View Full Version : help worried about pancreatic cancer

01-06-18, 20:07
hi ive been a poster on here a long time have cancer phobia and bad ha i suffer from fibromyalgia with worst pain in my rib cage however i am seriously worried about PC my poos sorry if TMI are lighter brown lately and float a lot of the time this is one of the signs my left rib cage hurts i got tested and was borderline diabetic last year i havent lost weight really or appetite but im scared because of the poos its PC i cant cope please advise :weep::weep::weep:

01-06-18, 20:10
Been a few pancreatic cancer threads lately. Must be a trend :shades:
Based on your history and the fact you've had none of the deadly illnesses you've feared, I'm leaning toward this being just another unwarranted fear.

Positive thoughts

01-06-18, 22:36
I had a light brown one this morning too. Wasn't at all concerned about it until reading your post, and I'm still not concerned about it. :)

02-06-18, 06:28
All brown shades are good. ALL of them.

The colorless state of stool with liver/pancreatic cancer is more like off-white and comes from the blockage of the bile duct which stops the enzyme bilirubin from entering your digestive tract and giving stool it's trademark brown color. When that is a symptom of PC or Liver problems, you would almost always also have jaundice and severe itchiness. By the time you advance to that level, you'd also likely have major weight loss.

Super, super, super unlikely for pancreatic problems to be the cause of this. You already have an explanation for pain in that area with fibro.

02-06-18, 13:18
i spoke to a family friend today whose a mcmillan nurse she said my pain isnt in the right place for pancreas which was reassuring however im still booking in to see my dr on weds thank you Karen for the reassurance aabout colour its thankfully never been white or clay coloured i worry so much about things i will try to keep my composure and wait see what dr says

07-06-18, 17:58
Brown poop is good poop, even light brown. Pancreatic cancer commonly blocks the bile duct near the liver...producing, literally, white stool...the reason for that would be jaundice...you can't have one without the other. Your urine would also look like coca cola or tea.

25-06-18, 16:12
All my blood tests came back fine liver function was spot on still have some strange poos but maybe ibs fibromyalgia is awful however and im actually diagnosed with that rib cage pain appalling as ever try not to get too stressed and see how things go

25-06-18, 16:44
hi ive been a poster on here a long time have cancer phobia and bad ha i suffer from fibromyalgia with worst pain in my rib cage however i am seriously worried about PC my poos sorry if TMI are lighter brown lately and float a lot of the time this is one of the signs my left rib cage hurts i got tested and was borderline diabetic last year i havent lost weight really or appetite but im scared because of the poos its PC i cant cope please advise :weep::weep::weep:

Light brown stools that is not floating is normal. Stools in PC and other pancreatic disorders are white floating stool as if you would be crapping milk.

---------- Post added at 17:44 ---------- Previous post was at 17:43 ----------

Brown poop is good poop, even light brown. Pancreatic cancer commonly blocks the bile duct near the liver...producing, literally, white stool...the reason for that would be jaundice...you can't have one without the other. Your urine would also look like coca cola or tea.

As long as it is brown regardless of nuances in color and as long as it is also not floating the stools are healthy.

12-08-18, 17:02
well posted here a few weeks ago still having floating lighter coloured poop back to Drs tomorrow have lost a bit of weight but appetite seems fairly ok just dont know whats wrong think i need an ultrasound its gone on and off for 8 weeks now scary

13-08-18, 12:50
i posted on here a few weeks ago very scared of pancreatic cancer my bloods were done and were normal liver function all of it came back:unsure::unsure: normal however since then i have continued to have pale floating stools and pain in left and right rib cage went back to see Dr today hes sending me for ultrasound on gallbladder liver and pancreas thinks i could have gallstones im really scared what they will find i have slight appetite reduction and virtually no weight loss at all but what if theres something horrible there on the ultrasound hes ordered bloods for after usound to check all again how do i cope till then

13-08-18, 19:13
Can anybody advise im scared

13-08-18, 19:22
I had worries just like this! I posted about it recently! It turns out I did have gallstones- that I manged to pass before the ultrasound! I'm sure you're going to told you have a issue like gallstones. I know it's hard but you need to trust in the doctor, I've found with all the doctors I've seen they are totally straight with you. Like with what they think it may be!

Just try to keep your mind off it- easier said then done I know! I have issues trying to keep my mind off it myself at the best of times.

