View Full Version : Dent in breast

02-06-18, 01:41
I’m going to keep this as short as possible. I have breastfed and my boobs are saggy and displeasing to the eye. Anyway, I do self checks for moles and breast once a month. Last month I found a mole-came back displastic nevi, I’ve had quite a few of those so I know they increase my risk but I’m okay. This month I got out of the shower and notice my left breast has a little swoop in it. I don’t know if I’d call it a dent so much as an odd valley. It almost looks deflated in that area. If traveling from cleaveage to nipple it’s just before the areola on the flesh skin. No pain. I can see it, my husband cannot. It was not there last month. The thing is, it’s not even time for my self check, I’m still a week out. I’m on cycle right now day four and I’m absolutely nauseated over this finding. Of course I googled to see if it was period related and horror stories showed up, although someone here showed up and it ended up being nothing for her and I cried a huge sigh of relief almost as if I was hearing that for me. I started panicking as I remembered I have back pain in my trapizus muscles that I was credited anxiety for, as well as clavicle muscle pain on the other side of my body that I blamed on the side the fact that I sleep that way. I called my OB/GYN right away and got an appointment for Tuesday morning. I just turned 31 yesterday and have no family history, but I know that means little anymore. I’ve been praying and tapping. I’m freaking out.

I see a counselor, I was doing so well with EFT tapping for health anxiety I just moved from weekly to bi-weekly appointments.

03-06-18, 17:58
Anyone with any help? My anxiety is getting the best of me and now I’m dealing with what I would call stress headaches and blurry vision. Now I’m spiraling and wishing I was in weekly appointments with my counselor-maybe I’m panicking over not seeing her this week. A little dependence and lack of confidence I suppose.

03-06-18, 20:03
*hugs* gosh I soooooooo understand how you feel as I have definitely been there. I went through this back in 2016. My "dent" is on the outside of my right breast. It's a vertical line that dents in when I raise my arm. I noticed it in January 2016. I completely paniacked and ran to see my gynecologist. She concluded it was stretched skin from having kids etc. I was also 31 at the time. She sent me for a mammogram and ultrasound anyway. It was completely clear. I was still scared so I saw a surgeon, 3 times and begged him to let me have a breast MRI. I had that done and it came back totally clear. The Dr said it's just stretched skin/lazy ligaments from having kids.

I hope that helps!!! Praying your appointment goes well!

03-06-18, 20:11
Please do not make a habit of deleting previous threads. It puts people off responding to your more recent posts

04-06-18, 15:11
Thank you Elen. I thought clearing what wasn’t replied to would keep clutter off the message board. I will leave them. Thank you!

---------- Post added at 10:11 ---------- Previous post was at 10:07 ----------

*hugs* gosh I soooooooo understand how you feel as I have definitely been there. I went through this back in 2016. My "dent" is on the outside of my right breast. It's a vertical line that dents in when I raise my arm. I noticed it in January 2016. I completely paniacked and ran to see my gynecologist. She concluded it was stretched skin from having kids etc. I was also 31 at the time. She sent me for a mammogram and ultrasound anyway. It was completely clear. I was still scared so I saw a surgeon, 3 times and begged him to let me have a breast MRI. I had that done and it came back totally clear. The Dr said it's just stretched skin/lazy ligaments from having kids.

I hope that helps!!! Praying your appointment goes well!

Yes! It was your post that came up in my google search. Someone recommended to search things on google adding “anxiety” after what we feared and your post came up. I felt very calm given the same age and everything. I thought it was strange when I noticed the dent/slope very randomly while on cycle, my husband doesn’t, so I’m not sure what the doctor will say. My husband suggested maybe it’s my angle looking down. I’m just concerned that she won’t feel anything and dismiss something that needed looking at, I’m trying to remember she I the professional and I keep using my eft tapping skills to believe and trust her. If you pray, I’d love some additional prayers!

04-06-18, 20:39
Thank you Elen. I thought clearing what wasn’t replied to would keep clutter off the message board. I will leave them. Thank you!

---------- Post added at 10:11 ---------- Previous post was at 10:07 ----------

Yes! It was your post that came up in my google search. Someone recommended to search things on google adding “anxiety” after what we feared and your post came up. I felt very calm given the same age and everything. I thought it was strange when I noticed the dent/slope very randomly while on cycle, my husband doesn’t, so I’m not sure what the doctor will say. My husband suggested maybe it’s my angle looking down. I’m just concerned that she won’t feel anything and dismiss something that needed looking at, I’m trying to remember she I the professional and I keep using my eft tapping skills to believe and trust her. If you pray, I’d love some additional prayers!

