View Full Version : hello im new too!

20-12-04, 00:41
Im new too all this and im finding it really hard to deal with my panic attacks,i cant get over my frount door .
any advice or tips would be greatly appriciated.

my name is maxine by the way[?]

20-12-04, 07:39
Hi Maxine

Welcome to the site. You will get lots of advice and support here.

It was nice to see you in chat last night.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

20-12-04, 12:55
Hi Maxine.

Welcome to the site.
Sorry to here that you are finding it really hard
right now.
There are lots of nice people here who
will give you help and support.
Remeber you are not alone and there is always
light at the end of the tunnel it just takes time.
You may not think it right now but you can learn
how to feel better.
You have come to the right place.



All problems have a begining and an end!

20-12-04, 13:42
Hi Maxine,
so sorry to hear you're having trouble getting over the doorstep:( I know the feeling. I'd set myself little challenges to begin with. Hope you get some good advice and I'm sure you will.
take good care,

Blonde Andi xx

20-12-04, 14:10
Hi Maxine

Good to see that you made it onto the message boards :D

As for tips, I don't know if you've had a good look around the site yet, but here is a good start:


And then there's a page on panic attacks:


Have a look at the links, but feel free to post any questions you want.

And again, welcome to the site :D


20-12-04, 18:43
Hi Maxine,

Tell us a bit more about your history of how you got to this stage....what treatment and therapy you've had to date

You can get over all of this and can make rapid improvements.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

20-12-04, 19:27
hi and welcome....stick with the site its realy helpful in all aspects of problems as there is always someone who have been where you are and can offer advice

fan x

20-12-04, 19:54
Hi Maxine

Welcome aboard and I hope we can help you get back out there again.

Let us know if you have any questions.


21-12-04, 20:18
Hi maxine,

I hope we can all help you in some way or another.

I started by taking little steps and i'm on about the second step now, i hope you will get to the second step soon!
