I could.
I’ve lost 3 1/2lb in 3 weeks (2lb this past week) without trying, in fact when I have eaten this last week it’s not even been healthy if I’m honest.
Is this something to worry about??

02-06-18, 14:34
What I see here is a typical HA spiral and your HA not wanting to let go of a irrational fear you fed with Dr. Google, despite clear test results and medical professional exams.

Positive thoughts

02-06-18, 15:09
Fishmanpa, I actually really hope it is ‘just’ HA.
My bloods were normal but my Serum bilirubin level (just one of the liver tests) was raised and came back abnormal ��

05-06-18, 12:01
So yesterday I had a chest X-ray (as my chest feels a little tight along with a stupid annoying cough) and an abdomen X-ray. I’ve just called my doctors and told the results are back though they’ve not been checked over by a GP as yet but from what she’s reading all sounds normal but she’s going to get a GP to call me back this afternoon to confirm this. Obviously I’ll be absolutely relieved if GP says all fine. It’s extremely scary what anxiety can do to your body ��

05-06-18, 13:30
Sounds like great news!!

05-06-18, 17:03
Thanks Leslie had doctor confirm chest and abdomen X-ray came back as normal :) now to get rid of this ‘anxiety cough’ ��