View Full Version : Skin cancer??

03-06-18, 06:13
Trying not to get carried away, I've been to the doctor a lot lately for migraines and radiculopathy so my panic has been high, recently noticed this spot on my arm near my shoulder that is smal, pink, round and somewhat scaly that has me quite freaked out thanks to Google but I also feel like my doctor is tired of seeing me. I added some attached photos of the spot

03-06-18, 17:55
Hi. Ironically I’ve been dealing with migraines recently. I usually get a few a year, but this year I’ve already had four, most recently Thursday and I feel like the symptoms, minus pain, are lingering so my anxiety is up from them as well. I’ve never been one to worry about my brain, but now I’m starting to become concerned.

That being said. My anxiety is usually blood clots and spots on my body. I understand the constant panic and worry over yet another new spot. Aside from its scaliness I don’t think it looks harmful but I’m not a dermatologist. I have a scaly fleshy tone one closer to my ankle that my dermatologist looked at and said it was a keratosis something or other and it arises from a follicle. Do you go to a dermatologist yearly for a total body exam check? I’ve been moved to every six months for a few precancers, but they look me over and point out any I should watch. I would watch it for growth or changes over the next few weeks. It doesn’t fit the ABCDEs from what you say but if it starts then make an appointment.

03-06-18, 20:36
I appreciate your response, I totally get the clot panic my mother was in the hospital a few months ago for DVT and since then every bruise or muscle cramp I get my mind instantly goes to blood clot, my migraines landed me in the ER thinking I was having a stroke they can be quite concerning after multiple MRIs the decided it was all just migraines, I get whole side of head and face tingling and throbbing, blurry vision, flashes of light and stars in my vision as well as a vein over my temple that I can feel swollen and throbbing but doctors don't seem concerned and they don't always happen with a painful headache they told me that's called a silent migraine, it's hard when no one seems concerned but we worry ourselves that they just aren't looking hard enough.