View Full Version : Pain after scratching ???

mary jane
01-06-18, 22:22
Hello again,

I was wondering if anyone can relate at all, I have been suffering with anxiety since I can remember. I also have neuropathic pain which came out of nowhere but luckily Amitriptyline fixes that. It doesn't do much for the anxiety ...

So, every time I scratch an itch on my arms or thighs I get a deep resonating pain deep in the muscles for 1-2 minutes afterwards. I have never had this before. Can this be anxiety related?
It's only my arms and thigh muscles. I'm in my late 20s so not exactly expecting this ...

Thank you for reading :)

03-06-18, 10:58
I'm not 100% sure but I don't think this would be down to anxiety. Maybe go to the doctors and explain the problem? :)