View Full Version : My story...

04-06-18, 02:23

First, sorry for my English

I’m new here. I’ve been suffering of health anxiety for about 10 years. I’m a 35 years old male.

Until 25, I never had this kind anxiety but I was always very nervous. I was stressed about everything. Now it’s not the case anymore exept my health. It started a new job at 25. It was so difficult that I began to have vertigos.

After seeing a doctor, he told me I have labyrinthitis. I was sure I had brain cancer. I saw several doctors in the following year then I did a scan of my head. Nothing of course. I forgot it as the time pass.

Since then, I had so many symptoms and saw so many doctors that I realized it has to stop.

Symptoms I had that I remember in the last years (a lot is missing from the list...) :

Hives for 6 months after breakup. It was stress.

Blood in my stools 2-3 times (I was sure it was cancer, it was hemorrhoids after a colonoscopy)

Extrasystols (I though I had hearth problems, I requested an ECG, perfect heart. It was stress)

Loose for 6 months (requested another colonoscopy, nothing. It stopped the next day after knowning I had nothing)

Redness on the ... penis (Did 2 STD tests, etc. Nothing. Went away after stopping thinking about it)

Kidney stones stuck in kidney (I was sure I had a tumor or lupus). My reaction to it was WAY WAY WAY over the line. It was hell for 6 months. I was going to die for sure !!! I stone stuck in kidney don’t give you pain and you pee blood..

I could continue the list again and again.

My current problem ? Muscle twitching. I had twitching here and there like everyone but never really give attention to it.

A few weeks ago, my left thumb started twiching after contracting the muscle. I’m even able to make it twitch on demand. After 2-3 days, I started to panic. Read on the internet about ALS (yes I know...).

Since then, I’m listening to my body too much, I feel every twitch. It’s all over my body. It’s only 1 or 2 twiches in a row but it can be a foot then arm, etc. All my attention is on this.

Do I need to say it’s way way worst when I think about it and I panic ?

Do I need to say that when I don’t think about it, I don’t have twitch, or at least, I don’t feel them.

I could go see a doctor, again. As I always do. Then do severals tests for weeks and have the same freaking result : you need to calm down, the stress is giving you the symptoms. I need to change this.

I realized I don’t have ALS. I don’t have any other symtoms. I go to the gym and I don’t see anything different (execpt the twiches after doing some lifting).

I suppose the twiching will go away, as my symptoms always do. Because, there is always a new one that makes me forget the last one...

But right now I hate muscle twitching !!! :mad:

Thanks for reading.