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View Full Version : UTI and Worried About Complications

02-06-18, 06:54
So last Sunday afternoon I felt a UTI coming on and sure enough by the next morning I could hardly go to the bathroom. I called my doctors office but since it was a holiday here in the US I had to talk with an advice nurse. She forwarded our convo onto a doctor and I was prescribed Macrobid. I’ve taken 9 pills each pill being 100mg over the span of four days. Today I called in because the urgency is still very bad and the RN for my regular doc who is on vacation asked me to come in and give a urin sample just to see if it’s clearing up or I need a new med. she assured me the results would be back before she left tonight but they weren’t in until 6:30 when the office had closed. I got my results through email and it looks like my pee isn’t normal and there is still an infection. I’m freaking out because I hate antibiotics and the one I’ve been on all week has made me feel like garbage and I’m worried I’ll have to go on another and be miserable for another week. Then I have the fears of sepsis or what if it never goes away or I feel like this for an extended period of time? Just need some clarity