View Full Version : Worried about partner working away

03-06-18, 18:46
My partner who I live with is going to be working away for 8 nights and I'm panicking about being home alone. This time last year I would never have felt like this, she had worked away a number of times over the years and I've been fine but I've experienced a significant amount of stress recently and I'm dealing with some abandondment issues which is feel is making me really needy! When I get like this I can't even do things I enjoy like watch films or play games as I just can't concentrate on anything but my anxiety.

Does anyone have any tips or words or wisdom on how to deal with this? I feel ridiculous. Ever since the recent events I feel like a completely different person, for the worst!

03-06-18, 20:02

I do not personally have the same experience as you? For me, I get needy in the way of wanting the comfort the presence of someone I trust bring me, but I also do not have a partner, so I cannot know how that is.

Are you working with whatever events may have caused you to feel this stressful? Do you have anyone else you might be able to spend time with/stay with, so you won't be all alone and only think about your anxiety?

I live with a roomie, and when he's gone for some days, I also sometimes feel anxiety nonstop. It is okay to be anxious, but don't be alone.

What is your anxiety about?

- Sarah