13-08-18, 20:18
thank you for your reply i know its personal but did you have pale floaty poos too please

08-09-18, 16:40
Hi. I've been diagnosed with sibo. And lately I've been noticing lighter stools as well as diarrhea. The diarrhea is a symptom of sibo, as well as currently using xifaxan antibiotics. Hopefully it subsides when I'm finished with the antibiotics. I feel your fear though. I google some sibo symptoms and of course PC comes up. I woke up at 2am to pee and my front shins were itchy, so I google itching, and of course the bad stuff came up. It's not severe, or constant itching but still. Hopefully your stool is better by now. Good luck. :)

17-09-18, 17:19
posted on here 4 weeks ago or more about panc cancer terrified mainly cos of floating poop in a bad way with fear . had all bloods liver function and amylase blood done all normal ultrasound of liver pancreas spleen kidneys gall bladder and bile ducts all normal however im still doing floating stools every day and i feel like im itching im scared i saw bowel dr and he said no red flag symptoms its ibs and stress ive had ibs for years why floating now what if they have missed something and it is pc do you think i should ask for more tests pc is a killer but if diagnosed very early better chance im so scared feel like being palmed off a fecal fat test would tell if my poo has fat in please advise i cant settle:unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure::uns ure:

17-09-18, 17:35
You have no red flags for PC. You don't need any more tests. What makes you think you can't trust the drs?

17-09-18, 17:47

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


17-09-18, 18:45
you hear of mess ups all the time pc is very difficult to diagnose and can be missed on usound i feel paranoid the drs put me off cos of HA but what if its PC wasting time is the worst thing in this scenario and still the question why floating poop

17-09-18, 21:18
you hear of mess ups all the time pc is very difficult to diagnose and can be missed on usound i feel paranoid the drs put me off cos of HA but what if its PC wasting time is the worst thing in this scenario and still the question why floating poop

It could be your anxiety. Diarrreah IS a symptom of anxiety; in fact I believe it is among the most common physical symptoms created by anxiety. You know the old expression he was so scared he s*it his own pants?
That expression is no coincidence.
I dont know why it is so but I guess it is because the bowel muscles tightens so much when we are scared that what we digested runs right through out system.

17-09-18, 21:58
This thread started in June. This type of cancer is relentless and in the two months since this started, if there was something sinister going on, you'd be quite ill. Your doctor is practicing CYA medicine. Let us know how you make out.

Positive thoughts

17-09-18, 22:20
what is CYA medicine Fishmanpa im worried because my symptoms are worsening not getting better and i feel as if im being put off oh its her health anxiety again i know i have that but i have symptoms that cannot be explained by HA

17-09-18, 23:08
Cover your a*ss, CYA.

Do you know how fast PC actually works?

17-09-18, 23:44
i have symptoms that cannot be explained by HA

Actually they can be explained. The symptoms you describe can be found HERE (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms). I don't doubt you're having symptoms but I'm leaning more toward the standard inconveniences that anxiety wraps up and delivers to you. Stomach and bowel issues are close to the top of the list. IBS, GERD etc. are all very common issues with anxiety.

So this is what I think is going on and you can confirm with a doctor on this as I'm just playing armchair quarterback. I think this pancreatic cancer fear has you wrapped tighter than a golf ball and it's just making your symptoms worse. Your mind and body are on constant alert for every little niggle. It's got to be exhausting! I know when I was stressed for two months when my wife was ill, I felt like I got hit by a truck and for a good few months afterwards. I had a reason to be stressed, I just don't believe you do :lac:

Positive thoughts

18-09-18, 02:19
To let you know, this is my standard HA worry. It comes and goes, but is my biggest fear. Of course, right now I'm dealing with a bigger "real" priority and tests and whatnot, not to mention that I had a CT in the process of working through this other problem which plainly stated a normal Pancreas, Liver, etc. So I guess my fears about this have been assuaged for awhile. But I understand how scary this particular fear is. Good luck to you in working through it.

18-09-18, 08:22
whilst im sure i do have HA thats not under debate folks it does NOT explain floating poop which has gone from two or 3 times a week to EVERY time just want to know why its worsening could be Sibo could be ibs but could be PC surely this needs fully ruling out first :yes Wilkie 44 i know how fast this progresses but i also know caught early survival chances improve:ohmy::ohmy:

23-09-18, 21:03
still having trouble with this problem my anxiety is through the roof feel weak and not too great seeing dr on 1st october cant cope its got worse since june

09-08-19, 08:31
still having trouble with this problem my anxiety is through the roof feel weak and not too great seeing dr on 1st october cant cope its got worse since june

hi Gracie Ann,
i know this was from last year but I was just wondering how you're doing as I'm having the same worries now. I've had left sided upper rib pain for about 6 weeks and floating poos that leave an oily sheen on the water. Not lost weight but am so so anxious about it. I'm waiting for an ultrasound at the moment but can't get PC out of my head. Was diagnosed with breast cancer in Feb this year, had mastectomy and lymph nodes clear but can't stop worrying.
any advice anyone?

10-08-19, 02:17
I'm going through the same fear......really scared as I seem to be getting diabetes symptoms......
I also have a very strong fear to see doctor again.....God Help us all....