View Full Version : Breastfeeding journey may be ending

04-06-18, 00:25
:weep: I am 11 months into breastfeeding my son thankfully I've made it this long before my medical issues kicked up, I have radiculopathy and migraines still trying to find out the cause as well as my anxiety coming back full swing, I've had three different doctors now suggest it might be time to wean my son so I can start trying to get on medications for my pain and anxiety.. I've been on and off crying I just don't feel ready to stop breastfeeding yet but all this pain makes it hard to be the active mother and partner I want to be, I am so lost I feel like I've failed my family either way..

12-07-18, 12:46
Oh that’s so disappointing :weep:
You’ve done such an incredible job breastfeeding for 11 months! It’s not an easy thing, (especially at first) well done!

12-07-18, 13:08
We stopped around 5 months and switched to formula. We were doing a mixture before this. As a dad I found the bottle feeding enjoyable to participate in. Don't feel guilty.

12-07-18, 13:44
You’ve done brilliantly, and I’m sorry you may have to stop.
There’s an excellent website called the breastfeeding network which tells you which drugs are actually safe in breastfeeding. You could try consulting there.

If not, then well done for doing such a fabulous job. Don’t feel guilty, you’ve given your baby a brilliant start, and your health is so important to keep that up.

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