View Full Version : Balance issue from being tired?

03-06-18, 01:52
Two days ago anxiety was keeping me up, I got very overtired, eyes were messing with me, and I started noticing weird skin sensations..i slept about 6 hours that night but still woke up very tired feeling. Last night some of my friends were keeping me awake playing a game and I could feel my balance getting bad when I was playing it, and it was freaking me out. Felt so weird, I slept about 5.5 hours last night but I woke up 3 times in that. I woke up today feeling so tired, but all day long my balance has felt really bad, its like im tired but im not sleepy. Does anyone else experience this after anxiety? I feel really shaky too, I just had to go to the grocery store and I felt so weird trying to walk it was freaking me out, and I've been panicking very easily all day cause it just feels like my eyes/balance are off. I know tiredness can do it but its really bothering me. I cant go to bed for..really a few more hours too even if I wanted to yet, but does it happen to anyone else.

03-06-18, 02:20

Balance disruption is one of the main ways I experience sleep deprivation.

Also, same with jetlag - always feel woozy (like the sidewalk is very gently rocking when I'm walking along it).

03-06-18, 02:39
I started on CBD oil too and that seems to make me more sleepy. I used to be able to function well even 2-3 years ago on less sleep, but not anymore I guess. Its worse when I get panic before sleep like I have the last two nights. Thats how I felt, but just completely on edge of panic attack. Like just coughing and something in my throat a few minutes ago set me off.

My eyes are really off focus too and too sensitive to movement and stuff too.

03-06-18, 12:49
Hello. I'm a chronic insomniac and my eyes/balance often feel off. I experience it most days at some point and sometimes for most of the day depending on how much I've slept (I'm THAT tired today and you can probably tell cause I just re-read that and I don't think it makes sense! ho hum). Seems to be as much about quality of sleep as quantity. Nights where I've slept longer overall but have woken a lot it might be worse the next day for symptoms. Nights where I've maybe had 3 hours in a block but then been awake for a block of time symptoms might actually be better. After a really bad night I find that sticking sunglasses on helps with the severity of the sensations. Might be worth a go. I'm still thinking about getting some non-prescription glasses with those lenses that get darker in sunlight.