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View Full Version : HA back, Worried about stomach pain

02-06-18, 17:07

I haven’t posted for a while as been doing a lot better with my HA after a holiday away where I completely de stressed and stops focusing on all my fears.

Gradually though since returning 6 weeks ago, I seem to be coming across more and more people who have cancer and this has knocked me back a lot!

Then two weeks ago, I woke with horrendous stomach pains and had really bad diarrhoea.

Sore stomach for a few days then back to normal.

Then about a week ago I had the same issue. Really bad cramps too.

Then over the last 7 days I have become really preoccupied with my stomach pain. It’s there all the time now as a lingering bloated and full feeling. I get pain referring everywhere in my belly and back. The whole of my belly is so tender to touch. Keep getting waves of nausea too. Weirdly it completely settles at night. Then comes back as soon as I get up.

I’m really burpy which relieves the sick feeling. My stomach feels so full and I’ve got no appetite. Seems to be slowly getting worse.

Of course my HA is making me worry about pancreatic cancer, colon cancer etc....

Anyone had anything similar. My head is telling me it’s probablu IBS brought on by anxiety??

Anyone help?!

02-06-18, 17:35
Sounds like IBS but it is always good to get checked out to be sure.

02-06-18, 17:43
Thanks and for your reply.
It’s really got me worried.
Maybe I should get an appointment next week.
Hope i just wake up tomorrow and it’s all gone.
There seems to be lots of posts with similar symptoms to mine. Which is reassuring.

02-06-18, 19:52
My anxiety sets my stomach off all the time, I get terrible pains and diarrhoea with it sometimes. My advice would be to go to the doctor and get checked over as you will only worry until you do.

08-06-18, 19:09
Hi, so gradually since my last post, the symptoms have changed! Typical! Now I just have a constant pain in my lower left abdomen! Not agonising but definitely there. And had another round of diarrhoea.

Finally got round to seeing GP today. He wasn’t concerned. Had a feel and said everything felt normal.

He thinks I could have a bacterial issue going on so took a stool sample and some bloods and will see him again next week. If all comes back negative, he thinks prob IBS

Feeling a little bit less like it’s some awful cancer now!

Anyone had similar issues?

08-06-18, 20:44
I have been having stomach problems too and high anxiety .I'm a 24 year old male. Past 2 years I've had stomach issues on and off with with pain and digestion problems. 2 weeks ago I started to realize that when I ate it felt like it wasn't digesting. This past week I have a very small stinging pain on and off in my stomach. I also have zero appetite and could go days without eating but I have been force feeding. I have been regular with bathroom so far and I have no other symptoms like fatigue, night sweats, fever, or blood in stool.

I'm just having no appetite and stinging pains in my stomach. I've tried everything like tums, pepcids, baking soda, eating a bland diet and drinking ginger/mint tea with honey. It hasn't gotten any better and I'm very concerned that it's cancer or something worse. I haven't had any appetite or hunger growls in 2 weeks now.

Also I have an MRI on my mid back where my stomach is and would the MRI pick up on tumors in my organs?

08-06-18, 21:58
Yes I believe an MRI would pick these up.

But of course, I’m sure you don’t have any.

08-06-18, 22:20
Sounds just like me. I would confidently assert that all these symptoms are anxiety induced. I know it doesn't seem possible as they feel so awful but they most likely are. I find knowing why helps calm my anxiety down. Rest assured, there's nothing seriously wrong, IRS the damned anxiety!

09-06-18, 10:37
Thanks for your reply. I see you’re in healthcare also. Me too. I think it makes my HA worse as I see so many poorly people