View Full Version : Doing CBT online

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25-07-07, 04:17
My doctor gave me the link to a website (livinglifetothefull) with an online CBT course which she advised me to work through.

Has anyone done CBT without the help of an expert before? I'm not entirely sure what i should be doing as the modules only last around 40 minutes each and i could be finished them all inside a day.

25-07-07, 08:25
I've used this in the past. I think the idea is to do the modules one by one and then take some time to think about it in between.

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25-07-07, 14:44
did you find it helpful yourself?
i'm very sceptical but will give anything a try

25-07-07, 17:23
I do a module a week and it is aiming to help you to work through what sets you off and to reason wth yourself that you have nothing to be scared of - I am up to week 6 and still panic a lot but understand the logic behind trying to work through your anxious thoughts. I had proper CBT through my GP which didnt do a thing!!! Good luck - wenjoy xx

25-07-07, 20:21
It is preferable to do CBT with an expert and not alone with an on-line course but you could always give it a go.

I guess the reasoning behind this is lack of feedback from a computer and no reassurance and a "pat on the back" where necessary.

Let us know how it goes though.

25-07-07, 21:50
Unfortunately the waiting list for CBT is 1-2 years on the NHS so online is the only choice for many. I found it helpful but only as an appendage to therapy I've been paying through the nose for.

25-07-07, 21:51
Why not try the No panic recovery course in the meantime?

25-07-07, 22:22
CBT was a lifesaver for me!!!!

Luv Kaz x

25-07-07, 22:48
I'm doing CBT with a therapist but I had to pay privately in the end and it isn't cheap.

I did start the online course at one point but found it rather reptitious and I think I need the assistance of one to one sessions with a registered therapist.

Perhaps try the No Panic one as Nic suggested in the meantime.


27-07-07, 10:09
Nic - what is the No More Panic course?? Please tell me ! Wenjoy xx

27-07-07, 10:10
Nic - what is the No More Panic course? Please tell . Wenjoyx