View Full Version : A miracle natural medicine for heart palpitations

03-06-18, 14:48
Please try this natural medicine for heart problems. I found this medicine in a book from Maria Treben. One day I woke up feeling I had not too much time to live almost giving up and just waiting for the worst I prayed to my father in heaven asking to give me more time. I did pray so many times for God to heal me but that morning I asked him for more time becouse* my family needs me. I was sitting in my living room and stright in front of me there was a book of natural medicine that I had for years but never put too much atention to it. I looked trough the pages and I found this.

"VINO CORDIAL" a 800 year old medicine (translation from spanish)
** 10 branches of parsley (* washed them do not cut)
** 1 litre of organic wine ( row wine no preservatives)
** 2 table spoons of wine vinager
** 300 grms of organic honey

Boil the parsly and vinager in the wine for 10 minutes in medium heat and cover then add the honey and boil for another 4 minutes be careful with the bubbles. Remove the parsly and place the medicine back to the bottle of wine or sterilised bottle. In the book does not say clearly the amounts of medicine to take , it mensions 3 table spoons when need or a day. But I believe to take when you hearts needs it. I take 3 table spoons when I get the palpitations some times I have to take it twice to stop palpitatios. When I first started I took up to 12 spoons* a day to feel good now I get palpitations from now and then. Then I take* 3 Spoons a day and I feel great.
*Please when you do this medicine pray and have faith in God becouse he is in charge the medicine is just one part.
* I was soo sick that I could not even do normal* tasks at home I felt like 90 year old person who had enough of life.* My heart was going cracy, sometimes it would pump fast, slow or miss a beat, I had headaches, I had trouble to breathe I had pain in my neck sometimes arms I was dizzy, feeling sick, no energy sometimes I was feeling like I was dying!* I* visited my doctor at least 3 times a week! I had so many tests done and they found nothing. I also went few times to the hospital also had many test* done and they found nothing wrong with my heart, so they come to the conclusions* I had palpitations that there was nothing to worry about so they gave up on me. I had not wehere to go so when I was feeling bad I just had to put up with it or wait for the worst.
So friends give it try nothing to lose! God bless you and your medicine don't* forget to pray to the only true God who created the heavens and the earth our Father. Sorry if you found bad grammar is due to my english as is my second language.

03-06-18, 16:23
Hi Chascona What a inspirational story I would hope those with palpitations on here would give it a go in todays modern society a lot of people pump them selves with dangerous and addictive drugs full of chemicals so thank you for sharing your success story and using natural ingredients :) ATB