I'm glad my posts helped calm your fears. I always love it when I find someone in the same situation that come back and update and its good. Really helps! I will be praying for you, I'm sure everything is just fine. Keep me posted. Feel free to PM me if you need to talk. :hugs:

06-06-18, 14:35
Just wanted to update. I saw the doctor yesterday. While she noticed the tiniest variation in roundness of my left breast she struggled to see that much. She did a thorough exam on both breast. Sitting, laying, and with arms up and down in both positions. She looked prior to me telling her so that she could truly see if she noticed it. She also explained how dents or slopes happen in the breast. They form from a mass pulling the tissue towards the mass in the breast. She asked when my last cycle was and being 8 days ago she explained that this was the perfect time to check breasts for abnormalities because they are less full from hormones due to cycle changes. She was adamant that she felt nothing out of he ordinary and didn’t feel even the slightest cyst in my breast. She understood that it was worrying me and asked me to keep an eye on it, but asked me to please breathe a sigh of relief because it’s truly nothing. That being said, she asked me to keep an eye on it through my next cycle and if anything changes or I still feel concerned she will order and ultrasound.
Background info: I have no family history. I am overweight. I have used infertility drugs. I have PCOS. I breastfed.
I hope this helps someone. If I end up getting the ultrasound I’ll come back and update.

06-06-18, 15:15
Glad you got a good report! Yay! How do you feel? So it's just your normal. 😁

06-06-18, 20:35
I feel good about it...I’m going to watch it though. She’s right-I shouldn’t have checked while on cycle as everything gets thrown off then. I think I worked myself up heavily though and I’m having to wait for the physical anxiety symptoms of headache and tingling with blurry/strained vision to subside. I did treat myself to a chiropractor adjustment to work out the tense muscles so I’m hoping that accelerates the calm down process!

22-06-18, 01:30
Well the calmness didn’t last long, as it doesn’t for many of us with HA. I called my doctor back about a week ago and told her the swoop is still there at times, it’s not always there in any specific position. My nipple started looking like it was becoming turned out to the outside so she ordered a mammogram and ultrasound if needed for next Wednesday. I’m beside myself. I saw my counselor last week, and while I’m supposed to be bi-weekly, I went again this week to help calm myself down. I can’t stop googling. Sometimes I find uplifting info and sometimes I find info that makes me want to throw up. I truly think I’m going to pass out upon entering the breast center next Wednesday. My breast feels like it’s burning inside now, although I usually get non-cyclical pain during the month. Tonight in the shower I swore I felt a lump in a different area (upper breast chest wall area) but the same side of the left breast as the swoop. My ARNP who checked on the 5th didn’t feel anything and she checked sitting down, arms up, arms down, laying down, multiple times. She felt nothing and that was 8 days after my cycle started so it was “prime time to check.” Today I’m seven days out from starting.
I’m laying in bed currently with tears streaming down my face praying this is somehow just related to an elbow I may have take to the chest from my two year old who does do that frequently when I’m holding him on the couch (when he adjusts he seems to always find my breast to elbow.)

22-06-18, 16:28
I think Leslie and I could write the book on boob health anxiety! :wacko:

I'm 36 and have breastfed 2 babies for 3 years apiece so my boobs are all kinds of weird now. When I raise my arms both my nipples sag and make lines under them like dents. They are so stretched out it's ridiculous. I also get faint lines under my boobs on one or both sides. It's all just stretched out skin from pregnancy and breastfeeding.

I've had about 6 ultrasounds between the 2 breasts and a mammogram in Feb this year. Does that quell my HA? Sometimes. But I can freak myself out about any little thing I find and then all bets are off and I'm running to the docs again.

Fear about BC is real, made a lot worse by constant media attention and the thought that no one seems "immune" from it. We all know someone who's had it. Two friends of mine got diagnosed within the past 2 years, both who were long-time breastfeeding advocates and breast milk donors. That scared the crap out of me because I thought breastfeeding really reduced your chances. Now I never feel safe.

No one should go through life thinking their boobs are ticking time bombs. I'm working on my HA, but the truth is even my friend who is now Stage 4 is a lot braver than I am. She's living each day the best she can and sometimes I'm barely alive and sitting in a corner frozen with worry. Sometimes I wonder who really has a "cancer."

27-06-18, 23:01
I had my mammogram and ultrasound today. Terrified and crying I plowed through. My mammogram was all clear and they commented on the fact that I had fatty breast tissue so a mammogram would be very clear for my type of breast tissue. I had the ultrasound due to a lump I found last Thursday so they could get a closer look. Again clear mammogram but the radiologist felt the breast herself and felt what I was talking about. She did some scanning herself and said all of the tissue around it looked normal and there wasn’t any indication of anything in that area.
I am so thankful to all of you for your help and support through private messages as well. Thank God everything was clear, keep all of you waiting in my prayers.

27-06-18, 23:10
I'm so happy for you :yahoo:

30-06-18, 04:09
Yayyyy so happy for you!! Celebrate!!

02-07-18, 00:00
Great news xx