View Full Version : post menopausal bleeding. PLEASE respnd

03-06-18, 11:36
Hi I have written many posts before as I suffer from HA big time.
18 months ago I had some post menopausal bleeding. I had a scan and a hysteroscopy and D and C and nothing sinister was found.
Fast forward 18 months. I had a dark broen bleed - just the once. I have a repeat ultrasound and everything was Ok. I was told at my last smear - 3months ago that I had a cervical polyp. When the gynaecologist looked she said it wasn't a polyp but a Nabolitian cyst which she tried to remove with ctyotherapy - silver nitrate. She told me to expect a couple of days of a greyish discharge - which I did. last night though - 4 8 hours later I started spotting bright red blood and it is still going today. She told me to contact her if I bled again but does anyone know if this can be ecpexted after silver nitrate? I am so scared.

03-06-18, 12:39
O don't know anything about the procedure, but I'd get in touch with her tomorrow or if you're worried give 111 a call? :)

03-06-18, 13:17
thankyou for your reply. I am really worried and falling into a spiral. has anyone else experienced anything similar?

03-06-18, 17:55
Anyone? please?