View Full Version : Helloha

All Time Low
25-07-07, 02:15
I'm Andy. 21. Live in good old Northern Ireland.
Just graduated from uni with a degree in English and History
Should be just starting out on life's adventure now but it basically feels like i have no future due to this anxiety and panic i've been suffering for the last 3-4 months

Just saying hi !

25-07-07, 02:23

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

take care

Trac xxx

25-07-07, 03:34
Hi Andy, i would just like to echo what Trac has just said and to welcome you to the forum, i'm sure it must be scary for you just leaving Uni and to face the unpredictability of what life has in store for you, i remember how it was for me. I'm sure things will be OK :)

You take care now.

Fall Out Boy
25-07-07, 08:43
Welcome to the forum Andy!! :yesyes:

25-07-07, 11:37
Hi Andy,

A big warm welcome to you. I too am from Northern Ireland. xxx

25-07-07, 12:37
helllo andy,
welcome im sure you will find lots of info and support here.wish ya the best......Linda

25-07-07, 18:04
Hi Andy,

Welcome to the site. You will find many here who feel exactly like you do and will get support.

Laura :)

25-07-07, 18:45
Hi Andy

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make some new friends:smile: .


25-07-07, 19:28
Hi Andy

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

With our help and support we can get you back on track again.

25-07-07, 21:18
Hello patd:welcome:to you!

You'll find plenty of help and support here - so don't give up on the adventure just yet lol!

Pleased to meet you!


25-07-07, 21:23
:welcome: Andy,

Great to see you here. You will get loads of support from people in the same situation as you hun. Hope you find it a help. :yesyes:


Pink Princess
27-07-07, 19:40
hey welcome to the site, hope you get good support here and make friends along the way xxxx

take kare xxxx